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My need

  • Thread startertamika
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Beloved Member
Mar 6, 2010
Hello, this place keeps saying Im not logged in, will try to post again.
Im a older black lesbian, and I want a certain penthouse pet, always have.
I should be allowed to have her.
I have much more to say, but lets see if this works, or if anyone cares about my needs. Here are a few pics. of the white female I want.

tamika said:
Hello, this place keeps saying Im not logged in, will try to post again... Im a older black lesbian, and I want a certain penthouse pet, always have.
I should be allowed to have her. I have much more to say, but lets see if this works, or if anyone cares about my needs. Here are a few pics. of the white female I want.

O by all means tell us more. And i for one would let u have that pet.
Glad some of you support me.
I do not believe any white person should have rights, but thats another story.
Im a full on lesbian black dom., and I like white females, but I really have always like this one female, I like her toes/toenails, belly/deep innie navel, among other things, Im a lady, I see things that others dont, I like the little things about my desired white female. Again, her name is Sabrina west as listed as a penthouse pet, also goes by Sara Lynn, just incase any of you can help me get her.
I think whites should be used, and mentally broken down. I really want this white female. I do think she is good breeding stock, but I want this one for me.
I know she will cry a lot at first, and not want to be owned, and I like that.
Some things I would do from the start.
I would braid her hair in thin cornrows.
Pierce her nose in the center with a ring for a leash.
Love to get other black lesbian women to help me with her.
I would like to tie her to a alter and sprinkle inching powder all over her body and let her go crazy from it, Im talking about a month of her( give her a bit of a break for exercise ), but still a month worth of pure tickle torture.
I do want her vagina spread so that I can get up inside her and poke at her cervix.
I also want to do voodoo rituals on her body, not to hurt her, but also not pleasent to her. Im a nasty old black lady and this white female I want.
I want to do a voodoo thing that involves putting a chicken foot in her vagina.
thought I would put up some pictures of her belly, her showing her belly.
This female is really a breeder, great white female to give birth to a black baby, she is built for it, but try to understand, I want this white female for myself.

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the more she cries the more I want her.
Again, only asking to talk to those who are strong enough to deal with her wimpers and as cute as she is, not to feel sorry for her, something that us black doms need more of. I want to brand her on her forehead to show ownership. I do not want to have her all marked up, but I feel this is needed.
I just feel, and know its the right thing to do, her first month with me needs to be intense, to break her as soon as possible, so again, only want to talk to those who are strong and will not feel sad for her, and those who agree I should have her.
I really would like to paint on her belly with a ckicken foot paint her belly to freak her out, but not to hurt her.
Hi Tamika, enjoyed your thread, and wish the very best to you in attaining the white female of your choice. You will succeed only if you continue to persue your dream to its fullest. Your thoughts and beliefs about whites is oh so right on the button.

Best wishes, sweetie.

Ms Tamika
As a superior Nubian Queen you should be entitled to any of us white creatures- female or male You might want to use wimpy white males as your servant and white females as your sex slave Thank you MISS TAMIKA for posting
Tamika, I think laws are coming that will make whites submit to blakc at all times
of coourse i am thinking of blk men dominating whties expecially white men
prob even laws requiring white bois to serve blk men sexually if they want it
luv, MsGary
Hey auto, take your unwanted immature comments else where, or sit in the peanut gallery quietly. BTW, if posts on this site upset you, why are you here? :rolleyes:
I just wanted to say thank you to all who support me and understand me.
Auto, that was very disprectful of you to say that, and yes Im a big lady, but I still think that a black should have the right to take any desired white to own. I would be so happy to have this white female that I want. I would find it so pleasurable to have her and do all kinds of things to her body and make her learn to be happy to live her life as mine.
Still more to say, but time is short today.
As our friendly cartoon buddy oft said, "what a maroon"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
autotech said:
unfortunatly,YOU were put on the earth to serve the white man. thats why slavey was so popular in the past. it doesn't work the other way around. just because we elected a negro president doesn't mean everything is going to change. the south shall rise again...just wait...its brewing right now as we converse. DTAN.
This kind of posting will get you banned no time nor place for this
muleman said:
This kind of posting will get you banned no time nor place for this

so im confused, it is allowed to be one kind of racism but not the other?
and to Tamika: good luck =D i really hope you get what you want!
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Muleman, no need to warn posters like that. Just ban them and delete their posts. Marina, there's obviously a difference between a fantasy lesbian domination thread and what that poster was doing, and if you can't see it I wonder what you're doing here in the first place?
dig420 said:
Muleman, no need to warn posters like that. Just ban them and delete their posts. Marina, there's obviously a difference between a fantasy lesbian domination thread and what that poster was doing, and if you can't see it I wonder what you're doing here in the first place?

racism is racism, she says it is her belief that whites should not have rights(haha that rhymes). both are wrong but to punish one on the basis of being racist and ignoring the other is wrong. Unless this is a black>white based website then I completely understand, im just new and trying to get a feel for the place. =]
btw I have a burning hate for white redneck assholes.
also, i did support her fantasy if you read the message i was just confused about the possible pro-black, whites can eat shit and submit idea here. which im cool with since im not white =]. again im just questioning, no harm meant
tamika said:
....I would braid her hair in thin cornrows.
Pierce her nose in the center with a ring for a leash.....

U mean a ring thru the nose like they put on livestock? Now that would be interesting!

I do not know about the cornrows. I have not seen a white person yet that looks right with them. I would leave her hair straight. We would not want her looking like she is trying to be something else.

So u got any previous experiences u would like to tell us about?

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