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Preparing Your White Daughter For Interracial Dating

  • Thread starterLattrell
  • Start date
Is it Cheryl's daughter? Or is it Cheryl?

Yeah. You are right! Cheryl definately has jungle fever! It's safer for her to hold her daughter out as the carrot. She new to this group I'd bet and a little shy.

I guess I do not agree with Rhino about keeping the interracial dating hidden from her father. Chances are he will find out and if you hide it, then he will be hurt and assume the worst. My Dad was not a big fan of my sister dating a black guy in high school but he got over it when she brought him home to meet him just the same as all her other boyfriends. I was the older daughter and he was always giving my boyfriends the "talk". I never dated any black guys in high school so I am not sure how he would have reacted if it had been me but I think about the same as my sister. He was always telling my mother that she needed to talk to us about not getting too serious with any our boyfriends (which is really his way of saying girls, don't become sluts!) and this became a nighly dinner table talk right after sis brought home her first black boyfriend!
When I said nobody had to tell the father anything i was assuming that the mother was really just talking about herself. U know how it is....'oh I got this friend'....we hear that line all the time. If she wants to step out herself she might want to keep that secret...u never know how the husband will react and i dont want to find out the hard way.

Now if its really just the daughter getting some then i dont know. Even he's a racist how much will he really do? He might yell and curse for a while or maybe just throw his daughter out of the house which would just give her an excuse for some good sleepovers.

Of course it would give the mother an excuse to talk about it with him in private and find out if he gets excited over this stuff like so many other fathers out there.

I get the feeling the mother knows how he will take this even if she doesnt say so. I just hope she lets us know either way.

You may be right. Fact is that women talk as much about sex as men but in a very different way. As for being concerned about our daughter's sexual relationships, there is more than being a grandma that concerns us. It is true that mom's get a bit jealous of their daughters and sometimes see their boyfriends in a more sexual fashion than is "proper".
Cheryl's Got Jungle Fever

I have to say Rhino is right on! She is using the old "yeah I gotta friend" line but the carrot is her daughter. If she didn't have jungle fever, she would have come back on a posted a note to all' y'all.

SandyWho said:
...oh, and Rhino, no comments about my new pic? :(

O I like this new pic fine. Who took it? And how about a full body shot next? I am sure u can find someone to take it for u.
OK, you guys, looks like my situation has drawn a little attention while I was away, which is exactly what I was hoping for. But I see that some of you have drawn the wrong impression about what's going on with me and mine. This is not meant to be critical of your opinions. I really appreciate them all, since it's the interchange I'm looking for.

From having perused many of the posts that appear in DC, I can understand where Zep, Rhino and Lattrell are coming from, and why they might assume I'm faking the daughter thing in order to provide a back-door avenue for the exploration of my own emerging fascination with the IR scene. While I have to confess that some of your remarks are very close to the money, others are off-base. Accordingly, I see it's an appropriate time for me to reveal a little more detail and explain the extent of what's happening with me and where it is likely to lead.

First, some background:

I live in a small south Tennessee town that happens to have a low relative population of african-americans. Partly for this reason, none of my family, or any of my friends had ever established any social interaction with black people, so I've never had any real ******** to that scene. Other reasons enter into it as well, the usual ones involving race, which I am not proud to admit, but it's the way things have been for me, until recently. Even while I was attending high school here in the late 1970's, I tended to leave my black classmates mostly alone, and unlike some of my gf's, I never responded to any of the black guys who used to embarrass me by hitting on me. As I reflect back, I can see now what a mistake that was. They were just being guys, interested in hooking up with a white girl, which in those days was a seldom-realized dream. I can also remember how cute I thought some of them were, and most very very nice as well, but it just wasn't done. IR dating was very uncommon in that period, and the stygma that was associated with it was not easily overcome. Besides, I knew my folks would kill me if I got too friendly, even if I had felt the urge to partake.

