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Plot thickens for the Twin Towers Collapse

  • Thread starterJosetta
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Beloved Member
Oct 14, 2006
I see the theory of the twin towers collapsing from well-placed explosive charges being denoted has arisen again.

Engineers and architects reckon they have the absolute, unshakable evidence that it would have been impossible to collapse the towers by an aeroplane alone, because of 80,000 tonnes of reinforcing steel preventing that.

Yes, the building collapsed precisely onto its footprint, without any toppling over at the top - and there was ample opportunity to insert the explosives into the elevator shaft over the many months of upgrading it.

My wish is for these political cover-ups to be fully *******, and those responsible can be put in public stocks and humiliated for the assholes they really are.
Out in the Ozone Again!

Josetta said:
I see the theory of the twin towers collapsing from well-placed explosive charges being denoted has arisen again.

Engineers and architects reckon they have the absolute, unshakable evidence that it would have been impossible to collapse the towers by an aeroplane alone, because of 80,000 tonnes of reinforcing steel preventing that.

Yes, the building collapsed precisely onto its footprint, without any toppling over at the top - and there was ample opportunity to insert the explosives into the elevator shaft over the many months of upgrading it.

My wish is for these political cover-ups to be fully *******, and those responsible can be put in public stocks and humiliated for the assholes they really are.

Man get a life!! Duhh! The Muslim extreemist responsible for the attack admitted their responsibility openly and freely! You are a Moron!
eightbal2 said:
Man get a life!! Duhh! The Muslim extreemist responsible for the attack admitted their responsibility openly and freely! You are a Moron!

Get a life yourself, man, haven't you been watching the television news in the last few days regarding the new engineering calculations and video comparisons of the twin towers falling compared with the planned demolition of a building. Both fell exactly the same, frame by frame. A plane would have pushed the top over a bit, causing the building to have fallen to have occupied a lot more than the usual footprint pattern as it hit the ground.

The Muslim extremists often take responsibility, whether they are responsible or not, just to make Americans more frightened of them.

The engineers are calling for a full and complete investigation of how the explosives were put into the elevator wells while being overhauled - and who working on the elevators could have been responsible.

Looks like a lot more people were involved than have admitted their guilt.
my 2 cents

One thing I know is that if you believe it was a conspiracy then there is NOTHING anyone can say to tell you otherwise.

Now, I am not a civil engineer but I do know a little something about engineering. It just makes sound engineering practice and good practical sense that all tall buildings be built to go straight down rather than topple over no matter where the stress comes from. Besides they did not fall right away, the resulting fire caused further weakening of the structure after the initial impact. If you notice the planes went in but did not come out. Back then planes were filled with fuel for every flight. The thousands of gallons of fuel served as an accelerant.

Also, there have been numerous attempts to bring the towers down in the decade preceding 911.
eightbal2 said:
Man get a life!! Duhh! The Muslim extreemist responsible for the attack admitted their responsibility openly and freely! You are a Moron!
Leavee the name calling out of here and also if you want to believe everything the muslim extremist say then I wonder who is a M---n.
Josetta said:
I see the theory of the twin towers collapsing from well-placed explosive charges being denoted has arisen again.

Engineers and architects reckon they have the absolute, unshakable evidence that it would have been impossible to collapse the towers by an aeroplane alone, because of 80,000 tonnes of reinforcing steel preventing that.

Yes, the building collapsed precisely onto its footprint, without any toppling over at the top - and there was ample opportunity to insert the explosives into the elevator shaft over the many months of upgrading it.

My wish is for these political cover-ups to be fully *******, and those responsible can be put in public stocks and humiliated for the assholes they really are.

Please keep your nut bag conspiracy theories to yourself.
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Leon BBC said:
How did I know Josetta would believe the 9/11 conspiracy theories?

Oh yeah, Bigfoot told me.

I did not say I believed in conspiracy theories, but saw the news item calling for a full enquiry into the twin towers collapse.

When top engineering consultants say something is seriously wrong and they claim to have the proof that explosives dropped the towers, then we need to PAY ATTENTION. These engineering experts don't go public lightly as they have their reputations on the line.

Leon, read again what I wrote and notice you jumped to conclusions by skim reading too fast.
Please keep your nut bag conspiracy theories to yourself.

I did not say I agreed with your nut bag conspiracy. I have an open mind. You should have listened to the highly respected engineer on the news, and then you would not be shooting off your mouth in such a disrespectful way.
this is old news, lots of people, even those in power already know this but nobody's doing anything about it, sucks i know
Josetta said:
Leon, read again what I wrote and notice you jumped to conclusions by skim reading too fast.

