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my boyfriend

  • Thread starterbabygurl
  • Start date
I have another comment for you. Re-read all the comments on here from people who have NO reason for telling you lies!! THEY ALL SAY BASICALLY THE SAME THING; RUN LIKE HELL AS FAST AND AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!!! I am older than 42, and I know what he is trying to do to you, as do all the other commenters on here. Why won't you take the advice you are asking for??? We have been there, done that, and as I say, we have the scars to prove it!!!!!!!! Please, use your brain and not your emotions. He is NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS FOR YOU. Your parents will still love you and be there for you and help you mature the correct way!!!
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well i went ahead and did it with the other guy my bf chose and i told him i liked it so now he wants me to do more. and yes to the person who asked it was with a black guy.
When you have a good education, the world provides wonderful opportunities beyond your current imagination.

Do you want guys to like you because you let them gawk at your plastic breasts - or would you like them to like you because you are a nice person?

Big boobs make guys want to pull your panties down and fuck you, but it does not make them FEEL RESPECT FOR YOU. They just want to "use you" for sexual gratification, then they will chase another "willing girl with plastic boobs". When you get older, you will have to do even more leud acts to keep the dollars coming in. There is always a fresh-faced young girl competing to take over your "territory", your place on the catwalk at the strip show. The guys get bored after a few months, and look for a new girl to oggle at. Strippers have to keep "moving on" to new night clubs, and from town to town to avoid becoming "old hat". The strange hours catch up and can make your body old before your time. It is not a "nice life", but can be fun for awhile, especially if everyone put you down while growing up.

GET AN EDUCATION and you can still do stripping; but remember that a 42-year-old man should be established in life and be able to offer you a stable home and decent income, so you don't have to work, unless you want to.

Before you get married, do some dating with other guys your own age to FEEL what it is like.
What an interesting thread.

The woman asking advice is a tender eighteen years old. Her 'man' is forty-two. Her username is Babygurl. The geezers here (I'm a geezer, he's a geezer, she's a geezer, wouldn't you like to be a geezer too?) automatically go into 'parenting' mode in these situations. I couldn't agree more that boob jobs are totally unnecessary. And it's surely true that stripping is as cutthroat a career choice as is high art venues as well as adult venues. Polyamory/hotwifing/hotgirlfriends etc. must be tempered with safe practices despite the popular bareback fetish that is prevalent here. Among other fetishes.

Obtaining a PHD in economics is a pretty questionable pursuit of happiness (or pragmatism) in my opinion. The harsh reality and the awful truth is that we all play the real world 'monopoly' game (tm) without questioning it's fundamental assumptions. Everyone across the world buys into the Horatio Algier dream of making it big--hook line and sinker. Everything has got to be 'big'. Texas big. Big cock. Big corporation. Big Hummer. Big boobs. Big everything. The resources of planet earth are finite. That is to say limited. Yet the priesthood of economics can only conceive of unlimited growth.

By now, the other geezers think I have ranged far afield of simple advice to a damsel in distress. But from the most prestigious careers to toilet cleaners, there is no 'reward' in work that does not give workers autonomy and a sense of helping to change the world for the better. Absolutely none of the so-called professions are available to anyone who does not first demonstrate a willingness to submit themselves to true power. Ask too many questions or challenge assumptions at university and you find yourself with a failing grade one way or another. Be a 'Yes' man or woman and you will sail through with flying colors irrespective of your technical abilities.

If you don't mind selling your soul and giving up your dreams, you too, can join the ranks of professionals. There are tons of overqualified unemployed people out there today competing for scraps. The ones who are employed overwhelmingly do dreary mindless jobs that do little-to-nothing to improve the lot of the rest of us or salvage the diminishing ecosystem that feeds and clothes us all. The interests that are served by professionals are the interests of their employers and the bean counters. The bottom line.

I'm not going to get on a political stump at a 'cuckold' forum because that would be 'off topic'. There are serious problems with the big ass; Bob's Big Boy worship that dominates our world system of work and wealth accounting. Not just American capitalism. There are serious even devastating changes just around the corner. For sure, we need to nurture Babygurl and all our young people because they are the future. But implicit in that obligation is the the requirement to call things by their true name. To not sugarcoat the ugly underbelly of modern society. We need to examine the whole system for what it is.

