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My Journey in the Cuck/Bull World

  • Thread starterDivinity
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Oct 28, 2011
Story time. This is kinda my "official introduction" you could say.

I figured I'd take a page from other members' books and discuss the beginnings of my realization of the fetish to now.

I'm still relatively new to the whole cuckolding world since I've had very minimal experience on either side.

Part 1

I'm a young bisexual man in his early 20s and I realized I was into cuckolding at around age 19. I used to be "normal" by society's standards and dreamed of the "correct" kind of relationship that's built on faithful behavior and very status quo get togethers. It wasn't until I experienced my first major heartbreak that I began to realize I had this fetish.

I had dated this girl for the better part of a year from 2008-2009 and close to our 1 year anniversary, I had learned she was cheating on me. At the time, it devastated me because I couldn't believe it happened to me, but that was me in my younger years when I didn't expect anything bad to happen. Big mistake on that part.

I had confronted the girl about it and she then revealed that since day 1 of being with me, she had been cheating on me. She felt so bad since this same thing has happened to her, but I wasn't falling for any tricks so I just ended it and went on with my life. I was very devastated by what she had done to me since I spent most of that relationship trying to make her happy and did what I could to be as good to her as I could be.

The thing with all of my relationships is it's the perfect setup for a cuckold since they were all long distance and in each relationship, I remained a virgin.

Don't take it the wrong way though, I'm not a completely submissive person. I'm actually quite dominating as described by most of the girls that I've dated. I have a rather large frame and when I need to, I put my foot down. I've always worn the pants in my relationships.

Despite this, I do enjoy being cuckolded.

I'll delve into how I realized I liked it and who exactly helped me realize this next time. :)
I am curious to hear the ongoing chapters - and I would also like you to experiment with wearing female panties, panty hose and high heels to get a feel for submission. You can restrict the opportunities for fun if "you put your foot down".

Step outside the "rules", set aside your EGO and let yourself "be something else".
Saraha said:
I am curious to hear the ongoing chapters - and I would also like you to experiment with wearing female panties, panty hose and high heels to get a feel for submission. You can restrict the opportunities for fun if "you put your foot down".

Step outside the "rules", set aside your EGO and let yourself "be something else".

With all due respect, I'm not really a completely submissive person and I don't ALWAYS get off by being humiliated. That being said, I can be very submissive when I want to be, but I always snap back to my usual self.

I already have worn panties in the privacy of my own room and I usually need to be in the mood to do so. I enjoy being submissive, but only every so often. I do not enjoy being a constant cuckold since I don't really work that way.

I define myself as a switch and it's what works for me.

You can say I have a huge ego that I refuse to set aside, but I'm a man and having an ego is a natural thing. There are just some things I refuse to do.

Part II

As I said in the first part of my story, the realization of my enjoyment began after my very first heartbreak.

After I ended that relationship, I moved onto another girl and she was the one who made me realize my fetish. Note that this was a long distance relationship.

It was really all because of a juvenile game of truth or dare (we were young and this kind of thing seemed fun for us then).

We wound up going for truth and she asked me what my top fantasy was. I was hesitant to tell her because we were in love (at least we thought so at the know..young people) but i eventually told her and to my surprise, she was sort of into the same thing.

Her fantasy was a threesome and I got really happy about it. I had told her I'd fulfill her fantasy someday (never did since we ended for reasons other than the fun we had) and she told me that she'd fulfill mine too.

She wound up fulfilling my fantasy ten fold by hooking up with a guy she had met off craigslist and the first time she did it, she had called me in the middle of it all and let me listen in as the guy used her. That was exciting and I wound up getting rock hard and stroked very softly since i wanted to savor the moment as i wasn't sure if it would ever happen again. She started dirty talking and it began sending me over the edge and I just ****** myself to not stroke and soaked the moment in. After it was done, I thanked her a hell of a lot and she expressed gratitude towards me. We continued with our relationship like normal and then surprisingly she told me she was going to do it for me again and hooked up with someone different whom she was acquaintances with. This time though, I got to watch via webcam.

Then there was a final time with that same guy. That one I only got dirty texts about and never heard or saw it.

Throughout the entire experience, she would always check with me to see if I was angry, sad, or what have you. Always making sure that I was fine with it and I'd reassure her each time.

We had continued together for a few months after the whole experience and I had always wanted to just ask if she were going to do it again, but I never got around to doing so. We eventually broke up for unrelated reasons.

After this, my fetish was in it's infant stages and I further explored it on my own for a long while. I'll touch on that next time. ;)
Some clarification would be helpful...

Divinity said:
The thing with all of my relationships is it's the perfect setup for a cuckold since they were all long distance and in each relationship, I remained a virgin.

This is puzzling. Whatever else may be involved, the basic definition of a cuckold is: a man with an unfaithful wife. Stretching it (but only slightly), it can also be said that a cuckold is a man with an unfaithful woman — where "woman" means wife, LTR partner, or regular girlfriend.

Thus, if your relationships with women have never involved sex, you aren't a cuckold. Rather, your women have been your friends. As such, they certainly have been and are free to pursue sexual satisfaction on their own without any implication that they are somehow "cuckolding" you.

Divinity said:
I'm a young bisexual man in his early 20s and I realized I was into cuckolding at around age 19.

This too is puzzling. Bisexual means, by definition, you have sex with... or have had sex with... both women and men. You haven't commented on your sexual relationships with men (if any), but if you've never had sex with a woman, how can you be bisexual?
Some husbands are so set in their ways that they miss out on a lot of fun, which becomes possible when you dismantle rules of "normalcy" that are like brick walls or a mind prison.