You're right, I didn't read it all. I read the title and thought "fuck that".
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A Muslim pal of mine from Pakistan said that the Jewish state of Israel funded the attacks because they dislike Whites and also because they wanted a predominantly White state with nuclear weapons etc. to go and attack a Muslim state with vigour.

I have met several people who believe that, but to me it's just theories at this stage.

With no proof whatsoever.

For me it's nonsense.
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There was some loose talk that an UNUSUALLY HIGH NUMBER of jewish men did not go to work in the twin Towers on 9/11, but never saw any prrof that it was so.

Anyone wanting all those people killed had to be a nutter. Obama has had to send in more troops otherwise the Taleban will just explode in numbers from "defeating the USA in Afganistan". The local people will see them as heroes.

I was against the Iraq war, but the troublespot now has to be stabilised, just as Bush Senior did not finish the job first time round. There has been a huge build up of hatred towards the USA from its involvement in Iraq, so Obama has no option but to rebuild some respect in the Middle East by holding out his hand in friendship. There are so many religous factions over there that have been suppressed by tyrants, and "revenge, revenge, revenge" is what most families will feel for the next few hundred years - just like in Ireland.

A lot of the problems in Ireland were solved by America injected hundreds of millions of dollars into Ireland in return for letting go of most of the hatreds. There were progress payments for each step achieved in the plans for Peace.
Conspiracy theorists are very, very similar to the Global Warming lemmings, and more often than not, they are one in the same. Most of the people who come forth with irrefutable evidence of an "inside job" on the WTC collapses are only looking for evidence to support their already prejudicial belief that there was another mechanism at work that brought down the towers.

What that means is that they biased towards finding a given result. There's a very good reason why researchers do double-blind studies. It's because the researcher will most likely (consciously or unconsciously) contaminate the results by the responses or results they expect to get.

Now, having said this... I am open to anything. If someone can bring me something tangible, then I will begin to accept that the WTC collapses might have been more than it appears. Up until now, nobody has.

The thing that puzzles me is how an airliner can be flown near Vmax only a few feet above the ground by a pilot who has never been in the cockpit of a real airplane, into a building less than 80ft tall...AND NOBODY SAW IT. Not only that, there was hardly any wreckage found. Rarely does an airliner vaporize when it impacts something. Solid objects can vaporize, but they generally are traveling much faster than a Boeing 757 can...especially only a few feet above the ground.
white_man_loves_ir said:
A Muslim pal of mine from Pakistan said that the Jewish state of Israel funded the attacks because they dislike Whites and also because they wanted a predominantly White state with nuclear weapons etc. to go and attack a Muslim state with vigour.

I have met several people who believe that, but to me it's just theories at this stage.

With no proof whatsoever.

For me it's nonsense.

Hello to All...

Seldom do i post my 2 cents worth, in regards to the Twin Towers my mind cannot forget a comment i have heard on tv in the last week of Sept. 2001 ;
just like you... to me it does stay a Theory, no proof so far , as i am not in a situation to know the country of Origin of All those on the list of the victims.

The comment i heard is that well over 800 people from Israel religion were working in those Twin Towers on a regular basis and ** apparently ** there was no victim from the above mentioned group : Israel religion workers...
again untill i do know otherwise... it is just a Theory , No Proof so far...

I heard that too but I also saw a show on like the history channel where they discussed the way the bldg was supported by steel struts and when the heat melted them it caused it to fall. Im not an engineer by any means but this made more sense to mee
AnnieeRedd said:
I heard that too but I also saw a show on like the history channel where they discussed the way the bldg was supported by steel struts and when the heat melted them it caused it to fall. Im not an engineer by any means but this made more sense to mee

Hello again to All...
i am no engeneer as well...
the fire was mainly on two to three upward floors, it is AMAZING how the Heat could have * soften * soo much the hundred, thousands of steel beams on the lower floors.
Without any Help , the first Tower should not have fallen straight down but on its side like a tree from the floors located between about the 50 th / 45 th floor .
I will be watching very closely next time someone announces that there will be a high rise building implosion... i will be surprise if they are as successfull as the fall of those 2 Twin Towers.
For real?

Conspiracy theories aren't unlike professional wrestling: It's full of BS but surely entertaining.

You don't need to say you're not an engineer - that's obvious - LOL ;)
It's just like I don't need to say that I'm an asshole, right? :)

Seriously though, there are lots of intelligent people in this thread. But why all of the shallow speculation?

Even Bin Laden was surprised by the collapse. He didn't expect that to happen.

The towers were designed to sustain a horizontal impact of a Boeing 707-320, but no consideration was given to the widespread and sustained 1500+ degree environment created by the enormous amount of fuel.

