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Question to white women

  • Thread starterblkoralslaveboy
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Nov 7, 2007
why not just marry a black male to begin with? something tells me many of these women could never bring themselves to marry a black male to begin with...but would rather just have fun with them and never see them again..
Some statistics

Interracial marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ "Table FG4. Married Couple Family Groups, by Presence of Own Children/1 In Specific Age Groups, and Age, Earnings, Education, and Race and Hispanic Origin/2 of Both Spouses: 2006". U. S. Census Bureau.

Married Couples in the United States in 2006

Caucasian American Husband

White Wife 50,224,000

Black Wife 117,000

Asian Wife 530,000

Other Wife 489,000

African American Husband

White Wife 286,000

Black Wife 3,965,000

Asian Wife 34,000

Other Wife 45,000

Asian American Husband

White Wife 174,000

Black Wife 6,000

Asian Wife 2,493,000

Other Wife 13,000

Other Husband

White Wife 535,000

Black Wife 23,000

Asian Wife 41,000

Other Wife 558,000


Interracial Data Tables

Statistics on Interracial Relationships

What Are The Strengths of Interracial Families?
This is interesting stuff however you're not answering my specific question. With all due respect i did not ask why there are no interracial marriages. Rather my question is why women, like the ones on here, that are on some level obsessed with black men don't just marry one? A long term, permanent relationship is something that we reserve for someone we truly care for not someone we want to play out a fantasy with for a time being. So, if black men are such gods why not marry one and swing with him if need be? this is my question.... again this is just a discussion which means it should not anger anyone.
Points taken

blkoralslaveboy said:
This is interesting stuff however you're not answering my specific question. With all due respect i did not ask why there are no interracial marriages. Rather my question is why women, like the ones on here, that are on some level obsessed with black men don't just marry one? A long term, permanent relationship is something that we reserve for someone we truly care for not someone we want to play out a fantasy with for a time being. So, if black men are such gods why not marry one and swing with him if need be? this is my question.... again this is just a discussion which means it should not anger anyone.

Well I wasn't attempting to answer your question.

I hear what you're saying, and neither your reply nor the topic you are raising anger me, and I can't see why your message would anger anyone else, unless, as sometimes happens, they are eager to find something at which to take offense, why should it anger anyone, it was fair comment, and I understand what you're asking.

I posted that info to try to provide an unimpeachable basis for the discussion that you're trying to get going, because I've seen similar topics before, and what usually happens is that a few people with extreme views jump in and start shouting about relative numbers of various types of relationships without providing any evidence for what they're saying, somebody else counters with a different set of figures, and then they all try to lay down the law to each other and it all ends up in an argument with insults being thrown around.

I think that statistics are relevant to the subjects you are addressing and are useful in helping to gain a broader view of your topics.

You posed your question to white women, so I hadn't intended to get involved in the discussion, however if you want my views on the specific points that you raised, I will be happy to give them at a later time.

I'm glad you started your topic, I think there could and should be more serious discussion and exchange of views on sites like this, but most people just seem to want to view the pics ad vids, and there's always a resident cadre who are too stupid to understand some of the comments people make or who seem determined to be offended or to deliberately misunderstand what people are saying, then they try to lay down the law and it all ends up in a shower of tetchy bitching. I hope you have more success.

Best wishes, James.
Will & Eve said:
A. Many women do not discover this interest until after they are married

B. Many women are interested in RECREATIONAL sex with black men which has nothing to do one way or the other with having a relationship.

I'll never understand the obsession of some folks to come here and look down on people for "just have(ing) fun with them and never see them again."

With all due respect, what the fuck exactly is wrong with that? for either the male or the female?

i never said there was anything wrong with that. i am just trying to figure out why women that are seemingly obsessed with black men would go and marry a white male. there is nothing wrong with that because freedom is freedom.... but the only good point you have made is that some women discover this after they are married. but there are others that want a white husband but a black lover.....why? i just want to know what they are thinking. :wtf:
The easiest way to put it is the white women go with black men for recreation or the taboo behind it. Mainly curiosity. Many White women, the intelligent ones, know that many black men have fail in 2 areas. One being a good provider and one being a good father. White Women know that they will not get the same subsodies as black women, i.e. welfare, wick programs or other needed help. They also know that they will not recieve child support from those men either. The only ones who do help are the ones with jobs and are financially secure. These are the guys I mess around with not guys who think they are all that and do not have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. That is why white women marry white guys.
Been married and divorced twice here, both white. Never dated Blackmen til my mid 40s. Im done with being married to anyone, Bottom line, SO many Blackmen so little time. I think with a lot of white females in my generation, most of us never dared to when we were younger, now middle age... We finally take that wonderful step of crossing the color line ..... For me its Blackman now, Blackmen tomorrow..BLACKMEN FOREVER
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why? cause in our case we view a black cock as the only thing worth having from them... I'm not one of those sissy husbands I just like to watch my wife use black men for the one thing god blessed them with. There is nothing a black man could offer my wife more than a big cock to enjoy.
mine4amoment said:
why? cause in our case we view a black cock as the only thing worth having from them... I'm not one of those sissy husbands I just like to watch my wife use black men for the one thing god blessed them with. There is nothing a black man could offer my wife more than a big cock to enjoy.

you must be rolling around in the mud then.
blkoralslaveboy said:
why not just marry a black male to begin with? something tells me many of these women could never bring themselves to marry a black male to begin with...but would rather just have fun with them and never see them again..

