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  • Thread startermuleman
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randy you got right to it. when whomever that owns this place wants to take some ownership...then there will people who care to be involved .but i'm sure they just have this side to try and get people to join the pay side...and make whatever they do on whatever advertising they have on here.

At the same time, this place is free so what right do any of us really have to complain.

pimp and whammer why dont you guys give it a break allready
lmao mule...at least you know how to poke fun at someone (as I try to also) without being a nasty SOB about it.
Pooch said:
randy you got right to it. when whomever that owns this place wants to take some ownership...then there will people who care to be involved .but i'm sure they just have this side to try and get people to join the pay side...and make whatever they do on whatever advertising they have on here.

At the same time, this place is free so what right do any of us really have to complain.

pimp and whammer why dont you guys give it a break allready
So Pooch my friend you are saying you are riding the train for free if you don't like the direction it is heading get off the fucking train and go buy a ticket otherwise shut up and ride.
mule i am on the train..shit i got a seat in the FRONT ROW bro. but this train has no direction..thats the friggin point and problem, but its fine by me...but certain people think there is only 1 direction for it to go, for they dont like any other tracks. until a new schedule is made it is what it is.
Pimp- No way would I ever want to be you. You're a lonely man without anyone to share your life with.
I've got the most wonderful woman in the world who worships the ground I walk on- it's doesn't get any better than what I've got.
You say I'm lonely but I'm far from that. I have a full and rich life, socially and sexually. Nor would I want to be you and confined to a relationship with one woman when I'm having the fun I am currently. You say she worships the ground you walk on she may even do so but it's still just you making the claim.
pimpology101 said:
You say I'm lonely but I'm far from that. I have a full and rich life, socially and sexually. Nor would I want to be you and confined to a relationship with one woman when I'm having the fun I am currently. You say she worships the ground you walk on she may even do so but it's still just you making the claim.

Yes it is just me making that claim and people can believe it or not believe it. I don't really care- I know what the truth is. And yes it is just one woman- but that one woman fulfills all my sexual desires, there is nothing she will not do for me. So I've got it very, very good.

You on the other hand...you have no one. No one wants to share their life with you. You rely on your oreo parties for getting laid. You lure women in with the promise of BBC and then try to insert yourself into the action.
Laughable really.
But I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. LOL
both you guys are way too hard headed to give it up so i dont care no more. go at it for neither of you are big enough to let the other have the last word.

will thanks again for youre help we do see eye to eye on most everything..

As for the word cuck....when i use it, i dont immediately assume that you are anything more than a swinger..but in here i know how it is usually perceived. but dont throw me in with everyone else

I'm done with this thread. pimp got enough play as it is.
Bottom Line:

Pimps a good guy with opinions he defends, right or wrong.

The owners of this site just seem to count the cash and ignore everything and anything. The mods try but seem as useful as a chocolate fireguard and are probably only there to satisfy the legal obligations of the owners.
I don't particulary give two shits about whammer--his thoughts, his life, his marriage or his opinion of me. That being said, I wouldn't trade places with someone that sad and pathetic for the promise of a lifetime of love, laughs and bbc swinging with Sara Evans.
Thank you, mhall. I don't compromise my principles for anyone (mods and administrators included) and that's likely one big reason I was removed as a moderator. It seemed they wanted a "yes" man or a company mod but I refuse to be either if that means going against my beliefs. Until the administration steps in with a clear vision of what they want this forum to be then it will always be the chaotic, ugly mess that it is no matter who the mods are or how hard they try to make positive impact.
Other than this current thread I think this is a pretty good forum. Not that I agree with eveythng they say or portray but there seems to me to be few squabbles, arguments or argumentative people. This particular thread aside of course,lol.

The overall direction of the forum is determined by the participants and what they choose to discuss. NO moderator can change that unless they wish to practice censorship.

I guess I really don't see what the big problem is with this forum since there's so little fighting. If you don't like what it's about, don't participate or participate only in the threads that you enjoy.

