Mixed Couple and Younger White Couple Swap
by EroticWriter
Note readers. This is a story about wife, or the more modern term, spouse swapping. In real life, when man and woman allow or see or find out that their mate wants to, or has been, or is with another person sexually, there are almost always feelings of jealousy, anger, curiousity, despair, desire, competitiveness, and many more. I have put some of them in here, but played it down.
Most of these stories where the wife gets laid and the husband watches openly or secretly and comes all over the place are...fantasy. I yes, I write a lot of those. So give this one a try and see what you think, because from experience, mine and others, this one is more realistic than some. EW.
“Look at this ad in Craigslist honey. This might be what we are looking for.”
Fred's lovely blonde wife was sitting over in a kitchen chair and shrugged. “Another sex ad I suppose? And it might be what YOU are looking for, not me.”
“No Kathy. Maybe for us. Let me read it to you.” As he prepared to read, Kathy shook her head, sighed, and moved over to sit down next to him on the bench that served as one side of the picnic style table in their kitchen. This firm surface made a good place to set his latptop when Fred went searching on the net.
Fred reached out and placed his right hand on his wife's left thigh and started to read.
“Attractive older couple, him 40, black, nice build, well equipped, she 37, white, nice bod with stacked rack.” Fred looked at Kathy without commenting that the man was black and maybe well equipped and went on to immediately comment on the woman half in hopes she might not rebel. “Stacked rack? He said to her. “Guess that means she has big tits, wouldn't you think?”
Since she was not particularly interested in spouse swapping and though it had caught her attention, Kathy ignored the black man part and nodded, “It sounds like it, big tits. What else does the ad say?”
Fred smiled. Maybe this time she is interested. “Looking for equally attractive and younger white couple to meet, share some food and wine, enjoy our spa, and maybe spend part of or all night.”
The ad went on to say, “We're new at this so excuse us if we're a little shy when we all meet.”
Fred again looked at his wife, and this time hopefully. “They have a spa, baby. Might be a nice way to get acquainted.”
Kathy sniffed. “You mean a good way for everyone to get naked.” Kathy had never been nude in the presence of another man besides her husband except for doctor examinations and in those she had always been covered on top or bottom and there had been a nurse present.
Fred laughed. “Well yes, that would be the idea. Someone other than me would get a chance to see that lovely bod of yours. I love your body and I have always had this inner desire to show it off to others. You know that, we've talked about it before. But anyhow, getting into a spa would be easier than just starting out cold, say like sitting in the living room and making awkward conversation.”
“Fred, I've told you that I am not interested in swapping with anyone. We've been married for seven years now, I'm 25 and never been with another man. I've been loyal Fred, so why would you want me to f...to have sex with another man”
She leaned over to see the ad for herself. “And it says he's a black man. Why would you want me to be with a black man? Haven't you heard? They supposedly have big cocks.”
Fred laughed, a nervous laugh. “Honey, you read that on the net, and you know what they say about things on the net. Don't believe most of what you see.”
“Yes, but this ad says he is 'well equipped and besides that, you showed me some pictures of big black cocks one time. Have you forgotten?”
“I also showed you some pictures of white cock...men too, and they were pretty big, weren't they?
Kathy had heard enough. “All the pictures you showed me, black or white, looked bigger than you are, so why are you pushing this?”
Fred sort of shrugged his shoulders and tried to look not so desperate to arrange a first time swap. “They always search out the biggest guys for those photos. Most guys are more like me or smaller you know.”
“Well, I wouldn't know. I was a virgin, remember?”
“Oh yeah baby, I remember. Bled all over the sheets.”
Kathy thought back. “You felt big to me then, and you still do, so why would you want to risk something else?”
“You mean like you getting...well, I might as well say it, getting fucked by a man with a bigger cock?”
“Yes. That.”
“We've measured my cock just joking around and it's almost seven inches long and a little over five and one half around. That's above average honey so I don't think if you happened to get one a little bigger it would make much difference. Chances are, in most cases, the man would not be bigger.”
“In most cases? That's a multiple term It sounds like you not only want to swap, but keep swapping!” Kathy's voice was beginning to rise, and Fred realized he had better back off a little.
“No, just once, maybe. I'm just curious about how it would look, how you would act, with another man.”
“IF we swapped with a couple, there would be another woman there, and I sort of believe,” she paused for effect, “that she would want you to be paying more attention to her.”
