Management DOES care, but management is very very very very busy running a web development company. Pooch, since you seem to want to go out of you way to tell us how little you care about the site and being a mod, I will relieve you of that burden forthwith. You were initially chosen because you had a high enough post count to indicate involvement with the site, you were nominated, and you seemed to be a reasonable person who could probably handle the job. In case you were wondering. And I don't recall getting any messages from you.
Will you're doing a great job. I can't say much more than that. You are in charge of this board, if you want to make someone a mod, do so. If you want to unmod them, do that too.
Pimp did a great job as mod in most every way, but we have a disagreement in that I feel female posters most definitely get special treatment, and he does not. Taking him off mod status does not constitute an insult to Pimp, and as he said, I believe that it just frees him to do what he really enjoys doing, which is sparking conversation and slapping fools down.
Pimp the 'basement' forums you're talking about were taken down because a. Not enough participation and b. we have those same exact sections in the DC members area.