My wake-up call didn't come until I was 45, at the start of this school year, when my 16-year-old daughter (now a junior) started dating an older 18 year old (black) senior transfer student. It seemed to happen right out of the blue....one day she's seeing her usual white (now-ex) bf's and almost overnight, she gets hooked up with this new, much darker (and ohhh so much cuter) companion. Like most moms, I wasn't aware of this sudden new interest until I was asked to help chaperone one of the school dances, and saw them together, dancing every dance, very close and personal. I was shocked out of my mind to see her with him, and how intimate and comfortable they were with each other, like they had been dating for months. I couldn't help but observe how smooth this guy was, very experienced and confident, with a maturity more like a man than a hs student.

Well, as you might guess, when we got home I confronted our daughter with this new revelation, demanding something of an explanation for keeping her mother in the "dark". Behaving in typical teenage female fashion, she tried to dismiss it as no big deal and nothing for me to get upset about...("just don't tell dad, yet"). Well, she didn't get by with this. I told her that I've got two eyes and being a women, I can see what's going on between you two has the makings of a very big deal, especially given the difference in your ages. She finally admitted that she had been seeing him on the sly ever since he had asked her out the first week after school started. Getting all bubbly, she went on to extoll how cute he was, how nice he treated her, how mature he acted, and all the rest of the gush that any teenage girl with out-of-control hormones (and a dream bf) can feel.

So the little secret was out. They had been going steady for a couple of months then, and it has continued ever since, getting thicker and thicker. She has managed to work up her nerve to have him over to our house a few times to "meet the family", which really thrilled her father. Even though the guy is a charmer, my husband doesn't trust him one bit, and will not act very accommodating around him...very cool and distant, which is very apparent to the rest of us. Every time he leaves after a visit, my husband insists that we need to break this thing up, that it's getting too serious, our daughter is too young for him, and of course that he's black, .....and you know what that means.....that he's only interested in seducing her and God forbid, getting her pregnant. "

"That's all those ni**ers think about, Cheryl, screwing every white girl they can, and seeing how many they can knock up. I've heard it's a challenge for them...their macho image...so I don't trust this guy one bit. You know what he has to be doing with Kathy". And the argument goes on and on and nothing is changing. Our daughter is still seeing him and her father is still irate over it.

Never mind the fact that I think this guy is perfectly wonderful. He's certainly impressive and it didn't take but a few weeks for him to turn me around completely. He's delightful company, funny, articulate (no rap jive from his mouth), polite, and very disarming. No wonder my daughter is so taken with him.....as is her mom (Sandy, you couldn't be more right on that point, but a girl can't help it). Gang, meeting him and my association with him has opened up my eyes to an entirely new world. I've met his family and they are a delight to be around.. It's like any color barrier that might have existed between us has evaporated.....(although my emerging fantasies around him remain very dark, as they should be).

Zep has asked me to read the two picture stories on Sandy's new website, which I had already done before, so I was aware of their erotic content. I find both of them to be very hot, and visually stimulating, as they are designed to be (beautifully done, Zep !!). But let's be realistic for a moment. These accounts as portrayed, vividly and erotically persuasive as they are, do not reflect the real world, in my opinion. They are exaggerated accounts which serve more as highly stimulating incentives for the encouragement of black men (and some white husbands) to convert white women (and reluctant white wives) to the passions that only an experienced black lover can unleach. That is their purpose...to entertain, which they do beautifully, and I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy them as much as any man, as they merge so well with many of the fantasies I've secretly held for years.

These are the reasons I've joined this DC website, to find out what I can never find out here from any personal contact. First, to discover all I can about the IR dating scene and its implications, to seek advice from kind and knowledgable people who are far more experienced in this area than I will ever be, to help me better cope with this very trying (yet exciting) time in a mother's life, to learn all I can from the black male/white female perspective, and finally, to find a venue where a slightly-bored middle-aged white housewife who has reached her sexual prime can indulge herself in a bit of her own dark fantasy world.

Yes, Lattrell, I do have a dose of "jungle fever". You and others, like Zep, have recognized all the signs, haven't you ? So I will admit to having the same repressed desire and curiosity about the black male, and his sexual prowess, as every other white woman must have surely felt at least once in their lives. It's nature's way, and I think it's pointless to continue in denial. For now though, I am content to emerge myself in the IR fantasy world which I discover is proliferating across the internet (with DC and Sandy's website being among the very best). But I suspect this contentment will not last very much longer. With Kathy's bf around the house, and all the sweet temptations that he represents, I can feel myself slowly losing my resolve. So I have started looking, very discreetly of course, among the few black friends that I have made through my association with my daughter's bf and his family. I'm learning as I go, so you guys wish me luck. As I run into more questions or concerns I cannot answer, I hope I can turn to some of you for assistance (especially Sandy, our sweetheart who keeps all this going, and who comprehends these things... so completely).

