This is a lady for all occassions
This woman is definately a trophy wife. I would do my best to replace you, she would always be treated as a lady in public, and have a very generous clothing allowance. She would ride in the finest of cars, enjoy the benefits of the country club, and agree to host parties for business associates and their wives, dress sexily, and speak in low sexy tones with no vulgarity. She would be free to have sexual relations of persons male or female, that she picks, as long as she was descreet, and never be pressured to do anything she did not want to do. She is a princes and would be treated as such.
I would only ask that is she had sex with another, that she did not put her panties back on, and place them either in my dinner plate, or on my pillow, and allow me the honor of eating her pussy as she lowered her bottom unto my so very willing face. She has two holes and I would orally please both.
You have presented the ultimate wife, an I assure you that many others are going to dessire, and treat her as the Goddess she is!
In the event she should desire to bear a child, she and she alone, would select the male whose sperm impregnated her, an irreguardless of race, I would provide the best of educations and the love an affection the child needs. I was fixed an can not make a baby, an while I do have some worthwhile attributes, I do not think I should reproduce. I have a knack for making money, but alas my penis is small, but my tounge is educated in more ways than one.