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Mom and son cuck dad

  • Thread starterirfreak700
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IGNORE the critics write what you want to . . makes you wonder why they are even on the site.
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KY BBC Cpl said:
Thanks for the "welcome". Actually, I am not a self-confessed oil baron. That's just kind of the running joke amongst my friends because I do own a chain of convenience stores/gas stations. As for my gf, she is in fact a VP at a locally owned and operated hometown bank. So, your assumptions regarding our lavish lifestyle is kinda inflated. We do make a good living, but we both put a lot of hours in and I would never, ever apologize or feel guilty about the things we have. As for the "occupy" movement, I have to say I agree with a large part of what they stand for, but the problem is that they stand for too many problems and, honestly, are proving to be one themselves. Their mission seems doomed to fail because they are kind of "all over the place" with what they hope to accomplish. I can assure you, the movement has NOT hindered my personal business in the least. And why would it? I'm a guy that employs upwards of 75 people that has come up from the ground through honest practices and hard work.

China is starting down the track to dismantle Dictatorship as the internet and cell phones are allowing the masses to access information they were formerly prevented from having.

America has one person unemployed out of seven and needs to trim $1200 billion of debt over the next five years - so America will be ****** to "pull back" out of the war zone as much as it can - and will have to re-think how wealth is distributed across the nation, because there are too many poor people living "third world existence" in America.

Media censorship will be broken down eventually, and journalists will begin to exert a lot of pressure on Congress for a more equitable society. Change is coming as the young people start to make it clearer what they think is unacceptable.

Dictators are falling over all around the world as the masses decide that they won't take it any longer.

Clinton spent more on his daughter's wedding than many Americans earn in three lifetimes.

Tiger Woods earns mind-boggling amounts of money for knocking balls around a golf course - I am sure he would still do it if he only got $10,000 for winning.
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The Times, They Are ......

There is this guy on twitter whose every other tweet is: There can
be no new jobs unless you are a computer, a robot or a foreigner,
we can't have new jobs, we need a new economy. I might be
paraphrasing the tweet, but that sentiment is growing or at
least I am coming across the same logic more often.
I read Saraha's post. It makes me wonder aloud the
essential behind the symptoms she lists.
I am not one to adhere to the 2012 end of time - therefore
end of the world - thinking. Let me say I have studied the
issue for over 30 years starting with Joe Pegasus'
Twin Star right through John Major Jenkins and to
the Monument to the End of Time. And hundreds of
books and articles in between. My take is that the
Mayans ought get down to the local Wal-Mart and
buy a new calendar to hang on their refrig. Their
Long Count calender is up in about 351 days.
But the predictions that ride along with that long
count have not been all that vague. The predictions
concerning this end-time cycle states that governments
will loose control of the natives. Above all it calls for a time of
major change. If you follow Catholic eschatology it is not
a ******-rhyme to believe next Christmas may very well
have Christ actually in it. Jewish Calabalists list many
magical scripts that can conjure up a Messiah on
12/21/2012. The I-ching ends on 12/21/2012.
Goggle LaViolette, Yahoo Fulcanelli ....
So on and blah, blah, blah.
However, the essential undertone is "expect
We are cuckolds. What essentially does that mean?
Does it mean that we worship wives who abuse their
marriage vows or that we ignore our vows in order to
abuse our women and make whores out of them? And/or
that a couple who once took a vow now willy-nilly decide to
break the vow (or discredit vows for an experiment or a
Say whatever you like, guys, but essentially what we
are doing is breaking vows - promises - trust. I believe
this is a new wrinkle on human history. Wholesale, that is.
Better to ask: Are we not part of some global change too?
Sure cuckolds are nothing new. Crazy people are not new.
Criminals are not new. There just seems to be many more
of all these than ever before. Percentage wise, I mean.
That's a different social make up than just a decade ago.
Change is afoot, thus we ought to think twice about the
tweet I began this post with. The human world has or
is loosing its footing and may already have destroyed
it foundations. There will always be rich people and
always be poor people. But, I trust, how we manage
rich and poor is about to undergo a major alteration.
I agree: We need a new economy.
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I believe the Mayan Calendar signals the end of an era, but definitely not the end of the world.There is a revolution going on to improve the way women are treated around the world.

A marriage contract can be amended if both husband and wife agree that changes are needed. It is better to do that than to head towards divorce.

50% of all first marriages and 66% of second marriages end in divorce - so making an attempt to strengthen the marriage with changes in the vows, seems sensible to me.

But when you change the wedding vows, you should put them in writing and have a ceremony with close friends who can witness the vow changes. This helps the couple to be true to the new rules for the marriage. You should dress up for the ceremony to make it more authentic and meaningful and special.
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Cuckold just means that a husband has decided to remain monogamous whilst his wife gets extra loving from having boyfriends of her own choice throughout the marriage.