Fred was encouraged. Now his wife was saying IF. If sounded more positive than on previous times when he had mentioned this, when she had been saying a firm NO. “What say I just answer this ad and not reveal too much, just enough to maybe have them answer back?”
“What will you say in your reply?”
'Yes yes. Kathy had just said, without saying it outright, that he could maybe answer the ad. “Let me write it while you watch.”
“No, I'll prepare lunch,” it was a Saturday and they were home, “while you write the ad, and then I'll read it before you send it.”
'Before I send it. Shit, she said I can send it! Yes, yes, we're on the way.' Fred excitedly began to construct his reply while Kathy, dressed only in a white bra and blue panties got up and headed to the refrigerator.
Fred watched as his lovely blonde wife moved about the kitchen for a minute, with that ass so firm, and those C tits appearing to jut so far forward. He carefully began to compose his reply.
'Hi! We're a white couple, he 26, she 25. He is tall, slim, above average you know where. She is medium height, blonde and lovely, with a fine set of Cs, which no man has ever touched except for her husband. In other words, she is basically innocent and curious and so am I since we have never done this before.'
Fred paused and watched his wife, who was spreading out some bread to create sandwiches. 'Fuck does she ever look hot with just bra and panties. I'll bet some guy, maybe this black guy would just love to get his hands on those.' He went on creating.
We are interested in meeting and maybe sharing your spa. Sounds like a nice way to get acquainted if a commitment is not mandatory. The wife may need a little time because she is shy, relucant, (very) but willing to meet and talk.'
Fred turned to Kathy. “OK honey. I've written it. All I have to do now is either put in a phone number, e mail address, or wait for them to reply to this via Craig's and see if they give us a phone number. Read it and tell me what you think.”
Kathy came over, sat down, and read the ad thoroughly. Then she re-read it, and her first comment was, “You left a T out of 'reluctant,' and you need to put in that I might prefer to wear a bathing suit in their spa the first time.”
“Wear a bathing suit? No one wears a bathing suit into a private spa. They are intended for going nude baby, you know that.” He went on to add, “but I did put in there that you are shy and might need a little time, so if you really don't feel like stripping down right away and the rest of us do, just sit by the spa while the rest of us get naked. That way you and I can see how they look.”
“And she you,” Kathy giggled. “Wouldn't it be interesting if you happened to be just as large as him or even bigger?”
“That's unlikely, but if that is the case, would you stiill want to swap, if you aren't getting more than you get from me?”
“Honey....Helloooooo? I have not agreed to swap, remember? You are getting ahead of yourself.”
She shook her head, then: “Besides, since I have never had larger, I don't even know if I would like it. Besides, the man's personality would be of more importance, even if I did like big cocks.”
He did not let that phase him.. “Well, I guess maybe we shall be finding out tonight maybe. One thing for sure. Between you and his wife, since she is 37, there is no doubt that you will the one who is looking fine on the feminine side.”
Kathy looked intensely at her husband. “Whatever you do, if they are exaggerating and her body is not all that nice, or her face, DO NOT let on or say something that might hurt her feelings whatever you do.”
“Fred nodded. “Give me credit for having some sense.”
“In a way,” Kathy said, “it sounds like I would be competing with her for best body, sort of like a beauty contest only it would be like putting meat on display.”
“Honey,” Fred answered, laughing. “Yeah like us men with dangling weiners. But remember, no matter how nice she looks, she can't possibly top the way you look in the nude.” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the forehead.
Kathy sighed, this time to show her reluctance. “O.K. If you insist. But if we make their acquaintance and actually get around to disrobing, you stay next to me in the spa so he doesn't get too close.”
“Unless you want him to,” Fred added.
“Yes. Unless I want him to.”
Fred was grinning inside. This is great. We've worked out most of the details and I haven't even sent this response.'
Their response to the ad was sent with no personal phone number or e-address included. Almost by magic, they had a reply via Craigslist before the afternoon was out, and the reply included a personal phone number. They excitedly read the ad. Now, it appeared, Kathy was somewhat excited about this as well.
Fred was thanking his lucky stars for the rapid response, beccause his wife, it looked like, had been caught when she was in the right mood.
'Got your reply, very interested. We are free tonight if you want to meet, otherwise our next free night would be Monday or later but if you are like us you work weekdays and would prefer a Friday or Saturday night.
