Gloating Over Spilled Milk!!!!!!!!!!! How Childish....
pimpology101 said:
LMAO I was never reprimanded at NW. I wasn't there long enough to be. The door had already hit me in the ass before anyone knew I was there.
But let's cut out the bullshit and just get right down to the nitty grittyshall we? Is nigger worship still up and running? I thought not. Enough said.
Surely, little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' dictator's pathetic ass in NW or DC is not the proper forum for such as those who may deem it their choice to express themselves in sexual desires which express no one harm, is it?????? The facts bare themselves out. By the idiotic postings scattered throughout this forum. Which is designed to allow adults to express their freedom of speech. As it relates to interracial relationships. And by the way. Still designed to harm no one against the exercise of their own expressions therein.
As long as such expressions are polite in the same exercise thereof.
So, apparently little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' dictator trolls about. Like a possessed lunatic. Seeking to foist upon various different forums his imbecilic infantilism. Looking to push his little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' childish moralistic delusions. For the sole purpose, to dissuade people and their free expression by oppressive, demeaning, and outright disgusting pathetic rantings. Just to run people off. Who are only trying to exercise their right to free expressions in forums designed for specific purposes to allow such freedom of speech. Upon the very people, who freely or otherwise, attend such forums for the specific reason such forums have been established. Which were designed for such exchanges.
By like minded people.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if this doesn't merit the noble award, i.e. "dictator" badge on the internet. Then I would have to say, maybe some one should notify ICANN. So little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' dictator, that he believes himself to be. Can be properly recognized for his tireless efforts at oppressing the free exchange of ideas. According to that ancient dogma established for control of information.......hangings....burnings....or inquisitions. Designed to curtail the free exchange of ideas. Through fear of that midnight knock on the door. That comes by Order of tyrants, to destroy freedom of speech or ideas differently expressed. Which don't fit the delusional mandate of such genocidal maniacs. The only difference between past dictators and out little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' dictator. They didn't have the internet to foist their pathetic delusions upon the unsuspecting innocent or those unable to defend themselves or otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But like all technology, the tyrants learn to use it. And the rest of us either Stand at the Gate of Freedom, or, like chaff in the wind, are blown away for allowing the rantings of a lunatic to persuade us, from doing the right thing. Ban his ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can always hope that the nature of Good Will, exercised by polite society, seeking Good Will with All Walks of Lfie, in the interest of Universal Peace will prevail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Restitutor Lex Aeternae:drool: