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Post Here When Showing On Anydesk

  • #1,701
967489420 anydsk, would love someone to log on nd tell my wifes female friends bout my tiny dick take my wife pics nd repost too, 2 of herbest friends fb pages open
  • #1,702
hi all,

my anydesk is open. Got a folder with pics of my ******* wife open. Enter and share it on internet with my browser. I ll be watching you r using my wife. No phones please. No other folder only open.

AD 742 084 215
  • #1,714
967489420 anydsk, would love someone to log on nd tell my wifes female friends bout my tiny dick take my wife pics nd repost too, 2 of herbest friends fb pages open
  • #1,718
ClearfieldPorn said:
Post your Anydesk ID here when you're showing!
What is this ? Please explain?
  • #1,719
lovesexfun said:
What is this ? Please explain?
AnyDesk, like TeamViewer is a screensharing program/app that also allows someone to remotely control your computer. Often used in techsupport it's also found its way here and in other circles.
  • #1,720
sissyadmiration said:
AnyDesk, like TeamViewer is a screensharing program/app that also allows someone to remotely control your computer. Often used in techsupport it's also found its way here and in other circles.
So what will happen using it ? Why is it used ? In tech support it is used to help with any issue but how it is used here ?

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