I know what you mean and understand. I live in the South where this is still Taboo, plus married and a shy house wife to boot. Ihave a gorgeously built black male who services all the plumbing in the area and recently after servicing a neighbors air conditioning pipes, allowed him to see me in most revealing outfit, no panties or bra. He noticed me more than I thought because last week while working in a heat wave he knocked on my door. I was surprised, although he knocked at the right time, right day. He asked if, he could possibililt use the facilities. Since I have seen him dozens of time I agreed, and offered him a cool glass of ice tea! While he was in the wash room, I quickly took my bra off, fluffed my hair and applied a little perfume.
Well, he accepted and something told him I was very excited, of course crossing my legs a cou:love: ple times helped. Well I will have to write you later to explain what happened....but it was the most fulfilled I have ever been!:drool: