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mr obamas new law

Yes, I am for obliterating Islamo-Facists. I am for taking the battle to them instead of them coming here. Do people even realize what the world is up against? Is there Nothing worth fighting for? Fundamentalist Islam is the biggest evil to come around since Nazi Germany. They Must be irradicated. Al Queda in Iraq has been almost completely annihilated. Iran is going to have to be dealt with, sorry but true and we cannot just all jump into bed and pull the covers over our heads and hope they go away.

There is no tax cut deep enough as far as I am concerned. Government cannot be too small either. The boarders must be secured, and government must keep it's hands off the health industry.

NOTHING the US government does works out. They produce Nothing, they develop Nothing, and yet they insist on taking the American people's money. For what? What have they done to better our lives? Nothing. They want to punish success. They want to redistribute wealth and put earnings caps on business.

Obama is the poster boy of a really really Bad plan. I do not like Bush but if you think Obama is going to be better, you are sadly mistaken.
jeffer49 said:
Kind of interesting how the original post was meant "toungue in cheek' and a few replies got all "Pissy" about it.
It shows the intolerance of some peoples mindset when they don't have a sense of humor or all they can do is critisize and blame others for their own ignorance.
Definately off topic...

I don't think anybody got "pissy" about the original "tongue in cheek" post. It was obviously the typically outrageous fantasy/joke post we see here. What set me off was when somebody posted something about Obama being a "gift from God."

Despite the delusions people seem to have about this guy, he IS NOT coming in clouds of Glory, he CAN'T part the sea and he CAN'T walk on water. People need to start questioning this guy on the issues instead of acting like he's Jesus Christ. You can't even approach him with the issues without being accused of being a racist, a bigot, or some other kind of phobe; his whole campaign is based on "Change," but he doesn't want to discuss what that change is. We could take down Old Glory and put up the Hammer and Sickle. That would be Change, but would it be Good Change? I doubt it. I have no use for the scum that's running our government now, they've done more to hurt America than anything, but Obama's done nothing to convince me his brand of change is anything different than what we've seen before. He's a dyed-in-the-wool, old fashioned, tax and spend liberal, and I'm convinced the only change we'll see is a return to the same failed Democratic strategies we've seen in the past. End of story. No, I take that back. This guy has schemes so grandiose he'll put old fashioned tax-and-spenders in the Little League.

I do indeed remember the old Hotwife Forum. I wondered what happened to it, though I doubt it went down because one thread in the forum turned decidedly political.More likely it failed because the owner ran out of cash... perhaps cornered by the IRS for not paying his outrageous taxes. And I don't consider myself "ignorant" or "intolerant." I have a perfect sense of humor, but it's getting harder to laugh when your job goes to China, the bank takes your home, your life is going to Hell, and you see the politicians that claim to represent us doing everything in their power to screw us. Are they being PAID to ignore the people? Maybe we should remember the cry of our forefathers as they dumped tea into Boston Harbor: "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!" Are you being represented in Washington? I'm not. The ignorant person is the one who sees the problem and does -or says- nothing to correct it.

Remember the frog in the high school experiment that sits in slowly heating water till he boils to death? He doesn't jump out even though the water is getting steadily hotter. He ignores his worsening situation until he dies. Well we're the frog, and Washington is turning up the heat. Time to jump, my friend.
MacNfries said:
Island 77 ... possibly you would like Bush & Cheney to take another 4 years???? I'm not siding with Obama, but if you vote for McCain you ARE going to see the USA get deeper into an "overseas" war ... and our national debt, which doubled under President Bush due to the war, will then triple, and possibly collapse our government. What happened to Russian during the Arms Wars during President Reagan ... will happen to us and you'll be paying $10.00 for a loaf of bread, and $15.00 for a gallon of milk. And gasoline will probably not even be available by then. Already the "dollar" has lost (and continues to lose more) its national image to the Euro$$ ... one of the main reasons our gas prices have ski-rocketed recently. Ever wonder why all our allies have begun withdrawing their own troops to this stupid war? Soon it will be just the USA and Isreal (whoopi doooo) ... and the war isn't even in our hemisphere.

I don't know what Obama will do, and I certainly am against a national health care system, which he promotes, but if our country is to go bankrupt, I'd prefer we go bankrupt spending our money on our OWN citizens instead of a dumb ass war caused by a dillusional president and crooked vice president, on a bunch of Iraqis that hate us anyway.

