zibzob said:You gotta admit McCain is looking like a genius today. Picking a hot looking gun toting former beauty queen for his VP. Good move! I think it's the beginning of the end for Obama.
thebigshow said:It doesn't make you look like a genius when you go out and get a person with very little state experience and no national experience just so you can say " I chose a woman." The other thing that strikes me is isn't the "inexperience factor" what McCain keeps calling to question about Obama. Now he has someone who has no idea how Washington works. I can tell you it is nothing like Alaska. All you white guys don't have to be afraid that if Obama wins you will all lose your jobs or that it will start "Jihad" against the US. Bush already took care of that. Get your head out off your asses the world is changing.
thebigshow said:It doesn't make you look like a genius when you go out and get a person with very little state experience and no national experience just so you can say " I chose a woman." The other thing that strikes me is isn't the "inexperience factor" what McCain keeps calling to question about Obama. Now he has someone who has no idea how Washington works. I can tell you it is nothing like Alaska. All you white guys don't have to be afraid that if Obama wins you will all lose your jobs or that it will start "Jihad" against the US. Bush already took care of that. Get your head out off your asses the world is changing.
kennym65 said:the only smell is the shit in Obama's and Bidens underpants lol, and for your info, bush isnt running this time
Will & Eve said:I have spent the afternoon reading a hardcore conservitive site, a very libertarian site, and a Hillary Clinton forum.
On all three the VAST majority are blown away with the quality of this pick. The Hillary forum has a contribution thread to get members to make donations to McCain;
the Libertarian portion of the second board I referred to (which isn't a political board but most of those who speak of politics have libertarian leanings) is enraptured and the more they learn, the more they love her - one of them cited a Ron Paul supporter who opined last year that should Paul win the nomination she was the obvious choice for his VP.
And Free Republic is having orgasms of joy...and if you think the evangelicals will have a problem I quote no less than James Dobson saying that the news broke while he was in a meeting among prominent evangelical leaders (coincidentally) and when the word was brought in there was universal glee.
Trust me, barring a colossal fuck up on the part of either McCain or Palin....it's over.
Will & Eve said:Just to head you off before you tell me I'm paranoid about a black man being president, i campaigned for Alan Keyes in both 1996 and 2000.
blkoralslaveboy said:A black republican is like a slave fighting for the south if you ask me. No offense to anyone. Why? Well, think of it if a slave fought on the side of the south he might have been fighting for his family not to be harmed, or maybe he wanted to keep the only life style he knew and felt afraid of change, or perhaps he was so used to the chains and being told that the Bible itself said Blacks should be slaves...that he thought slavery was Godly! Whatever his reasons, this particular slave fought for the south...which he loved as he knew it. But in the end he gained only that and not his freedom.
Again this is my opinion and freedom of speech I assume holds here. And "just to head you off before you tell me" about the term 'slave' in my screen name... it just means i really really really love dining at the (Y)...