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over for obama?

  • Thread starterzibzob
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Beloved Member
Feb 18, 2008
You gotta admit McCain is looking like a genius today. Picking a hot looking gun toting former beauty queen for his VP. Good move! I think it's the beginning of the end for Obama.
Not So Quick

McCain's choice does appear to be a smart political move, going after any disaffected Hillary supporters, BUT he still has to overcome the fact that Bush, a fellow Republican, has turned out to be one of the, if not the, worst President in American history. And McCain, regardless of his "maverick" reputation, was with Bush baby 90% of the time, following the party line more and more as he could smell the possibility of being the nominee.
And there is definitely a smell!
the only smell is the shit in Obama's and Bidens underpants lol, and for your info, bush isnt running this time
hate to disagree with fellow caverner but if the American people linked MCain with Bush the way the media does, he would be at about 5% in the polls. It's well known in political circles that MCain and Bush have no use for one another. Oh sure you can find pictures of them embracing and shaking hands for political reasons, but these two men hate one another. The simple fact that this race is close as close as it is means that the American people are not linking these two men. I do wholeheartedly agree with you about Bush. Being an independant I think we need two strong parties to keep each other in line. Bush has ALMOST singlehandedly destroyed the republicans along with Cheney and Rumsfeld.
This was a bold move for MCain.
zibzob said:
You gotta admit McCain is looking like a genius today. Picking a hot looking gun toting former beauty queen for his VP. Good move! I think it's the beginning of the end for Obama.

Nooo. i disagree completely if anything mccain was already going out of his way to convince hardliner conservatives that he is one of them. picking a woman vp at this time might net a few pro-hillary supporters but it might also lose him some borderline voters to the other side or worse yet to the libertarian party! i think mccain is going to receive lots of criticism from his own side...just wait and see.

It doesn't make you look like a genius when you go out and get a person with very little state experience and no national experience just so you can say " I chose a woman." The other thing that strikes me is isn't the "inexperience factor" what McCain keeps calling to question about Obama. Now he has someone who has no idea how Washington works. I can tell you it is nothing like Alaska. All you white guys don't have to be afraid that if Obama wins you will all lose your jobs or that it will start "Jihad" against the US. Bush already took care of that. Get your head out off your asses the world is changing.
Obama Sucks

He's already said he's going to raise taxes. Don't buy that only if you make $250K line either. In his speech last night at the DNC he said everyone will be able to get the same kind of healthcare members of congress get. That's a dam good healthcare plan. Guess what folks it ain't free. Someone will have to pay for it. If he wants to gove me something like congress has how about the social security system congress has. For those of you that don't know members of congress have a private plan. They don't pay in. Yes the same plan the evil George Bush wanted at the begining of his 2nd term. That's another debate for another day though. McCain sucks as well. Huckabee was the best with his tax plan.

Americans For Fair Taxation: Americans for Fair Taxation

Under the fair tax the bottom 50% in this country would pay no tax what so ever.
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this lady is in the middle of a scandal in Alaska, and that ain't going away any time soon now that she's in the spotlight. to me, it's obvious his handler's (Rove, et al) picked her, I think he would have gone for one of the governors (Pawlenty) if he had his way. The only attribute that she has, that people are interested in, is that she's a woman. That novelty will wear out soon. I feel bad for her, in a way. I think she's gonna be in way-over-her-head. That being said, McCain could very well win, but I don't think this pick will sway any real Hilary supporters.
thebigshow said:
It doesn't make you look like a genius when you go out and get a person with very little state experience and no national experience just so you can say " I chose a woman." The other thing that strikes me is isn't the "inexperience factor" what McCain keeps calling to question about Obama. Now he has someone who has no idea how Washington works. I can tell you it is nothing like Alaska. All you white guys don't have to be afraid that if Obama wins you will all lose your jobs or that it will start "Jihad" against the US. Bush already took care of that. Get your head out off your asses the world is changing.

Unbelievable... criticizing this womans lack of experience. Ok I guess being a community organizer is more impressive than running a state.
I never debate politics or religion,but anyone who doesn't want at least 4 more years of the same horseshit MUST get out and vote. soon there will not be anyone working except doctors, lawyers and minimum wage earners
I'm not thrilled with the choices but we must have a turnaround:nutpunch:
i am so very sorry for putting this in the off topic section. you have put me in my place. MORE PATRICIA HEATON FAKES!!!!!
Yes sorry to say this but it is over for Barry, he should have gone after the Gov. of Missouri, she would have given him the female vote, but no he picks a old wht guy who was there since the time of Nixon, some change.
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I was all for Obama, til he picked Biden... Who needs that phony fake speech writer from Delaware.. Biden is just a typical dumb white guy.. I was looking forward to change... in Washington. Biden just means more of the same.
thebigshow said:
It doesn't make you look like a genius when you go out and get a person with very little state experience and no national experience just so you can say " I chose a woman." The other thing that strikes me is isn't the "inexperience factor" what McCain keeps calling to question about Obama. Now he has someone who has no idea how Washington works. I can tell you it is nothing like Alaska. All you white guys don't have to be afraid that if Obama wins you will all lose your jobs or that it will start "Jihad" against the US. Bush already took care of that. Get your head out off your asses the world is changing.

So how much state experience or national experience do'es Obama have,???? Oh and the pastor that married her and hubby does'nt preach hate america. And a former radicil and mad bomber as a advisor. Can you guess the name's of these two
That would be the dishonorable Rev.Wright and the weather underground douchebag william ayers. Just two of the many friends Obama has had to say goodbye to.
well we all know everyone has an opinion & yes we know what they are like, but facts are facts The one with the most money & best BULLSHIT will win
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I'm sure everyone knows that it's "two n' shoo" for Bush

kennym65 said:
the only smell is the shit in Obama's and Bidens underpants lol, and for your info, bush isnt running this time

kennym65, I'm sure everyone is aware of Georgie #2 not being allowed to run. FDR ran for 4 terms, and Congress changed it to say 'Two and shoo.' (And it don't mean 'two shoes.' lol)

The maximum two presidential terms, and he's off to Texas, or wherever he chooses to go.

