I may be being paranoid but it may be that my source of Wifey / Sandra material is about to dry up. Over the last six months or so, her authorised posts on Planetsuzy.org must have included every low definition video ever made by the couple. These included many early videos in very low def never seen before. It got up to about 90 pages or so and then suddenly vanished. I cannot find a single low def post anywhere on the internet now.
This would not worry me or you, but the pattern is now repeating on her high def posts. Stuff from years back mixed in with material more recent but a steady stream slowly filling the pages. My worry is that this represents her final hurrah for her fans. Get it now while you can because it may not be coming back. I think she may finally be retiring and she has the financial / legal firepower to enforce a black out (ok, pun intended). I hope I'm wrong but if anyone is collecting, I'd start downloading now.