'nuff said.
That was a great post Monitaur.

it's a lot to ask someone to undergo surgery for them. That's kind of a big deal.
And I think as you have heard a lot of guys prefer real breast even tiny ones to fake breast. But a lot of men (people) are more concerned with the visual aspect. and that where Huge tits can be an advantage. I have no doubt they would help you make more money Stripping. However I would make sure it's what you want first. You may not be with this guy forever, but you will always be with yourself.

Good luck, and how was the black lover?
Babygurl, to address your many comments:
1) Keep yourself happy. If your older boyfriend makes you happy, stay with him. If the things he wants you to do make you unhappy, then ask him to change. If he won't change, and he makes you unhappy, you have to leave him.

2) Stripping. I'm definitely pro-strippers. I bet you look hot on stage, and if you like doing it, keep doing it. I know the money is great, but the important thing is if it's worth it to you. If you can take your paycheck, and look back on the previous week and say "yes, that was worth it" then keep stripping. Otherwise, get another job where you make less money, but you don't have to do that to yourself.

3) Boob job. If your boyfriend wants you to get one, and presumably the strip club wants you to get one, and YOU want to get one, then get one. Maybe you can even compromise and go up to a full D instead of DD. I haven't seen your body (though I'd like to) so I can't say what would look good on you, but you were right about one thing: men like big tits. Though other commenters were right, a boob jos isn't going to get you respect, it's just going to get you fucked. If that's your goal, then good for you!

4) Education. Definitely go back to school. Your writing and sentence structure shows a significant lack of education. Even an associate's degree will give you many more employment options. You can't be a stripper forever, you need some long-term plans.

5) Parents. Whether your parents are overbearing or not, no mom would like her daughter dating a much older man, stripping, and having sex with strangers. However, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your life, you just need to make those decisions on your own.

Remember, every decision you make needs to increase your own happiness and security.
ok so alot of guys are saying i shoudnt get breast implants and i still dont know what im going to do their but as for school alot of sucessful people didnt graduate high school so school isnt everything in life and my mom is a bitch which is why i dont even live with her anymore

and yea my bf wants me to hook up with 2 guys he will arange me for do you think thats to many so soon??
babygurl said:
ok so alot of guys are saying i shoudnt get breast implants and i still dont know what im going to do their but as for school alot of sucessful people didnt graduate high school so school isnt everything in life and my mom is a bitch which is why i dont even live with her anymore

and yea my bf wants me to hook up with 2 guys he will arange me for do you think thats to many so soon??

A handful of successful people didn't graduate high school. A great many more people who didn't graduate high school live out lives of poverty and misery, and a great many more people who graduate college are successful in life than people who didn't graduate high school.

Do your future self a huge favor and stay in school. Once you reach 40, trying to earn a living as a stripper will just make you seem pathetic, not hot.
************ for sho!

babygurl said:
ok so alot of guys are saying i shoudnt get breast implants and i still dont know what im going to do their but as for school alot of sucessful people didnt graduate high school so school isnt everything in life and my mom is a bitch which is why i dont even live with her anymore

and yea my bf wants me to hook up with 2 guys he will arange me for do you think thats to many so soon??


It's totally obvious that your bf is pimping you out. He's taking money from these guys and you don't even know it. Do you like being a **********? You need to know that you are a ********** now. Do you like it? If you like being a ********** then keep doing it. If you don't like being a **********, then you should stop doing it.

Gurl, I agree with Mary's Pet. You can't use the smartest 0.001% of people as your example for why you live your life the way you do. Unless you're going to be a movie star or pop singer, both of which are very unlikely, you're going to need an education first and foremost.

Good luck to you.
ok my boyfriend is not pimping me out lets get that clear

btw i said he wanted me to post here and meet some guys but it looks like this place is mostly for guys to talk about their wives not the other way around?

@Babygurl: You are the decider here. I am in limited general agreement with the throng. One does stand a better chance (sometimes) with professional or paraprofessional training but it must be weighed against the cost of school itself. You can enjoy training for a career and later decide that the career is not your cup of tea.

@Saraha: Professional credentials guarantee that the employer or funding source is the entity that determines how professionals do their job. A lucky few can survive the training with scruples intact. But the larger system keeps workers of all kinds tethered to a short rope. Working to benefit the community or individuals or the environment is always subsumed to benefiting the bosses. So, at the risk of throwing guano in the punchbowl It is not a surefire route to happiness or modest wealth especially now.
A lot of clever people hated school so did not do very well, but when they got in the work force and got some life experiences, they matured and could use their "cleverness" to notice great opportunities to drag in pots of money.

