A little scenario for you
You've been sitting up on the couch all night, hearing the thuds, the moans, the grunts, the squeals coming from your bedroom... eventually it goes quiet, the bedroom door opens, footsteps pad to the front door, and then out. Your wife comes out to join you, wrapped in a towel, and sits next to you...
You: "I could hear you in there honey..."
Her: "Oh yeah? *giggles* sorry, we made quite a mess of the sheets!"
You: "Hearing it.. made me so horny.. maybe we could..?"
Her: "What? *glances to your hard cock* OH! Haha no, sorry hun, Indy fucked me so hard I think I'm all taken care of for tonight. What, wasn't hearing him fuck me enough for you? *Giggles*"
You: "But that just made it worse!"
Her: "Mmm he took me from behind, anally, just like you always want to -"
You: "But you never let me!"
Her: "Well you don't satisfy me like Indy does! And when he put his hands on my hips and starting thrusting, pounding, and I started moaning - oh my God!"
You: "Maybe you could give me a blow job or something?"
Her: "- and his cock.. filling me up, pressing deep, he kept pulling way back and then leaning into me, slamming against my ass, reaching around and grabbing at my breasts - here, look how red they are now! *opens towel to reveal pink breasts and a swollen, well-fucked pussy*"
You: "Honey, stop, I'm so horny! Can't I have anything tonight?"
Her: "*Giggles* well fine, you stay out here on the couch and jerk off or something. You know, I told Indy tonight that he'll never need to jerk off again.. my body is his whenever he wants it!"
You: ".."
Her: "Well I need a rest, I'm sore! I haven't been fucked like this in ages! Come join me when you're done doing whatever men who can't get laid do. Oh and by the way, make yourself scarce tomorrow around 9 pm, we'll need the bedroom. And the dining room table too *winks*"
Sound good?