You must agree on this point: Despite Obama being the first Black Democratic Nominee...I don't think America is ready for it's first Black President, or Woman VP. In a little over two months, Amerca will have a first - Like it, or Not!
Although I agree with your overall premise that Obama is full of shit, in all fairness I have to point out that the bottom 50% earn less than 31k a year and pay 3% of their income in federal taxes. (The Tax Foundation - Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data)
By far the biggest burden on them is not federal taxes but the 7.5% in payroll taxes they must pay. paying out 10% of your income when you earn less than 31k can not be easy. I really don't know how anyone can live on that, but that's a whole another story.

I'm not sure how this Paliin choice will play out over time but it should be interesting. The hardcore 'must vote for a woman' women will probably vote for her but in a country where women are traditionally Democrat voters and pro-choice, it could be a wash or even negative overall. Time will tell. She has a lot of positives and a lot of negatives. If choosing her takes the lack of experience argument regarding Obama out of the hands of Republicans, that could also be a problem for Mccain.

Thanks for clarifying that 'scandal'. Certainly doesn't sound like much of one to me.
P.S. Since the majority of Americans think we need to open up oil drilling (although I disagree with them:) ), that could also be a very strong positive in her favor also.
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The bottom line is, my fellow DC'rs, the deficit run up by 9/11 and the wars is going to hurt the next PotUS. Neither will be able to employ the programs they wish for until they control spending. Obama is a typical Dem, following the party line of big goverment and more social programs. McCain is still a Republican, despite the "Maverick" image. There will be cuts in the military and NASA, for example, no matter who wins. There are bound to be tax increases regardless who wins. So, my advice is to save as much money as you can over the next year (that's about how long it will take for any increases to take affect). Watch the Stock Market. If stocks continue to go down, buy as much as you can. They'll go back up eventually and you'll be glad you bought them when the price is (was) low. This will be an interesting race and I think good for America to watch, participate and learn. GO VOTE and thank God you live in a country that allows you that right.
Will & Eve said:
I have spent the afternoon reading a hardcore conservitive site, a very libertarian site, and a Hillary Clinton forum.

On all three the VAST majority are blown away with the quality of this pick. The Hillary forum has a contribution thread to get members to make donations to McCain;
the Libertarian portion of the second board I referred to (which isn't a political board but most of those who speak of politics have libertarian leanings) is enraptured and the more they learn, the more they love her - one of them cited a Ron Paul supporter who opined last year that should Paul win the nomination she was the obvious choice for his VP.

And Free Republic is having orgasms of joy...and if you think the evangelicals will have a problem I quote no less than James Dobson saying that the news broke while he was in a meeting among prominent evangelical leaders (coincidentally) and when the word was brought in there was universal glee.

Trust me, barring a colossal fuck up on the part of either McCain or's over.

can you please post some links to these sites?

Are you really calling republican rule "Free". Oh i see's because the dollar's value has plummeted so frickin low you might as well call this a "free Republic"! Ge'ez i never thought of it that way Will...gotta hand it to ya.
Will & Eve said:
Just to head you off before you tell me I'm paranoid about a black man being president, i campaigned for Alan Keyes in both 1996 and 2000.

A black republican is like a slave fighting for the south if you ask me. No offense to anyone. Why? Well, think of it if a slave fought on the side of the south he might have been fighting for his family not to be harmed, or maybe he wanted to keep the only life style he knew and felt afraid of change, or perhaps he was so used to the chains and being told that the Bible itself said Blacks should be slaves...that he thought slavery was Godly! Whatever his reasons, this particular slave fought for the south...which he loved as he knew it. But in the end he gained only that and not his freedom.

Again this is my opinion and freedom of speech I assume holds here. And "just to head you off before you tell me" about the term 'slave' in my screen name... it just means i really really really love dining at the (Y)...
blkoralslaveboy said:
A black republican is like a slave fighting for the south if you ask me. No offense to anyone. Why? Well, think of it if a slave fought on the side of the south he might have been fighting for his family not to be harmed, or maybe he wanted to keep the only life style he knew and felt afraid of change, or perhaps he was so used to the chains and being told that the Bible itself said Blacks should be slaves...that he thought slavery was Godly! Whatever his reasons, this particular slave fought for the south...which he loved as he knew it. But in the end he gained only that and not his freedom.

Again this is my opinion and freedom of speech I assume holds here. And "just to head you off before you tell me" about the term 'slave' in my screen name... it just means i really really really love dining at the (Y)...

I'm speechless......
The Bush Administration's lack of interest and out of touch policies in respect to America's middle class and the involvement in Iraq have been the biggest disasters in contemporary times. I can't even believe that we are even contemplating another republican regime. McCain is absolutely more of the same and did you have the opportunity to witness his "I am not sure how many homes I own" quote, and to think that this person with conservative republican ideals is going to lead America out of this mess is absurd. Let's take a look at the electoral college snapshot for a moment, Obama leads in the blue states, where the areas are populated and industrialized. McCain leads in the bible belt and midwest. The problem with the American public is some people don't know s--- and others don't even suspect s---. Let's review quickly the last eight years, Enron debacle, the response to Katrina and those poor people that waited 6 days for FEMA, The Iraq war and no evidence of WMD's and let's not forget Cheny shooting his buddy on a hunting trip. The republican ideals/policies have been proven wrong time and time again and to date is no exception, fix the problem and throw these clowns out.
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