If hubby is allowed girlfriends, then it becomes wife swopping.

If a husband had sex with 9 girlfriends before he got married, and his wife had sex with only 3 boyfriends, then ideally, the wife should be allowed to catch up with her husband by enjoying 6 more boyfriends over several years.

It is fairer if both spouse have had the same number of sexual partners for proper equity.

The alternative would be for a girl to not agree to marriage until she has had the same sexual opportunities as her husband-to-be. Then they start the marriage on a level playing ground.
Is it really over?

[quote="Confused, post: 242871"]Just to add my own 2 cents to the comments here...I experienced first hand watching my parents have sex many times, always in secret. I also know that my parents were into the lifestyle as I also spied on my mother with other guys several times. I never had any inclination to wanting to fuck my mother but for some reason I loved watching her get fucked either by my father or another guy. 

As a father I go out of my way to make sure my 2 daughters are kept in the dark about what me and thier mother do and I actually go out of my way to protect them from all things sexual. I have never looked at my daughters in any sexual manner. I also thank god that I have 2 girls and not a boy and a girl because I would be so paranoid whenever I saw them together. 

Not trying to be hippocrital about incest, I did have a strong inclination toward my older sister. My sister and I were very close. We emailed and called eachother alot and even hungout alot together as teens. I used to love hanging out with her and I remember jerking off alot thinking about her. 
I don't think my sister ever saw my parents as all of the events I saw happened within a 2 year time frame after my sister went away to college. I have never mentioned it to her either, truth be told I would be a little embarrassed to tell her I jerked off watching mom and dad. 

When I turned 18 my sister came home from college for a weekend to take me out clubbing. After a night of dancing and one drink too many my sister and I shared an awkward moment on the dance floor in which our lips met. Yes, I kissed my sister and I liked it. On the train ride home we held hands and she rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her on the forhead and she turned to me and kissed me again. The next day she went back to college and for the next few weekends I made every excuse imaginable go see her. I told my parents I was helping her paint, move furniture, fix something etc. The truth was I was railing my sister all weekend long. The best sex I had as a teen was with my sister. 

The funny thing was that my sister also had a boyfriend and the thought of my sister getting railed by her boyfriend during the week also excited me. We had an awkward moment when my sister broke the news that she was getting married. To my surprise she came to see me and actually told me that if I didn't want her to get married all I had to do was say it and she would call it off but that I also had to break-up with my girlfriend at the time. 

We actually gave this some serious thought but in the end she did get married and our trysts came to an end after I too got married.

It makes me wonder...1)What is normal? 2)Are we as humans naturally inclined to be pervs? 3)Is there any connection between cuckolding and incest?[/QUOTE]

It is hard to accept that fantasy and reality are only a smidgen apart. I think there is a connection. A friend with a large family once told me "A hard cock has no consence".


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Saraha said:
China is starting down the track to dismantle Dictatorship as the internet and cell phones are allowing the masses to access information they were formerly prevented from having.

America has one person unemployed out of seven and needs to trim $1200 billion of debt over the next five years - so America will be ****** to "pull back" out of the war zone as much as it can - and will have to re-think how wealth is distributed across the nation, because there are too many poor people living "third world existence" in America.

Media censorship will be broken down eventually, and journalists will begin to exert a lot of pressure on Congress for a more equitable society. Change is coming as the young people start to make it clearer what they think is unacceptable.

Dictators are falling over all around the world as the masses decide that they won't take it any longer.

Clinton spent more on his daughter's wedding than many Americans earn in three lifetimes.

Tiger Woods earns mind-boggling amounts of money for knocking balls around a golf course - I am sure he would still do it if he only got $10,000 for winning.

Even the poor people here in America don't know what it's like to have "third world existences". Our entitlement programs, of which "unemployment" is the newest, ensures that. The working class people, the people that make things happen, will ultimately have to revolt to make a change in our country. The "have's and the have not's" can only leach so much from the people until the teet runs dry.

"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always plan on the support of Paul"........

What nationality might you be, Saraha?

