Mmm, I think we all need to just breathe out slowly and realise she is a real person with a career behind her and her own plans in front of her. Said plans will not take into account any of our wishes and desires, mostly because we don't actually contribute to her bank balance.
I'm sure the money has been good Shelly, but the economics of what she does has been turning against her for some time now. I'm sure her back catalog of BC movies has helped but it is clear that many are some years old, and she doesn't appear to be making many new ones. Even her 'mainsteam' movies are getting fewer (as well as repetitive). There is not much gold left in that mine. Only she (and hubby) will know where the Pull The Plug time is. It is unlikely to be flagged much in advance, although like all big chart performers I would say watch out for the Greatest Hits album!
Finally, I would imagine her endgame plan will be to move house after retirement to set up somewhere she is not known as a performer, but where she can still carry on her private activities. All her previous houses must now be known to their new owners as well as many of their current and previous neighbours.