Seems simple to me, I must be missing something,lol!
I think it's a matter of two very different factions (real swingers hoping for a sense of normalcy as compared to fanaticists wanting a free for all kinkorama) trying to impose their wills and no willingness on either side to agree on a middle ground. The "basement," which was a section created to house the more off the wall stuff was started and worked well, for the most part, but has already been disbanded. That in itself may be telling.
This message is to Will.

I never expressed intrest in becoming a moderator. I simply asked a question. With responses like that, no wonder I don't say anything. I've read a few posts in the forum and when I finally have the nerve to speak up and ask something....you answer like that...you are condescending and rude. If you want to ban me for saying it, fine. But that'd prove my point of instead of helping, you feel like berating people for being curious.
Perception is reality on these boards. Things are misconstrued all the time (I should know). People read things into posts that aren't there.......they see offense where none was intended......they read an intended tone completely differently than was given. Without facial expression, tone, genuflection and eye contact, no one can ever really grasp (although there are blatant exceptions to this rule) in what manner a person intends a post. Been there and lived through it. But it aint fun is it, Will? ;)
At the bottom of a page is the highlighted word "mod" click it and follow the link and you'll see a page with a tool bar on the left. It will say banned users.....click and read. I bet I banned 20 or less (and all were warranted) and of those only very few were for life and I even reinstated some I banned (sticky, whammer, etc). Ro was my only unwarranted banning and I owned up to that and that whole incident still makes me feel bad.
Management DOES care, but management is very very very very busy running a web development company. Pooch, since you seem to want to go out of you way to tell us how little you care about the site and being a mod, I will relieve you of that burden forthwith. You were initially chosen because you had a high enough post count to indicate involvement with the site, you were nominated, and you seemed to be a reasonable person who could probably handle the job. In case you were wondering. And I don't recall getting any messages from you.

Will you're doing a great job. I can't say much more than that. You are in charge of this board, if you want to make someone a mod, do so. If you want to unmod them, do that too.

Pimp did a great job as mod in most every way, but we have a disagreement in that I feel female posters most definitely get special treatment, and he does not. Taking him off mod status does not constitute an insult to Pimp, and as he said, I believe that it just frees him to do what he really enjoys doing, which is sparking conversation and slapping fools down.

Pimp the 'basement' forums you're talking about were taken down because a. Not enough participation and b. we have those same exact sections in the DC members area.
good to hear you care dig ...whatever you want with me is fine, i will stay a mod or not. it isnt going to change my desire to come in here or not. My opinions have been clearly stated and we dont need to rehash same stuff...but the overall agreement seems to be that this place needs some standards/rules set. What do you want to do about that, or just leave things status quo?
pimp she certainly wasnt offended by what i said leave it at that...i will respond to Kayla in sep thread.
I do believe women should get preferrential treatment just not in regards to bad behavior (which some are guilty of even though I likely think half the members with feminine handles are in reality men). Beyond my tit for tat )or tat for tit) with Ro (which was mostly my fault), if a woman (or I should say a feminine name) comes in here and blasts people, hijacks threads and insults and curses at everyone then they should face the same repurcussions as masculine user name. That was my point and the one I perhaps didn't make clear. Beyond that, yes, women definitely should be treated preferrentially as they are the life-blood of the site (when a legitimate one can be found). That being said I will gladly reassume mod duties if and when you should want or ask me to. Furthermore I'd remain just as judicious as before in terms of banning offenders and ever diligent in removing spam.
This isn't a slam toward Pimp or Pooch but I think that the admin ought to leave it to us as the people to have any Mod reinstated on a poll for or against. The reason being is we are the ones that sees what is going on with many eyes so I think we as the people here on this site should decide by a poll for or against having that person reinstated Pimp Pooch or who ever I see it as the fair way and Will, Dig or Buzzy doesn't have to make the choice by themselves. My thought

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