Bill Gates could have easily passed a University degree, but found the task very boring so decided to not finish his papers.

There are many people who are in the right place at the right time to get advancement, but most can't get a foot in the door without completing a university degree. That is the hurdle: "getting a foot in the door". Once you get in the door, it is up to individual ability how far you will go.

The lazy people at school often end up being bosses, and they get the brightest people to work for them on tasks they can't do themselves.
It is YOUR life...

...therefore you get to shape it and direct it any way you choose. In order to do that in a purposful way you have to arm yourself with knowldge regarding everything that you are now doing and will in the future do. Taking into consideration everything that has been your life up to this point is also important...mistakes and the results...successes and the results...paying close attention to the why and how things developed or turned out the way they did, and who influenced, pressured, or otherwise impacted your decisions.

The very thoughts you have now are shaping your life, they will produce results. It is important to be faithful to your core belief system. It is more important that your core belief system be yours, and not someone elses. Therefore it can not be right or wrong for you to be with a much older man, to strip, to engage in sex with others etc...simply because someone on a forum says so. You have to make those determinations. In order to make those decisions you have to educate yourself regarding all that is going on in your life.

Ask yourself important questions. Is this good for me...not just in the big things like modifying your body by getting bigger tits, or getting or not getting a quote classical education...but in the small details of every decision. Will what i choose to do today enrich myself as a person, will it fulfill me, will it develop my character the way I want, will it satisfy me deeply.

When you reach the point of knowing the answers to questions you ask yourself...pour yourself and your energies into the direction you choose and dont let others, their ideas, or belief systems deter you from your path or reaching your goals. is YOUR life.

Human relationships are complicated, and often its because true openess and trust do not exist. Walls are prevelant, set up to protect us from percieved damage that will or could happen if we let our defenses down. It is important to know the true nature of our partners intentions, as well as ours towards them. Many women fall into the trap of believing that if they do this or that for their man...they will be loved more. Many men believe that they can expect, and even demand (mostly through subtle manipulation) that their woman to do things for them...and by doing them prove their love. Both situations are very damaging to the relationship and will eventually destroy the person, and the relationship.

When you do what you love, do what you believe completely in...and do it with passion and will be happy and invariably attract the person that sees you as you are and loves you. This will enhance what you already are doing and create more opportunity for increased enjoyment and fulfillment as life goes on.

If that is where you are at right now with your man....then pour youself into doing all of these things. If it is not where you are at...take the time to be honest with yourself and answer the tough questions. You are young and have plenty of time to create whatever life you want...make sure its the life you truely desire to live and you will be satisfied beyond your dreams.

Well said....

Hi Trish,

Ktulu has said some things to you that are good and important. She appears thoughtful and intelligent. Note also she spells her words correctly, her sentences are grammatically correct and she understands how to use paragraphs effectively. Also, she developed her comments to you in a logical way that makes good sense. That suggests she is educated.... perhaps well educated. There are many ways of becoming educated that do not involve the public school system. Whatever Ktulu's approach was, she appears to have done it well.

Best wishes—
babygurl said:
ok my boyfriend is not pimping me out lets get that clear

btw i said he wanted me to post here and meet some guys but it looks like this place is mostly for guys to talk about their wives not the other way around?

Carry on being his unpaid w****. Who knows maybe he is the one for you?
Maybe you wont get a disease and die. The main thing is you have fun now and if all goes well you will not be like your mother as this seems to be the main problem in your life.... Good luck..... Your gonna need it.:(
this Ktulu... a male. lol Custer, trying to give me a sex change.

I dont want it!!

Saraha said:
There are many people who are in the right place at the right time to get advancement, but most can't get a foot in the door without completing a university degree. That is the hurdle: "getting a foot in the door". Once you get in the door, it is up to individual ability how far you will go.

Congratulation, in my opinion this is the main argument "getting a foot in the door". I only can tell how it works here in Europe and this is exactly the way it is. I often discuss with my friends about the percentage of knowledge we received during our education and the average answers are 5-10%.

But everyone agrees to the fact that without degree they did not get the job offer or position where they are currently in even if later nobody asks for your degree. BUT for "getting a foot in the door" it is strictly necessary.


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