Also, Obama is talking about "reversing" the tax cuts Bush implimented ... the tax cuts Bush implimented were mostly for capital gains tax ... do you have a problem with capital gains? For sure poor people don't ... and I'll bet if you're on a website called, YOU aren't one of them either. If Obama is going to raise taxes on all of us, it'll probably be to support the national health care system. Our government is so good at running programs like that ... look at how well run Social Security and Medicare are run by our government ... geesh!

If all of us want to help get some of these problems resolved, we should ALL start taking an active roll by writing to our state representatives, and let them know we INSIST on allowing exploration of oil reserves in our USA territories. Let them know you will no longer support them if they don't. When enough people do this, gas prices will go back down, and many other positive things will begin to happen. But, it starts with all of US ... we can't expect others to be our voices. The very people that SAY they work for us, ARE our problem. They're liars ... and Enser is right.

Man, I really wanted to get out of this discussion...

We're screwed if either McCain or Obama is elected. Look around you, man... the writing's on the wall. We're going to be in a deepening war either way, when people start rioting in the streets because they can't afford fuel or food nations WILL go to war. It'll be over who gets the oil thats left, and we'll be right in the middle of it.

I've decided to vote Libertarian this time: Smaller government, fewer foreign entanglements, energy independence, closed borders and less taxes. Could they deliver? It would be an uphill battle since the Elephants and Jackass's would still control congress, but at least they have the balls to stand up for what's right. I'll likely throw away my vote, but at least I'll speak my mind at the ballot box. We need to at least TRY a peaceful revolution before the bullets start to fly.

BTW... I'm not exactly poor, nor am I anywhere near rich. My adjusted gross income last year was $42K. But I got bit in the ass by capital gains taxes two years ago when I sold stock I lucked into 20 some years ago. I made $50K.... of which the government kept a healthy share. Hate to break it to you, but that's not big bucks these days. Not when you have a mortgage, a second mortgage, a car payment, credit card payments and two kids trying to go to college. As far as I'm concerned, the government had nothing to do with my investment; they didn't sweat it for all those years, and they had no right to one solitary dime.
Personally i don't care whether a president is a man or woman, dem or rep, black or white, i only care is that the person is an American and what he can do for the people of America. Everybody seems to focus on the "MEDIA" digs (he black, he's liberal, etc.). to me Most lawyers (most politicans are lawyers), politicans, and preachers are parasites. they focus on something bad and prey upon everybody that they can. GW Bush did it, Reagan did it, tela - preachers did it and still doing it, and lawyers are still yelling the battle cry "I'LL SUE".
Just a few days ago my brother (a GWB supporter) said that the ecomony is in a terrible shambles because of Obama, I had to remind him that O is not president yet and wouldn't be until january.
We should have never gone to war in iraq, wasn't any call for it other than a wanna be general playing war and trying to win a war like his daddy. Well we are there now and it would hurt us to pull out now because it would leave a vaccuum for the al-qida to move in along with the taliban. the poor iraqi prople don't need more hussains controling their country. i also agree in hunting down that animal bin ladin and turning him over to the women of afghanistan to stone him to death.
i know a lot of Muslims and they don't share bin ladin's views or the views of the fundamentalists, they advacate peace. i know a lot of christians who are as bad as the muslim fundi's and they live here in the USA.
Six months ago a friend of mine had reported to work and found the gate locked. Upon looking inside he and his fellow employees found that the company moved. MOVED TO BRAZIL, and that 75% of the cost of moving it was paid for by the government. TAX REDUCTION (Tax base reduction more likely).
Truth be told, 1. Bush lied to the American people to fight a war that didn't need to be fought just so he could be a hero and line his and friends pockets with a lot of money (funny how gasoline is suddenly below $2.00 since the elections are over. 2. the present administration didn't mind paying trillions of dollars to world banks and foreign countries as repayment of loans to keep our own government afloat (cost of unwinable wars). 3. never again will there be a truely secured job as most have started to move overseas.
to rid our society of "pests" we need a good honest farmer with insecticide, rein in the lawyers, and tel the preachers to start practicing what they preach and to read the good book and not the one they wrote.
"You are talking about the redistribution of wealth and that is an Obscene thing to even contemplate.
Government must never ever punsh acheivement by punishing the successful, after all it is the successful that make this country run in the first place. People who take chances, people who invest money and resources, people who take serious risk to better themselves and in return better other people as well.
Obama is going to tax every last one of us, (no matter what our income) right into the ground.
He is also going to dismantle the US military and leave us vulnerable to the whims of Islamo-Facist countries.
Government involvement in your private life will increase exponentially.
Government spending will go into the stratisphere (it's much too high even right now).
We are in serious, serious trouble if Barak Obama is elected."

