hack1 said:If you all want to hear more, I’ll keep going…
How come there are no pictures of her with her lovers.....it would make for more believable circumstances as opposed to possible fiction.
Second....how do you know...if she becomes emotionally involved or falls deeply in love...because you really do not know where this could lead to...that she suddenly goes off birth control and whats the ultimate pleasure...no protection.....the longest and strongest orgasm of her life.....all because she is mentally and physically taking millions of his seed to mate and possibly have a cuckhold child for you to take care of...and you agreed with this path that she took.....knowing well of the possible consequences!!![/QUOTE]
Two things:
#1 - I am writng the story in chronological order and have not yet come to a point where a pic of her with a lover was taken. Despite what many visitors to this site seem to think, most lovers are not interested in starrring in a porno movie or picture set. I only have a few pics of her with a lover and they were taken without his knowledge. I, for one, doubt the veracity of manmy of the pics posted here claiming to be someone's wife getting fucked by a lover. It is also clear from the angle of many pics that the person doing the fucking also took the pics, even though it is claimed the hubby took a pic of the lover. If you doubt that my thread is true, then don't read it - I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else for that matter. I don't mean to be offensive - I am saying it is your choice. I will post the pics of her with her lover when I get to it.
#2 - Perhaps you have the fantasy of your wife giving you a cuckold baby or of fathering one. I do not. Besides, there are other methods of birth control than the pill you know, that you cannot just stop one day. As for the emotional part you speak of -I have no worries and I can't see why that is relevant here anyway.
I generally find it strange that the guys who decide to open up and shre some very personal stuff here in the spirit of sharing the lifestyle have to also defend what they are doing or face attack, or rude, tasteless comments.
Anyway, everything I am writing here is 100% true. É cosi, basta!