Don't want to sound anxious or anything, but since you responded so quickly to an ad we just placed today and my wife is a bit shy, I feel we need to act on this chance while we have it. I'm always worried she might change her mind. Hope you understand.
If tonight, call us ASAP and without us sounding pushy, maybe we could be together (for food, drinks and spa) in just a few hours. By the way, this is a first time for us too.'
“Well Kathy said Fred. “They can start tonight. Also, it sounds like his wife is having the same reluctance that you are. That should make it easier baby for you, to know she is just as nervous as you are. So, what do you think,” Fred asked his lovely wife after she had also read the ad?
Kathy hesitated for only a second. “Call them I guess. But it doesn't say where they live. Could be miles away.”
“No, I think they live local or they would have said so in their reply.” In another minute, Fred was hitting the buttons on his cell, indicating to Kathy that he was wasting not a minute of the remaining Saturday hours.
The phone call went nicely. The people at the other end only needed one thing from Fred. They wanted to hear Kathy's voice just to confirm that there really was a couple responding to their ad.
“Hi, I'm real,” Kathy said into the mouthpiece loud enough to make sure they heard. That seemed to do it as Fred and Charles began setting their plan into action.
“O.K. Got it. We'll be there at seven. No, that's not too soon for us if that's alright with you. Yes, see you then. Oh, wait. Do you want us to park in your driveway, or out in front, or what? Your neigbors...”
“Oh, I see. Your drive is a long private one and you don't care what the neighbors think. OK. See you tonight.”
Kathy, strangely, had been pretending not to be paying much attention while paying much attention. “So, what did he say that I might have wanted to hear had I been on the phone with you the entire time?”
“He said he would take our word that you are attractive since we are not asking to see photos of them. He indicated that we were starting out this 'relationship' based on trust, and that was a good thing.”
Kathy frowned. “This relationship?” Fred shrugged to indicate 'you know what I meant.' He was jumping for joy inside. Kathy had finally agreed to meet a couple and the possibility of a swap was right out there, and amazingly, the man was black! That tub, the hot tub, that was the key to everything.
Across town and in the suburbs, Charles and Dorothy were excitedly discussing the phone call they had just received. It was amazing, one ad placed and a couple coming over the same day, or night. How cool is that? Well cool for Charles at least. In their case, the female half was having almost the same reservations as the young couple.
“Charles. You said you would just place an ad to see how many couples would respond, and I agreed. I had no idea this would result in a meeting the same day.”
But honey. This could be very exciting. You're 37, still looking good, and the only men you have been in bed with besides me are your two previous husbands. So have some fun while you are still young and looking your best.”
“I had two husbands yes, and I wish you would quit reminding me of it. Both of them were smaller than you, one a little bigger than the other, and I have told you all the details. So, since I have already had smaller, and now I have you, why would you want me to try other men, another man? Chances are he would be smaller, which is not everything but I consider it to be important, so if that's the case what would I stand to gain?”
She paused and added, “They're coming tonight, so I guess I should change that to what DO I stand to gain?”
“A younger man baby. Haven't you heard? You get a younger man. It's all the rage now amongst women, have or marry a younger man. Used to be only the men that did it, now it's fashionable for the ladies.”
“Maybe for Madonna or Demi Moore, perhaps. But I'm just an ordinary housewife and no movie star.”
“Oh yes you are in my mind, a real star, tried and true. You're lovely to look at Dorothy.”
“Maybe I'm lovely to look at, but that doesn't make me want to fuck a younger man. Look, let's be honest. You are the one that wants to fuck someone young, a younger woman than me. That's the way husbands act after a few years of marriage.”
She paused, “Turn 40, buy a Corvette and find a mistress. That's the old chiche' about what men are supposed to do.”
Charles laughed, seeing his chance to make a joke. “Also, when the wife turns 40, the husband is supposed to trade her in for two 20s.” He grinned “You have just 3 years left baby.”
Dorothy sniffed. “And now that you have turned 40, what say that I trade YOU in for two twenties?”
He laughed. “You would have to do some searching to find two 20s with big cocks. Have to try several out first.” Charles was feeling encouraged. He had finally gotten his wife to start talking about sex, about other men. This was promising, even if it was in jest.
Charles took his wife into his arms. “I love you baby. I just want to do some strange fucking and allow you to get some too. It'll be alright.”
His cock was rising a little and Dorothy reached for it. As her hand wrapped around it, Charles pulled away. “No, not now. I need to save it.”