Island 77 in case you haven't noticed, the redistribution of wealth has been going on since ronnie raygun was pres, from the working class to the wealthy insider class. These people haven't gotten richer through hard work or investment unless you count buying congressman as investing. They don't take chances in this country, any investments made have been in China, just take a look at the US's manufactoring base, it's in a sharp decline since raygun.
Oh, and Islamofacists? Did you pick that one up from rush limbo? Try reading a little history, the neocons are the fascists.
Bush has never produced a thing of value in his life, he's the worst president ever and deserves to be tried for war crimes, convicted and a just sentence carried out, in public.
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Always blame the wrong guy

MacNfries said:
Bush has never produced a thing of value in his life, he's the worst president ever and deserves to be tried for war crimes, convicted and a just sentence carried out, in public.

Well, A-fuck'n-men to this statement. As of this presidency, Bush does go down as the worst president in history. He certainly goes down as continuing proof that "trickle down economics" does NOT work, and never will, except for the rich. Heck, a 9th grader could manage the economics better than Bush and his cronies have. The problems Bush's administration won't be resolved by Obama in his first term for sure. I wouldn't want his job ... LOL!
Blaming him for war crimes ... hummm ... I'd like to blame him for that as well, but I believe Cheney & Rumsfeld are the ones to blame for the Iraq BS. Bush only reacted based on the info those 2 were providing him. I don't imagine Bush would go to jail, though, for being STUPID, which he definitely is that. I'd love to be the one turning the key as that fatcat Cheney was locked up. I despise that bastard with a passion.

Let's see:
Tax level: responsible group, congress
National debt: responsible group, congress
Federal budget/appropriations: responsible group, congress
Declaration of war: responsible group, congress
Fannie/FHLMC failures: responsible group, congress
Redistribution of income schemes: responsible group, congress
Bank regulations: responsible group, congress
Illegal immigrant invasion: responsible group, congress

Why are they still there?
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obama law

God, I knew it wouldn't take long before someone posted some shit like this.

I am a LONG TIME fan of interracial porn - but the issues facing us today far exceed racial BS like this.

STOP! Porn and politics do NOT mix. Posts like this are hate speech as far as I am concerned.

I am ALL FOR Mr. Obama. He's a good man. And after all the fucking bullshit we've been through with that goddamned, idiot, Bush, and his cock-sucking puppet master Dick Chenny (who I hope will rot in HELL), can we finally get behind someone like Barack!
You're no different

irfreak700 said:
God, I knew it wouldn't take long before someone posted some shit like this.

I am a LONG TIME fan of interracial porn - but the issues facing us today far exceed racial BS like this.

STOP! Porn and politics do NOT mix. Posts like this are hate speech as far as I am concerned.

I am ALL FOR Mr. Obama. He's a good man. And after all the fucking bullshit we've been through with that goddamned, idiot, Bush, and his cock-sucking puppet master Dick Chenny (who I hope will rot in HELL), can we finally get behind someone like Barack!

You start like you want to rise above the fray and then sink just as low as the rest. Bush's approval ratings are low because he betrayed the right with policies too far left. The left would give him low ratings regardless what he did. Obama's record is as dubious as anyone we've seen.

The far left is already complaining because as he gets his education, he moves away from the extreme left.

Why don't you folks wake up and put the blame where it belongs....congress?
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I DO put the blame on congress.
The same fucking republican congress that rubber stamped every Bush policy in 2001 to 2006. And by the fucking way, Mr Obama voted AGAINST the war in Iraq. A very unpopular view at the time.


How soon do you forget. THAT FUCKING PEOPLE LIKE TOM DELAY led the congress! That's another cocksucker who needs a fucking bullet put into his fucking head!!!

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YOU WAKE THE FUCKING HELL UP! And read your fucking history. Then and only then, will you have the RIGHT to talk to me about your bullshit!
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Thanks, you made my case

irfreak700 said:



YOU WAKE THE FUCKING HELL UP! And read your fucking history. Then and only then, will you have the RIGHT to talk to me about your bullshit!

Wow! You are not locked in a padded room, and even permitted to vote!?
Indy, the Iraqi thing was an invasion not a war. It was done to boost bush's ego and get control over mid-east oil. Iraq and Sadam were never a threat to the US, they had no offensive weapons, no bio weapon program, no nuclear weapons or program to develope nuclear weapons.
Palin? Jesus Christ!
YO! Like who the fuck cares!! The origin of this thread was about Obama proclaiming that all white females go Black ... yada yada yada... Go find a political forum to spout off.
Lifemate38 the personal is political. Many of the God fearing christians would have gladly Net Nannied the entire web if they could and Junior would rubber stamp such an action.