In closing, would you like to know the worst part of all this, the part that bothers me the most ? Well it's the jealousy I feel for my own daughter, to know that this 16 year old kid, barely old enough to breed, is now reveling in a far better sex life than her mother has ever enjoyed, or is certainly enjoying now. She doesn't have to tell me anything....a mother can read signs too, can't we, Sandy ??

With my somewhat liberal view of all things sexual, it is of some small comfort to know that when our daughter succumbs to her natural urge to mate, at least she is experiencing it with a lover who knows what he's doing.

And Thank God for the pill !!

Cheers, and peaches to all who responded.


OMG! Girlfriend, you are wonderful! Being so open and honest is so hard, thank God for the internet where we can be as anonymous! I wish I could hug you and I hope the guys on this forum appreciate what is going through your mind. What ever you do, don't, tell hubby!

... to learn all I can from the black male/white female perspective, and finally, to find a venue where a slightly-bored middle-aged white housewife who has reached her sexual prime can indulge herself in a bit of her own dark fantasy world.

... I do have a dose of "jungle fever" ... and all the sweet temptations that he represents, I can feel myself slowly losing my resolve. So I have started looking...

Oh my, you have it bad! Sweetie, your are going to have all the BBCs on this forum falling all over themselves flooding your email inbox with offers to, ... well, flood your inbox! (Sorry, could not help myself.) I love the way you are approaching this, it is far more healthy than suppressing your desires. But guys, this does not mean that Cheryl is ready to hop into your bed, she may just find a few healthy sparks to rekindle hubby's passion too. But I am not too sure about looking at at black men associated with your daughter's boyfriend or his family. All men, black or white, can not keep secrets when it comes to sex with a married woman! Your daughter will find out and that could really hurt your relationship with her.

... the jealousy I feel for my own daughter, to know that this 16 year old kid, barely old enough to breed, is now reveling in a far better sex life than her mother has ever enjoyed, or is certainly enjoying now. She doesn't have to tell me anything....a mother can read signs too, can't we, Sandy ??

That is so true! Fortunately, my daughter is too young for me to start worrying about that, but my boys are already breaking hearts and I feel positively old when I see some of the cute girls they are dating. I am so glad that my mom took me aside early and told be about the pill and all the little mind tricks guys will try. I was shocked at her and thought she was so stupid. But the first time a guy told me that it was my fault his cock was so hard and that now I had to help him get some "relief", I actually came home and told her about it! We laughed for hours about it and from that point on, I was never afraid to tell her anything. Of course I didn't tell her everything but I guess she pretty much knew.

Cheryl, I am not sure where you should go next in your exploration. I wish finding a nice guy to chat with or have an affair with was as simple as ordering a pizza but it is not. You need to be careful not too loose what you hold dear but at the same time, exploring your sexual desires is a very natural thing to want to do.

My first affair was a combination of his skill at seduction and eagerness on my part. Afterwards, I discovered that I was excited by taking huge risks and not getting caught. Unprotected sex, knowing I was likely to get pregnant, knowing that having my black lovers child would destroy my marriage, were all part of the risk/thrill. But even though I like to take risks, I was never foolish about who I would sleep with. You can and should be picky. If possible, go out on a few dates with him before committing to anything else. I know you may feel strange about being a married woman going out on a date but there is a lot to be said about it and I could write a whole book about it. Dating (non-sexual) a black man or two may be all that it takes to cool your jungle fever. You may find out that hubby looks pretty good or that you are not comfortable going further. If you do decide to go further, you will know it.
Cheryl's Post


I can not believe that a 45 yr. old southern belle from a small Tennessee town could write with such skill. That may be the best post I have ever read in an IR forum. It's so perfectly structured!

I am not alone in expressing the fact that every black man who reads that will connect with it personally. You must have some background in writing.