Dorothy dropped her hand and turned away. “Sure Charles. Sure.”
Charles was trying to ignore his wife's protests. He smiled. “Tonight baby at seven, a young white couple will be pulling up outside, and I want us both to have a nice time, fuck or no. Can we do that?”
Sigh. “Yes dear, we can do that.”
Taking the big step.
At ten till seven Fred came to a stop half a block from the address they had been given. It looked like a very nice neighborhood, the kind that probably had a lot of hot tubs in the back yards.
“Why are you stopping honey,” Kathy asked?
“We're a little early” he said, checking his watch for the second time within a minute. “I wanted to make sure we were on time and we got here quicker than I thought. I don't want to catch them unprepared.”
Kathy giggled. “Unprepared for what?”
She's laughing and making jokes. This is good, very good. “Are you doing alright so far? Not scared or anything?”
“I'm a little nervous Fred. You know that.” Inwardly, and no way was she about to tell her husband, Kathy was thiniing about that black man, and his 'well equipped' department.
“Don't be. Everything will be fine. You'll see.”
“She giggled nervously. “Maybe they're just as scared as we are.”
'Scared?' Fred let it lie there as he put the car in gear and headed on.
Everything was as all hoped. Fred and Kathy were greeted with big smiles by two at the door. The black man named Charles was attractive, actually a bit on the handsome side Kathy was thinking. Dorothy, Fred could see, was equally attractive compared to Kathy once you took her age into consideration.
It became apparent immediately, even though their ad had said they were new at this and shy, there was no sign of 'shy' now.
They might be used to entertaining regular guests, real guests,' Kathy was thinking.
A few minutes were spent showing them around, with the bedrooms on the third of three levels being a major part of the tour. Fred noticed that more than once, Charles reached out and touching Kathy lightly on an arm or shoulder sometimes, was aiding her as he showed her around.
“He's getting Kathy used to his touch,' Fred was thinking. This is good, she needs to feel relaxed with Charles if he's to get her into bed.
Charles was giving his tour and now, holding Kathy's hand. “Here's the master, complete with mirrors and a King bed. And in here is the bathroom and you can see that it has both a huge glass shower and a tub with a mini spa built in.”
“Nice, very nice,” both Fred and Kathy responded. Dorothy had noticed one thing Fred seemed to be paying more attention to Charles touching his wife, than he was to her. “I guess that is natural since thy are new to this,' she was thinking. 'I just might end up showing him how to please a woman.'
Then they were shown one of three guest bedrooms. “Here's one of the three guest rooms. I don't need to show you the others since they are all basically the same.”
“Damn,” Fred exclaimed in response to Charles's comment. “This room is almost as big as the master.”
That was when Dorothy saw a chance to make a joke. It just popped into her head and she had not intended for the opening talk to go sexual. “Nothing is as big as the master.” With that comment, she looked at Charles and smiled.
For some reason Kathy caught on first and laughed as she looked at both Charles and Dorothy. Then Fred frowned. “What's so funny?”
He saw his wife grinning at Charles and Dorothy and caught on. “Oh. I get it. Charles is the big master. Funny.”
But inwardly, while Kathy was wondering about Charles's big, Fred was getting worried. 'What if he really is big, as in...big?' While Fred was wondering and felt his cock tingling, his wife was also having thought of her own. Now that she actually had met the man, she was growing more interested.
Like her husband, Kathy's mind at the moment was on the lower part of her body. She could feel her pussy begin to lubricate, just at the thought of it.
After the inside tour, they were led outside, and Fred and Kathy were surprised to see not one but two spas, each a different size. One was inside a glass enclosed room, the other one, the one they were now seeing, was outside.
“This bigger one, outside, is for when we have a party or just a bunch of friends over. It will seat up to 10 comfortably, and if people sit on the ledge with just their feet in the water, we can squeeze about 14 in.”
“Nice.” He wondered if all those friends also got nude when they got into the tub, but did not ask. This was supposed to be a first time adventure for all, and Fred did not want to possibly ruin the fantasy with facts.
Charles opened a glass door and led them iside. “Now here is our inside spa. We chose to install this small one for a reason. It's cozy and more intimate. It's round in shape as you can see and will seat six comfortably or eight if they get cozy.” Charles smiled, along with Fred, but Kathy was thinking that all the while, the time was drawing near, when she would have to strip in front of strangers.
Charles was giving more details about this particular spa. “It has air holes all around like most spas do, but this one is sort of...different.”