I think that at our age were just now finding it. the younger kids today are much more open to interacial marriage. I happen to think also that we all take the path of least resistance... so we marry someone we think others will accept as well as that we think we can have a great life.
but why do we then take black lovers.. its great sex, and we like the taboo part...
blkoralslaveboy said:
wow, so then do any white women second this notion??

Definitely not. This is perpetuating the notion that black people are second class citizens.
My boyfriend is a student, intelligent and with ambitions for the future.Also I am not with him as a gift of a my white husband !
Ok one good response so far. no rage, no f---k you's, no blacks are monkeys with good gawsh dicks, just an opinion. not necessarily the reason i particularly think but a reason nonetheless.

julie43mwf said:
I think that at our age were just now finding it. the younger kids today are much more open to interacial marriage. I happen to think also that we all take the path of least resistance... so we marry someone we think others will accept as well as that we think we can have a great life.
but why do we then take black lovers.. its great sex, and we like the taboo part...
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i'm surprised you haven't tried hanging yourself just to see how well you can tie a noose. jeez...

mine4amoment said:
why? cause in our case we view a black cock as the only thing worth having from them... I'm not one of those sissy husbands I just like to watch my wife use black men for the one thing god blessed them with. There is nothing a black man could offer my wife more than a big cock to enjoy.
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mine4amoment said:
why? cause in our case we view a black cock as the only thing worth having from them... I'm not one of those sissy husbands I just like to watch my wife use black men for the one thing god blessed them with. There is nothing a black man could offer my wife more than a big cock to enjoy.

WE aseem to forget that there are a lot of young women who choose a black man over white...... and its not just for his cock.
I read the posts and will post mine.

blkoralslaveboy, When I joined this forum, I was a headstrong, out-of-control, beligerent young dom. (Now, I'm headstrong and beligerent at times. lol) I was fresh from a difficult and heart-wrenching divorce of a white woman that had the same traits you discussed...and desired marriage.

However, the post made by Elizabeth T summed it up, and my first wife decided to dump me for a white guy. (A wealthy lawyer, mind you.) Don't get me wrong - there are SOME white men that are decent, and take good care of their wives. I am referring to certain caucasian men that have money, power, etc., and women that give in to their interracial desires...only to dump them for this type of man - sacrificing a child's well-being, a marriage, even their happiness.

Excuse the bitching.:bitch:

I've talked about this many times...and despite the depressing issue, hope my post sheds some light on the subject. (Consider my post Example #1) I am now married to a wonderful woman who understands your question: She loved sex with a Black man, and with her Christian upbringing...pushed for marriage before completely offering her wares. Being a Dominant, I collared her.
I think it is becuz naughty sex is better and more exciting for everybody. We all heard it the saying 'when its bad its good.' Marriage would ruin it. Marriage ruins a lot of things LOL. I should know.
well, you ended up finding a good woman in the end. i could flip and turn on you by asking why you're on darkcavern while you're married to a good christian woman...lol but i'd be a complete mccarthy dick sucking P.O.S. so i won't ask. besides you made the best post so far so kudos!

BlackDomLdog said:
blkoralslaveboy, When I joined this forum, I was a headstrong, out-of-control, beligerent young dom. (Now, I'm headstrong and beligerent at times. lol) I was fresh from a difficult and heart-wrenching divorce of a white woman that had the same traits you discussed...and desired marriage.

However, the post made by Elizabeth T summed it up, and my first wife decided to dump me for a white guy. (A wealthy lawyer, mind you.) Don't get me wrong - there are SOME white men that are decent, and take good care of their wives. I am referring to certain caucasian men that have money, power, etc., and women that give in to their interracial desires...only to dump them for this type of man - sacrificing a child's well-being, a marriage, even their happiness.

Excuse the bitching.:bitch:

I've talked about this many times...and despite the depressing issue, hope my post sheds some light on the subject. (Consider my post Example #1) I am now married to a wonderful woman who understands your question: She loved sex with a Black man, and with her Christian upbringing...pushed for marriage before completely offering her wares. Being a Dominant, I collared her.
Rhino said:
I think it is becuz naughty sex is better and more exciting for everybody. We all heard it the saying 'when its bad its good.' Marriage would ruin it. Marriage ruins a lot of things LOL. I should know.

true...however, an open marriage might save it too.
janet said:
WE aseem to forget that there are a lot of young women who choose a black man over white...... and its not just for his cock.

thank you janet... at least i feel more human when i read her posts... instead of just a fuckbot like others. given there are times i wouldn't mind being a fucktron and be passed around by a bunch of white wives. but that's the jimmy phoning in from downstairs so...

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