A ********** gets heaps more sex than a Vicar's wife, because she has a different set of mind rules.

A macho man is always watching his trophy wife to make sure another guy does not move in and seduce her. He lives in fear of her fidelity because all eyes will be on her when she enters a room (and some guys will chance their hand to chat her up).

A cuckold allows himself the fun of seeing his wife naked on the bed and enjoying other cocks. A macho man will never see these erotic sights because his rules stop him.
Marriage is not ownership any more. A couple should listen to each other's fantasies and see if they can make them happen - that is what true love is all about.

For better or worse is a legal contract, and if your wife fucks the paper boy or the milkman, you are meant to forgive her and forget it ever happened. If you can't forgive then you have broken your legal promise.

And vice versus, your wife should forgive you in return for your "sins". Sins are just broken rules a human made up.
Custer Laststand said:
Bisexual means, by definition, you have sex with... or have had sex with... both women and men. You haven't commented on your sexual relationships with men (if any), but if you've never had sex with a woman, how can you be bisexual?

Bisexual does not mean you have sex with or have had sex with both women in men, it means you are attracted to both men and women. That's how I define it and that's why I consider myself bisexual. Saying that I have to have had sex with both a man and a woman to be considered bisexual is the same as me claiming someone isn't heterosexual just because they've never had sex with a woman.

Custer Laststand said:
This is puzzling. Whatever else may be involved, the basic definition of a cuckold is: a man with an unfaithful wife. Stretching it (but only slightly), it can also be said that a cuckold is a man with an unfaithful woman — where "woman" means wife, LTR partner, or regular girlfriend.

Thus, if your relationships with women have never involved sex, you aren't a cuckold. Rather, your women have been your friends. As such, they certainly have been and are free to pursue sexual satisfaction on their own without any implication that they are somehow "cuckolding" you.

This is the part where I say we entered into a relationship (as in I asked her out and she said yes). My relationships with women never involved physical sex, but we did meet and fool around a little bit, but I never engaged in intercourse with them. They were all long distance and we met every so often for special occasions.

Some husbands are so set in their ways that they miss out on a lot of fun, which becomes possible when you dismantle rules of "normalcy" that are like brick walls or a mind prison.

A ********** gets heaps more sex than a Vicar's wife, because she has a different set of mind rules.

A macho man is always watching his trophy wife to make sure another guy does not move in and seduce her. He lives in fear of her fidelity because all eyes will be on her when she enters a room (and some guys will chance their hand to chat her up).

A cuckold allows himself the fun of seeing his wife naked on the bed and enjoying other cocks. A macho man will never see these erotic sights because his rules stop him.

Marriage is not ownership any more. A couple should listen to each other's fantasies and see if they can make them happen - that is what true love is all about.

For better or worse is a legal contract, and if your wife fucks the paper boy or the milkman, you are meant to forgive her and forget it ever happened. If you can't forgive then you have broken your legal promise.

And vice versus, your wife should forgive you in return for your "sins". Sins are just broken rules a human made up.

I'm not sure what your intentions are here, but it sounds to me like you want me to be a completely submissive cunt with no free will or a say in the matter. You used the term macho man and I definitely wouldn't describe myself as such.

I listen to fantasies and when push comes to shove, I try my best to fulfill them with a smile on my face and more often than not, I wind up enjoying it.

I feel like you're claiming that I have too many rules that I refuse to break and these "rules" as it were are preventing me from truly having fun? I'm sorry, but I don't see the pleasure in being abused by a woman over and over. I do get that some men love having this happen to them, but in order for a relationship to work (IN MY VIEW) BOTH sides need to be satisfied instead of just one. I would enjoy it if my girlfriend slept with other men, but to have this sort of thing happen ALL the time? No, because I do enjoy spending time with my lady and treating her to a nice night without having to turn it into an orgy fest.

I appreciate your "concern" if that's what it is you're showing for me and my sex life, but again, I respectfully decline. Are my views flawed? Yeah, so I don't need you pointing that out to me. To I have too much pride, yeah, but show me a man who doesn't.

I'm here to make friends and not enemies.
I am suggesting you let your mind allow itself to try new things. There are infinite ways to have fun, but society has programmed us to have a very narrow focus in life.

Too many husbands want their wife to fuck other men, but not to fall in love with them. If a wife opens her panties for strangers, she can't promise they won't press her buttons in new ways that her bubby has not discovered.

So, as I said in my previous post, my fetish was in it's infant stages after I had explored it with my girlfriend at the time.

After me and her split, I just focused on me for a long while, but still had that fantasy of having a girlfriend and sharing her with other guys.

I didn't have the goal of getting a girlfriend JUST to share her though, that's why I stayed away from the relationship scene for about 7 months after me and the one girl split.

I had this friend since 2009 who pretty much knew nearly everything about me and she began showing an interest in me in mid 2011. I chose to not enter a relationship with her to keep the friendship we had going strong, but it came to a point where she began exploiting my fantasy to lure me into a relationship with her. She would pretend to be with guys and record herself fucking herself with a dildo and then would send it to me. It came down to a point where we were just sex buddies and it blossomed into an open relationship. There were multiple instances where she was with guys and would send me pictures and/or audio recordings of her exploits and I'd love every second of it.

Eventually that relationship ended for reasons she wouldn't explain and here I am today.
Saraha said:
Too many husbands want their wife to fuck other men, but not to fall in love with them. If a wife opens her panties for strangers, she can't promise they won't press her buttons in new ways that her bubby has not discovered.

This is true, it happened with my 1st ex-wife, she ended up leaving me for one of the guys. however they are now divorced and I am happily married so in the end it worked out better for me.

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