I will give you my advice on breaking the ice with your man. But I was a little taken back in seeing that he referred to your daughters' black boyfriend as a n****r. Please! If he watched the 700 Club and is completely close minded, his openess to IR may be impossible.

Sandy is right! The jealousy you feel when you realize your daughter has more and better sex than yourself is an early sign of jungle fever. An remember......there is only one proven cure for desire and that's to submit to it! After reading your post, I am sure you already know that.

Hah! I knew she was getting weak in the knees. Its just a matter of time now.

Cheryl lives in a small town? O shit. Its going to be hard to do anything there without people finding out. People talk and people in small towns all know each other. If she wants to take it slow in the beginning she should just see if she can 'visit my sick relative' for a few days in some city nearby. After that she better find look up the local motels.

O and just so u know Sandy that line 'u got my dick hard so u got to take care of it' works with grown up women too. :)
What can I say, guys ? Your warm words of appreciation, caution, patience, and a bit of reckless abandon convince me even more of the value I'm finding in the cyber world of DC. Where else could a girl in my situation go to learn the ins and outs (ummmm, did I say that ??) of IR dating.

Sandy, sweetheart, no one can say it better than you. What a Godsend you are at steering me in the right direction, reminding me of all the avenues I should consider....and avoid. The advice from a girl much like myself, only who has been there and "done that", serves to keep my thinking straight. I love you for it...and would dearly enjoy that hug you offered...anytime you want to give it. Would a kiss from you be considered out of order ??? (damn, girl, don't overdo it).

Zep, your kind words belie your black macho image. To have such a complement from one so experienced, has quite taken me away....<blush>. It's the equivalent to getting an "A+" on an English theme from the head of the English Dept at Harvard....(only I have to wonder if there are any Harvard professors in IR relationships....if there were, our own Zeppelin, with his perceptive intelligence, would be the obvious choice.....<smiles>).

Oh, and Rhino...you will be pleased to know that my husband's racial attitudes have recently started showing a change for the better. Kathy has been working on her father ...as only a daughter can do....trying to erase his stereotypical views of her own IR relationship and raise his tolerance. From what I can observe, he's beginning to come around...finally. Hope is eternal as they say...

Helping Your Daughter and Yourself


Given your circumstances, here is what I would do to help your daughter and yourself. I don't really like lists, but since few people write as well as you do, the tabular format is much simpler.

By the way, if you straight out ask your husband, at least 50% will admit that they would love to know and see a wife perform for a black man. The reason, I am writing this below is that I assume you are not willing to confront him directly.

1.) Pick a Friday or Saturday night when your daughter is going out with one of her black boyfriends. Oddly, this will also be the time of your seduction of hubby.

2.) Go to a video or adult store and buy an integrated video. NOTE: You must get one where the interracial action does not start until 20 minutes into the movie (we can make some title suggestions here). Watch the tape and make sure the IR scene is hot with a well built, young black man and an attractive white girl.

3.) On the weekend night that your daughter is preparing for her date, have a couple glasses of wine with your husband (not too ***** for sex).

4.) At some point, the young black man will drop by. Give him a big hug in front of your husband. Then make sure you both watch him take your daughter out to his car and drive away. That's the moment you and your husband get those mixed feelings. Knowing what he will be doing with her later????

5.) Take your husband to the den to watch a movie and ask if he wants to watch a naughty video with you. Stick in the video. During the first 15-20 minutes just watch the white people having sex and tease your husband. When the IR action kicks in, start watching intently and acting hot. Make some comment about your daughter.

6.) During the IR scenes, make your sure your husband gets the best sex you can provide to him. Have a few orgasms yourself (even if you are faking it). Do a couple things that you don't let him do at other times. Just make sure its the best sex he has received in some time.

7.) There is a subliminal message here. He knows he will have better sex if he opens up and concedes to IR encounters with his daughter and wife. He will want to watch the video again with you so he can have a repeat performance. There is also a subliminal message that you two are sitting in the den enjoying IR fantasies while your daughter is doing the real thing at the same time. Believe me...this will help your daughter's cause and most likely help you down the road.

8.) If your husband has the confidence, take him to an adult store. Buy a couple more videos and suggest a black toy. Have him take it to the counter and make the purchase.