Indy Hubby, How did Junior, 'Chaney' or the other neocons 'bow' or genuflect to the left? Regarding the MASSIVE pre-invasion demonstrations inside this country, Bush said that he 'did not set policy based on focus groups.' Ever since the great Mission Accomplished our children in this children's crusade (not to mention the thousands of innocent Iraqi bystanders not supporting the insurgency) have been the actual 'focus group' in the crosshairs.
Emotion, not fact

ou812rich said:
Indy, the Iraqi thing was an invasion not a war. It was done to boost bush's ego and get control over mid-east oil. Iraq and Sadam were never a threat to the US, they had no offensive weapons, no bio weapon program, no nuclear weapons or program to develope nuclear weapons.
Palin? Jesus Christ!

Your assertions are not supported by facts.
1. All wars involve invasion. I would much rather invade than be invaded. We invaded Germany during WWII.
2. If we were after control of middle eastern oil, why did we never make any effort to take control?
3. Although we did not find piles of WMDs, we know that Saddam had used them in the past: gassing the Kurds for example. We also know that he wanted us and the Iraqi people to think he had them. In fact, most of the ranking officers (Generals & Colonels) in his army thought they had they. It has come out that the reason he obstructed the UN inspectors was they would have uncovered the lie.
The problem I have with all of this is that WMDs were used as a sales tool, to sell invading Iraq. It wasn't the initial purpose. Congress and the administration used WMDs to scare people and sell it. We went to Iraq to move the fight off American soil and establish a central location to disrupt terrorist activities. Iraq had replaced Libya as the largest training center and safe have for terrorist organizations.
4. Absolutely Palin. It would have been refreshing to have an honest person in Washington. I know she wasn't able to answer some of the gotcha questions the press used. For example, there is no such thing as "The Bush Doctrine". That's a term Charles Krautheimer used to describe Bush's statement that if you support or harbor terrorists, we'll treat you the same as the terrorists. It's a press term, and in no government agency referred to as The Bush Doctrine. How many ignorant people said, "She can't even answer that question." when they didn't know the answer either. Nor do they know even to this day that it was a bogus question and that there's no such thing.
How about the brother-in-law investigation from which she was exonorated? How about the viciousness of the attacks of the Democrat politicians in Alaska because the people regardless of party, love her. (Approval rating over 80%)
Compare her speech when the teleprompter failed during the RNC to Obama when his telepromper failed. Nobody even knew her's failed until the RNC later confirmed it. His was obvious. There are two. You have to look on Youtube for his. The press didn't put it on the news.

I'll give him a chance. That's what we should all do as Americans. However the Dems need to quit misrepresenting the facts and stop putting aside honor and integrity when they interfere with the agenda.

Sure Bush screwed up. However, the biggest a screwups were by the house and senate. The bulk of them are still there, and now they think they have a mandate. How about how so many waiting for the government to provide equal outcome instead of defending equal opportunity.
ou812rich said:
Indy, the Iraqi thing was an invasion not a war. It was done to boost bush's ego and get control over mid-east oil. Iraq and Sadam were never a threat to the US, they had no offensive weapons, no bio weapon program, no nuclear weapons or program to develope nuclear weapons.
Palin? Jesus Christ!

Sadam killed over 200,000 Kurds using chemical weapons,invaded Kuwait,killing maiming and torturing the Kuwait populace,while grabbing their oil.
We should sit back and watch another Hitler emerge in the middle east?
Regime change was right,what they didn't get right was they had no stratedgy for the country, after getting rid of this evil man.
Bush fudged the facts to take America to war, while most other countries did not believe the evidence served up about weapons of mass destruction.

The thing that annoyed small countries was Mr Bush saying that "if you are not with us, then you are against us" - in other words, if you don't help us with the Iraq war, then you are an enemy of America. THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT FAIR TO ANY COUNTRY.

A lot of small countries don't have big defense budgets - taking part in the Iraq war would have bankrupted them.

The USA is in a tail-spin, because it too could not afford to fight a war on credit.

Technically, America is unable to cover its debts, and if the receivers were called in, America would become the property of Japan and China who have loaned them hundred of trillions of dollars. Normal people who can't pay their debts are booted out of their homes by foreclosure.

Paper shuffling in Congress and Federal Reserve is trying to stop America being take over. If it is not successful, CHINESE will become the offical language in America.

George Bush should have stood down from the Office of President immediately following the Election results, and put Obama into power to stop the fiscal drag pulling America deeper into recession. One million Americans have lost their jobs already.

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