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My ex-girlfriend

  • Thread starterex has black BF
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A couple of guys on here said they knew my wife in college and fucked her and I didnt believe them at first, but they verified it. Judging by her 360 profile, and her friends list, she is doing alot of experimenting.
listen mike... you need to move on

ex has black BF said:
I do not work with them, they work with each other. I found out that she was getting with him cause I checked her email. I had suspected for sometime that she was cheating on me because she started dressing alot nicer and we started having less sex, and only when I initiated it. The email to her friend said, basically, that she felt bad that she was cheating on me with the other guy, cause she loved me, but that the sex was too good to stop. I immediately dumped her cheating ass. Now I feel bad because all I can think about it her with her black bf. I wish I could get past it but it is pretty much all I can think about these days.

Mike... first of all I would like to make it clear to you that you have no right to post her pics all because you cant get over yourself! Not only do you have pics up of her, but her friends, her new boy friend with names and her info up on a board for the world to see. She is a professional and so are the people in those pics. I know who you are Mike... what you do for a living and where you work at. Can you imagine the fall out if someone at you work saw this post? I would hope you would have the same consideration for her and her friends when you put up their pics and info on this board. You need to delete them...

I am personal friends with this girl and I know the whole story between you two. She is a very sexual being and likes to explore. You could not handle much less see that side of her. She did try on several occasions to bring you into the lifestyle and her fantasies. She tried to by talking to you or actually setting things up for you to share a new experience. The one time things did happen, you were not receptive and flipped out. There are a few other reasons why she made the decision that she did, but you are not with out blame. you had a good girl. she loved you and was ready to marry you. Now she is gone and you need to MOVE ON with your life and let her go. Take this as a lesson and be more aware of your relationships in the future. There is no need to air out her business in public to strangers out of spite. I have let her know about this post. I suggest you call her BEFORE she calls you...

To the admin.... please delete the pics on this string as they are posted with out consent from those in them. Thanks

Mr. Ed
her reply...

Mike, here is her responce... you might want to read it.

Mr Ed


I am specifically writing this to one person and you know who you are. In the last few weeks, I became aware of the fact that you were going into interracial chatrooms and talking about me. For whatever reason, the thought of me with Ryan is a turn-on to you. This just affirms that I was correct when I think that ending our relationship was the best thing to do. You are a small minded and highly insecure person. I ask you to show some decency and stop displaying pictures of me, my friends, and Ryan to the other perverts you chat with. It is sad that you have to resort to this type of behavior and I really think you need help. If you do not stop I will report your behavior to the appropriate authorities and I will also let your family know about your actions. "
You foolish fuck you could have seen her being taken by that black dick
Few things that I noticed...

about this thread.

First off...all of those pics are on her 360 website. Even the white guys name is on there to use as whoever pleases. So how do you know it is him?

Second...Even if she thought it was is he small minded. he didn't want to share his gf with someone black or they broke up. Now that he doesn't have her... it is only natural to envision her with someone else.

Third...She has a website that has ripped on her ex on the someone...comes on here and uses her pics and now she upset. Seems pretty thin skinned to me. She has been to forums like this and he is only the perv. She uses perv as if it is a bad are on a sex forum. We're all pervs in some fashion. It's not like you are hiding the fact that you are with someone else that so happens to be black. What's the shame of it being on your 360 yahoo and not on here. Not quite following the thought process.

Fourth...stop berating your ex and get back at him if you truly believe it is him. Don't stoop to his level by sending stuff to his family...send pics of you and your conquests on this site...tease him what he is missing. It's one thing to see pics and think about the past sex sessions...but another thing to actually relive the intercourse you had.
blackTyrone said:

You need to butt out, this isn't your business.

Who has more business posting anything about this? You and all the the other RANDOM guys who just reads the boards and doesn't know any of the people involved? Or someone that DOES knows who the people are in real life like myself? I find you humorous.

If you are going to pipe in... you should at least state your option on the matter.
I think you are all fucked up.

Her for cheating, the losers for thinking white people are different from black people and you for caring about a bitch who cheats.

I mean seriously, the whole thing is quite simple, if the girl cheats you dump her ass and move on. Don´t follow the logic of fucked up people on this site.

It would make no difference if she cheated on you with a blonde dude, the same thing applies. Dump her ass and move on.

That of course is assuming I believe all this bullshit, which I don´t.

The funniest part though, was some loser saying "she likes to experiment" that is some sick crap.
It may be sick crap but it's been human nature for the last 2 million odd years.

Her calling him a pervert though is just a little hypocritical on her part. She was the first to delve into erotica.
His is just more of a conditioned response gone awry.

Sometimes, Love and Relationships really do... Suck the Big One! In more ways than one!
No, its not human nature. I hate when idiots use the term "human nature" to explain some idiotic behaviour.

The saddest part is that this (most likely fake) story, will provide a lot of losers from this place weeks and weeks of jerk off material.
well its her loss not yours. that guy is not good looking. if she prefers that guy over you, its her fucking loss. she looks ridiculous with him. go tel lher family who there little girl is dating. im sure they'll ll be real proud.
Idiot???... Just what are you doing here, by the way?

If you don't know human sexuality by now then you are the one uneducated in this matter.

It is human nature! You can deny it all you want but the fact of the matter is that we are animals...and sometimes our animal natures override our more domestic sensibilities.

Sexual betrayal is a fact of most of nature..."including human nature". You don't have to like it...but you might as well expect it, at some point in your life.
SentientDog said:
Idiot???... Just what are you doing here, by the way?

If you don't know human sexuality by now then you are the one uneducated in this matter.

It is human nature! You can deny it all you want but the fact of the matter is that we are animals...and sometimes our animal natures override our more domestic sensibilities.

Sexual betrayal is a fact of most of nature..."including human nature". You don't have to like it...but you might as well expect it, at some point in your life.

Only if you get involved with idiotic people.

You see, I only found this site because of porn. All this lame bullshite you people spread, based on no science at all (even if you claim otherwise), should just be ignored. But I don´t know man, its just too funny to point out how stupid you are.

And if you think humans are just "animals" your logic is flawed as well, the evolutinary step below our species had a monogamic behaviour. Look it up if you want.

I am so sick of dumb people trying to cover their wrong behaviour with some kind of made up science. Damn, try to pick up a book before you speak.

Lol, dumb people are so funny.
Then get the fuck out of the forum, Moron! You don't have to be here!

You being in here, with all your self-righteousness makes you hypocritical, at best... and more of a closet perv than anything else.
In regards to the guys who think this is a fake post, I have seen this girl in my town and I know she has a black bf. Don't know if there is any way for the original poster to prove whether he is in fact her ex or not, but this is a hot thread. Her pics have definitely given me lots of spank material!!
anna-mwf said:
well its her loss not yours. that guy is not good looking. if she prefers that guy over you, its her fucking loss. she looks ridiculous with him. go tel lher family who there little girl is dating. im sure they'll ll be real proud.

Why wouldn't they accept him, you racist prick?
can someone link to her 360 page. I did a searcha nd couldnt come up with it...
u fUCKED UP royaly she hot as hell and u just up and left dude u needed to rething any more emotional descisions u make in life or u gonna b one broke mutha 4 real, can i say Stuck On Stupid!!!!!Thats what u were and still is!!

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