How did the all of the columns get compromised? Immense heat and subsequently a behavior called Viscoplasticity. This leads to a creep buckling of the columns, which consequently lose their load capacity. Once the critical floor collapsed, there was so much compound kinetic energy and incremental downward velocity from the upper part of the building that the runaway breakdown would not stop until it hit something stronger: the ground.

Why didn't the tops of the towers tumble? It's called a Truss system. Several were redundantly implemented above the critical floor along both their long and short axes. Professionals think about this shit in advance.

As far as the Jew theory goes - that's nuts. Please consider the source. Muslim publications are typically loaded with antisemitic propaganda. Even my Muslim buddies repeat it like robots. But if you corner one in an argument, he (because women won't talk) will act like any fundmentlist whacko: folds like a cheap suit and acts like a broken record; usually by quoting scripture and spewing nonsensical gibberish. The number of Jews working in the towers was barely over 1 percent. Hardly a quantifiable crossection, don't you think? Now if all of the WTC Jews took a sick day, wore a firesuit/parachute or all went out for Starbucks at the same time on 9/11/2001, then you got something. Besides, this happened in the morning, so how could work attendance be legitimately and collectively tallied? It's hearsay and therefore, bullshit.

Al Qaeda's strategy for this operation was simple: Low tech, high concept. They were literally flying by the seat of their pants. For years those fuckers couldn't get a camcorder to work and still fucked it up with Daniel Pearl. (Taliban,Al Qaeda, et al)

Do we believe the Apollo moon landings were faked? Tell Buzz Aldrin that to his face and he will kick your ass - medicare or not. (He punched one douchebag in the mouth not long ago for that) Back then, Astronauts had to be crazy - they were flying by the seat of their pants, too.

I can think of another person flying by the seat of his pants - and that's a little white guy pretending to be a woman and using an interracial site as a political soap box...


tonyy77 said:
Conspiracy theories aren't unlike professional wrestling: It's full of BS but surely entertaining.

You don't need to say you're not an engineer - that's obvious - LOL ;)
It's just like I don't need to say that I'm an asshole, right? :)

Seriously though, there are lots of intelligent people in this thread. But why all of the shallow speculation?

Even Bin Laden was surprised by the collapse. He didn't expect that to happen.

The towers were designed to sustain a horizontal impact of a Boeing 707-320, but no consideration was given to the widespread and sustained 1500+ degree environment created by the enormous amount of fuel.

How did the all of the columns get compromised? Immense heat and subsequently a behavior called Viscoplasticity. This leads to a creep buckling of the columns, which consequently lose their load capacity. Once the critical floor collapsed, there was so much compound kinetic energy and incremental downward velocity from the upper part of the building that the runaway breakdown would not stop until it hit something stronger: the ground.

Why didn't the tops of the towers tumble? It's called a Truss system. Several were redundantly implemented above the critical floor along both their long and short axes. Professionals think about this shit in advance.

As far as the Jew theory goes - that's nuts. Please consider the source. Muslim publications are typically loaded with antisemitic propaganda. Even my Muslim buddies repeat it like robots. But if you corner one in an argument, he (because women won't talk) will act like any fundmentlist whacko: folds like a cheap suit and acts like a broken record; usually by quoting scripture and spewing nonsensical gibberish. The number of Jews working in the towers was barely over 1 percent. Hardly a quantifiable crossection, don't you think? Now if all of the WTC Jews took a sick day, wore a firesuit/parachute or all went out for Starbucks at the same time on 9/11/2001, then you got something. Besides, this happened in the morning, so how could work attendance be legitimately and collectively tallied? It's hearsay and therefore, bullshit.

Al Qaeda's strategy for this operation was simple: Low tech, high concept. They were literally flying by the seat of their pants. For years those fuckers couldn't get a camcorder to work and still fucked it up with Daniel Pearl. (Taliban,Al Qaeda, et al)

Do we believe the Apollo moon landings were faked? Tell Buzz Aldrin that to his face and he will kick your ass - medicare or not. (He punched one douchebag in the mouth not long ago for that) Back then, Astronauts had to be crazy - they were flying by the seat of their pants, too.

I can think of another person flying by the seat of his pants - and that's a little white guy pretending to be a woman and using an interracial site as a political soap box...



4 posts in 4 years, you are doing really well, but ask yourself why you can't allow people from different walks of life to you, to have different opinions to you. Would you like everyone to drive the same color car, all men to have the same hair cut, all women to wear no clothes, etc.

When the top engineers in America say they want a full enquiry, because the Tower fell too perfectly, can't you at least allow that to happen without being such a skeptic?

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