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My trip to Brazil

  • Thread starterArgentinaWife
  • Start date

I understand your point. A "wife and mother" wouldn´t use these words. At least I would´nt use them. But I am a fluent english speaker as you are. She is not. You know the "studs" in here use these kind of phrases all time. I have been talked like that dozens of times. I personally hate that crap, but the guys here seems to enjoy calling us "dirty sluts" and "filthy whores". Maybe she thougth than that was the style to talk here. Who knows? Clara, If you read this, maybe you can explain yourself better. Ojala te haya ido bien en Brazil. Espero que me cuentes en privado ;)

Whammer said:
I'm just saying I find it odd. She says she is a wife and mother and it would appear that she has never cheated before or even had thoughts of cheating.
Then she fucks this black guy and says:"he made me cum like a *****".
Now does that sound right to you?
Is that what you would expect her to say?

Hola Latina y Argentina
Me gustaria contactarlas y hablar.
Soy un hombre latino negro.

Un beso para las dos.


Sorry but I dont need to explain myself. I dont care if people dont believe my words. In fact I wont post anymore here. Te mandé un mensaje privado. Ahi te cuento todo.

Yup, no sense in explaining yourself or posting anymore when the whole bullshit story is blown to bits.
Much easier to get a new forum ID and start over and make new fake posts.
Hey babe, whats up with you? Are you going to let us without know whatafuck you did at Brazil?
C´mon AW, shoot everything!
Guys, don´t waste your time. Y´ve talked with her. She won´t post again.
there are way too many bros in here spending time questioning other members posts- wether they are true or not.
SO WHAT?! Do as I do; go out and find your self some nice white pussy to break in and everybody will feel better!

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