(Renonympho,) Get after it girl and PLEASE let us know. We here have been holding our breath waiting for Pretendings lady to get fucked and find out about it. We are still very hopeful, but are getting quite blue in the face waiting. Please get a good sneaky fuck and tell us about it. Your post is making some cocks very hard and my mouth is also watering.renonympho said:So the idea of this kind of turned me on and my husband and I decided to tell people that we seperated last night. We thought this might help in my search for a man also. So I started today by going to work and telling the office gossiper that we had seperated. There is also a delivery guy that comes to our office everyday that I've been flirting with so i am kinda hoping that the rumor gets to him and see how things go. I will keep you updated on what all happens. I told my lil white lie to the office gossiper as I was clocking out to go home and she still had a couple hours at work. so I know she is not gonna be able to keep quiet about it. I'll keep you all updated on the progress if you are interested.
renonympho said:So day 2 of pretending. The office gossiper only told 1 person which I couldn't believe. Normally she has diarreah of the mouth. But anyway that one guy came has been hitting on me for a while and came up to me today and told me that if I ever needed a place to stay for a few days he had a second bedroom. I said "would it be my room or would you be spending time in the room too?" He said he would be spending alot of time in my room. I think I'm probably gonna tell him that I had to get out of the house for a few days and go stay at his place next week.
As for the delivery guy...We sort of made plans to go out and have a drink on Thursday. That one is probably gonna take a lil time to work into, but hubby is going out of town for a couple days after Thanksgiving and I will have the place all to myself. So it will be on like donkey kong that weekend. I will give you all the juicy details when they happen.
Now there is another guy that I had hooked up with a couple times in the past that I just started chatting with again. He knows that hubby and I are not really splitting up, but it looks like he might be spending the evening with us on Sunday.
The first and third guy know that my husband is into me doing other guys but they are not into him being in the room or participating. So they really are not into the whole cuck/bull thing.
The second guy is under the impression that I am seperated. I would like to see the 2 of us be more than fuck buddies. Eventually I will let him in on the whole thing, but for now I am continuing to pretend and it is working out in my favor as more and more guys start to find out that I am "available".
I'll keep you posted. I would like to hear from you guys to see if you are really interested in what I have to say.
renonympho said:Sorry I haven't written for a bit but been busy with the holiday and all. I'm still pretending although no one really has made mention of any of that. I have been flirting with the delivery guy and gave him Turkey dinner (brought it from home for him to eat on his lunch) on Friday. He was very appreciative. I think I'll be sliding him my # next week.
As far as the other guy at work goes. He recently left his wife and got his own apartment and has been wanting me to come over. Also he heard that I "seperated" and offered me a place to stay if I need it. Now that brings us to our next step...
My husband read about a fantasy on the internet and we have been knocking around the idea of me going to my co-worker's place for a month. Not sure if we are going to do it yet or not but I will keep you apprised.
Sorry I haven't had anything really exciting for you guys but I will soon.
pretending said:Sorry i don't post much, just busy. She is dating, though nothing you would find exciting for the most part.
pretending said:She's been dating a guy for about a month. About once a week. Nothing much has happend sexually. She suggested maybe i should go out too, but when i talked to a girl she got upset. Anyway This weekend we're going to meet up in public. She wants to get my reaction to this guy she is dating.