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My Ex Wife

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TexasCuck said:
but when the other person isn't your spouse, you're not a cuckold.

That's not necessarily true,,, doesn't HAVE to be a wife,, can be just a SO,, or even strictly a Femdom.
underher said:
That's not necessarily true,,, doesn't HAVE to be a wife,, can be just a SO,, or even strictly a Femdom.

Merriam Webster:

Main Entry: cuck·old
Pronunciation: \ˈkə-kəld, -(ˌ)kōld\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English cokewold
Date: 13th century
: a man whose wife is unfaithful
— cuckold transitive verb


cuck·old (kkld, kk-)
A man married to an unfaithful wife.
tr.v. cuck·old·ed, cuck·old·ing, cuck·olds
To make a cuckold of.


A cuckold is a married man whose wife has sex with other men. In current usage it sometimes refers to non-married couples in committed relationships as well, although the traditional meaning is a man whose wife is adulterous.


cuck·old /ˈkʌkəld/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhk-uhld] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the husband of an unfaithful wife.
–verb (used with object) 2. to make a cuckold of (a husband).

Umm, yes, it IS true.
Yes, Yes,,,,
I know this is the strict definition of the word,,, but most dictionary-type sources speak thru traditional terms to be correct in a literary sense,,,
Now,,, In modern society there are a lot of couples that 'live' together without technically being married in the hubby/wife sense,,, or some couples simply have long term 'steady' relationships,,,
Question,,, if the folks in those relationships are doing the same exact things as a 'married' cuckold couple do,, then what DO you call him and her ?

common-law cuckoldress ? common-law cuckold ? Or do they have some other special term for those occasions of exact situations ?

Dunno,,, but I think not,,, *chuckle*

Must have been one hell of a bitch if you let that good-lookin' shit get away.
Did she have a kinky attitude to match that kinky-ass body?
Would LOVE to overflow that pussy with a pent-up load of my baby gravy.

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