ANYHOOOO.... this shit is way off topic......:cool:
Guess I missed the following, back when it was posted by Irfreak (on 25 Sept. 2008, above):
irfreak700 said:
Follow-up..... But as the years went on and I moved into my early teens and parents into their thirties (Custer's gonna' love this one), things just got stranger.
Hm.... I sense I'm gonna' love this one....
irfreak700 said:
If I could pinpoint one event that marked that time, it would be when my dad moved out of his bedroom and into the guest bedroom.
Good for your sexy mother, for requesting your cuckold father move out so her boudoir would available for her exclusive use with her lovers. And, good for your cuckold father for complying with her request. I like it. In fact, I love it....
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KY BBC Cpl said:
So last night I came home to find my gf in our bedroom along with her son. She was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a pink bra, pink thong, pink garter belt and black stockings. She was facing her boy who was sitting in a plush, armless chair that we keep in the corner. He was wearing nothing but her pair of black mesh see-through panties. His young cock was pointing straight at the ceiling, but he was not touching it as his mother worked her purple dildo in and out of her cunt.
Nice. One has the impression this would have been the prelude to much more intimate mother-son action if you had not come home at that moment.
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i would go to my aunts house and stay the weekend her husband was 28 years older then her they had not had sex in ten years at that time i was 13 she was 29 at first she would joke around i bet your born on the dark of the moon found out that week it ment well hung after a little while she said i want to show you something this was in the 1970s she said you cant tell anyone no one was there but her and me her husband was gone on saturdays she pulled down her panties and bent over pulled up her dress i could see her hairy pussy at first she only show me then she got to where she play with my cock one day started like the rest she told me to lay down on the bed she pulled off my paints i had no underware on she started playing with my cock it got hard fast she got on top me and with her hand started rubbing my cock against her pussy it was warm and wet as she was rubbing my cock up and down her pussy she was sliding down tell she was all the way to my balls it was tight she was pushing down hard my cock was only 6 and a half inches she said her husband was only 4 inches and not thick i started cumming she went up and down my cock to it went limp that was my first time
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Island77 said:
I didn't know it would involve sex with the son and mother, otherwise I would have skipped this special kind of perversion automatically.

It's still repulsive.

Uhm, yes ... of course ... "Mom and son cuck dad" might have meant something completly different ... ???
irfreak700 said:
True story:

When I was 11 years old, I developed a huge crush on my Mom. She was in her late 20's then and still hot. In fact, my bedroom overlooked our back patio, where I would often spy on her sun bathing. My mom was the girl in the neighborhood all the women secretly hated and all the guys wanted to fuck. She loved to flirt. And I loved to watch her tease other men in front of my dad. By this time, I was starting to realize that my dad secretly enjoyed it too.

One day, I found some nude pictures of my mom in my dad's porn collection. For months I would by-pass the Playboys and Penthouses and dig for her photos to jerk-off to. God I had such overwhelming guilt afterwards, but some of the most intense orgasms. I would masturbate to her photos hours at a time thinking about her fucking other guys in front of my dad.

One time though, I left a picture of her underneath my bed and she found it. She didn't get angry or even say anything about it. I spent weeks wondering and dreading this confrontation. Instead she just invited me into her bedroom one morning while she was getting dressed. My dad had already left for work. She didn't say anything, she just kept trying on different bras and panties. Taking them on and off. After a while she pretended not to even notice me on the bed. I had slipped down under the covers so I could masturbate without being detected. I was too embarrassed to cum, so I got up and ran into my room to finish. I could hear my mom giggling to herself as I ran out.

A couple years later when I was thirteen, mom sat me down for a talk. By that time, my dad had moved into the guest bedroom and mommy was bringing guys home from work and fucking them. She tried to explain it all to me so that I wouldn't "be confused" about what was going on. Our conversation went on for hours and I waited until she really loosened up after several drinks. I asked her if she'd take her cloths off for me again. She thought and said "Well, daddy's away so just for tonight we can do anything we want."

We walked up to her bedroom and this time she removed her cloths and got on the bed next to me. We started with a no touching rule but after several attempts I got to caress her tits. That's when she confessed that when I was a baby she used to change my diapers in the nude. She said that she thought it was cute because "my little pee pee got hard." I too then made a confession. I told her about how I liked to masturbate while listening to her have sex. She threw her arms around me. I could feel my cock pressed against my mom's pussy hair. I kept trying to stick it in her pussy. She stared laughing and pushed me away. "That's naughty." she playfully scolded.

Finally she relented and told me that I could just stick it inside her for a second. Her soft, caring hands guided my cock into her pussy, and it was better than I imagined. We both just giggled and laughed. A rush of shame and euphoria came over me as I looked into her eyes and down at her gorgeous tits. I couldn't take it any longer. I started pumping my dick inside her. "No", she said again, playfully scolding me. "That's naughty. You can't fuck mommy." After a few seconds her mock anger turned into soft moans. It didn't take long for me to shoot a load, but just before I did, I looked over to the edge of the bed and imagined my dad, sitting there watching us and jerking off.

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Amazing, that was so hot!
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Found these computer-generated images online.
Very realistic!
I love the age disparity, and I especially love how the women are very accepting and open.
Great stuff!

Got more if interested.

Busty Moms and Sons (5).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (8).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (14).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (25).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (26c).jpg
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whitedudenj said:
Found these computer-generated images online.
Very realistic!
I love the age disparity, and I especially love how the women are very accepting and open.
Great stuff!

Got more if interested.

Busty Moms and Sons (5).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (8).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (14).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (25).jpg
Busty Moms and Sons (26c).jpg
what site is it i love to make one with my dad and my wife
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  • #100
I like to imagine how I lick my mom preparing her for big cock to fill her up

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