9.) Then go back home and have more fun. Make DAMN sure that the real good lovin' only happens when you two are watching the tapes or playing with the vibrator. When there's no brown aroun', the sex is just average.

10.) The last thing you need to do is start getting vocal. When your husband is getting the good sex he craves, let him hear you talking about big black cocks, etc.

That's all there is to it. Things will progress from there on their own. In just a couple months, there will be plenty of brown to go aroun' for you and your daughter.

THINK ABOUT IT. Aside from the visual aspect of watching, your husband is also relieved from the constant need to sexually satisfy you..his wife. Also, your husband likes to do things and buy things for you. He knows that he can't keep pace sexually with a young African-American. So by allowing you this freedom, he is in fact doing something for you. And best of all, he will get the best sex he has/can ever have.

Everyone's Happy,

Neat....When a white woman uses the word breeding like u do shes got a BIG fever going on. U say thank god for the pill. U really mean that or would u like to see your daughter knocked up by a black BF? U wouldnt be the first white mom to say so. U like Black Zeps art work? sounds like u might be a WF submissive.

Yo Zep....keep up the good work. Looks like we got another one converted to the cause.

Neat....think about what i just said.
Private Messages


I did not have a message box set up on this system.

For those who sent me private messages over the last couple weeks, I am sorry but you will have to do it again (especially the white women)!

Sorry that I never took the time to log on properly before.

A couple of replies for my DC friends:

KC_Rob- Your comments about the race thing makes sense in general, but my husband's concerns are based more on the well-known practice of young blacks to spread it around about getting a white girl pregnant. The bragging seems to go with their macho image. These tales travel around the schools here in their own underground channels, and they get back to us thru our children. The difference is that we never hear any white guys mouthing off about this. It's all reputation, whether actually deserved or not. Sooo, hub stays very concerned, while I just make sure our daughter stays protected.

Zep- My goodness, I continue to be amazed by your very perceptive mind. Thank you bunches for thinking of me, sweetheart, and providing me with additional options to consider. If you've read my posting on Dig420's thread on Planning for a New IR Video under the General Forum, you will understand my frustration with the X-rated vids that I've watched so far (and the IR vids in particular). In my response I offered my own suggestions for some much-needed improvements (at least for the female audience). However, you inferred in your post that there are other more appropriate vids that you could steer me to which offer more in the way of a believable plot, along with some much-welcomed buildup. Soooo.....my devoted advisor in all things IR.....please tell me more.

Rhino- You and Zep are so much alike it's scary...the way your minds run... the way you pick up on the little nuances of what people say. I suppose I have allowed some of my deeper fantasies to rise to the surface, for an astute observer to skim off and ******. I dwelt on this very subject in my other response to your post (which that stupid jerk tried his best to trash), so I think I have bared my IR soul in this matter. So, yes, I have given some thought about what you said, and can see the truth that lies within. I'm not ashamed to admit I've had these thoughts about our daughter...how I would react if it were to happen, how would we handle it. It's a sensual drama still unfolding in my mind, and it remains a sweet one, as our own Sandy has already asserted to from her own IR experiences. I'm not a convert, yet...but I very well could be, given the right opportunity, the right setting, and the right frame of mind.

Thanks, guys. Keep the pressure on...I know where you're coming from.

Like a said before u sound like a submissive and i know for a fact submissives like to recruit for the cause. Sometimes its even parents recruiting there kids. Yea i know that blows peoples minds but its true.

You saw Sandys new picture the trainer? U like it? U want to be the woman in it? You think your daughter should be trained like that? Dont be shy. We all friends here.

These day its a sure thing your daughter is spending time on her knees already just like in that picture. Of course u could talk to her and make sure shes doing her duty and doing it right. Sometimes the younger girls dont like to swallow so i have to give them the lecture....'Show me some respect!'....Yea i really say that and it works.

While your at it you can advise her to shave down there if shes not doing it already...'Sex is better...it looks more feminine. you dont let hair grow under your arms do u?...its easier to keep yourself clean...what r u trying to hide? your not ashamed of your body are u?'

Are you listening to all of this? I hope so cuz we expect u to do some recruiting after u join the cause for real.

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