“And how is this one different,” Fred asked, sensing that Charles wanted his response with a question to add drama?
“It also had air holes in the middle of where you sit. The water is warm, hot, but those air holes, when I turn them on, blow cool air right up into you know where.”
Charles paused, hoping that either Fred or better still, Karhy, would ask...where exactly.
Kathy did, she asked. Oh joy. “Where do the air bubbles, the jets, hit?” She had an idea but wanted to hear Charles say it.
“Right into your pussy honey. When you feel that jet of cool air hitting your pussy lips, you can move your body around just right and it will hit you right on the clit, and keep doing it as long as you sit there.” He wanted to say more, but Kathy did it for him.
“And is the stream strong enough, intense enough, to make a woman cum?”
Charles looked to his wife for confirmation, and she came through with a big smile and a nod.
Kathy giggled. “I'll think about it. Maybe I'll get in after all.”
“Let's do it,” Charles said, not wanting to waste any more time. To him, like Fred, the spa was the key to getting their wives in the proper state of undress and mood.
Charles started to undo his pants to get things going. He looked around. No one else was joining in as none of them, including his wife it seemed, wanted to go first.
“Ready to get in?” The time was now, it appeared, and Fred readily agreed without consulting Kathy.
“There's shelves right over there to place your clothes and shoes on and in, and just above you will see several bath towels. The water is already on and heated and as soon as we get back I'll turn on the bubbles and spray jets.”
“You're going somewhere,” Fred asked?
“Of course, to leave our clothes in the bedroom, replied Charles.”
Kathy made a joke. “In the 'no one is bigger than the master master bedroom?”
Everyone laughed, but Fred's joining in was a coverup as he was once again worrying about how big.
“Right, in the no one is bigger bedroom. Be right back. Get comfortable, and when Dorothy comes out she'll bring the drinks.” In a few minutes, dear ones' Charles was thinking, 'you will be seeing just how big the master is.'
Fred was thinking similar thoughts. His wife had made a joke about 'no one is bigger then the master,' and he knew exactly what she had meant. His wife now, it was obvious was thinking about Charles and his maybe it is, big cock.
“Ready?” The couple had left them alone and Fred was already removing his shirt and undoing his belt. He paused. “Are you going to go through with it?” His voice sounded unpleasantly demanding to Kathy, and she flinched. All of a sudden, despite her intitial liking of both Charles and a quiet Dorothy, she was having second thoughts. Stripping was a commitment in her mind.
“I'm not sure about this. This isn't like taking my clothes off for you. It's the two of them.”
“You're afraid to take your clothes off in front of a woman?”
“Well, yes. Wouldn't you be, to take your clothes off for a man?”
Fred tried to understand. “I see your point, but just tell yourself you are doing it for me and not them. I am sure that both of them, having had a spa for a while, two spas, and lots of guests, have seen plenty of naked people in their yard.”
Kathy nodded. “Alright,” and she started to disrobe. Suddenly, Fred's heart started to pound as his wife began stripping in someone else's, a stranger's someone else's yard, and in a minute or so, another man would be seeing her naked for the first time, and she, him.
Fred's cock was rising too, and he wondered what his wife might think if she sees it. Would it be good if she sees it now, ' he was thinking. Then he decided not to hide it, and felt it harden some more.
“Ah, I see you guys are almost ready,” Charles said as he arrived without warning and saw Kathy removing her bra in preparation for taking off her panties next. As he had begun speaking, Kathy had blushed and quit removing her bra as she turned to look at Charles.
As Fred and especially Kathy stared at his muscular body now covered only by a pair of loose fitting briefs, Charles saw at a guick glance that Fred's ******* cock was looking half hard, maybe more. “No competition there,' he thought. “But Dorothy might like it enough to give it a try. At least it is big enough to do a little stretching on her snatch.'
This was advanced thinking on the part of Charles, but he knew that his wife had already been married to two men, and he was well hung, so had no worries. Fred, on the other hand, had such worries. His wife had only been with him, and now there was another man nearby, a man putting his penis on display.
Yes, Charles had removed his underwear in front of them and was now standing nude on the deck beside the tub. His penis, long, thick, and chocolate brown in color was uncircumcised, unlike Fred, who had lost his foreskin at the age of three days.
Charles had deliberately allowed his cock to remain soft when Kathy first saw it. He knew that even now it was impressive and her curiousity would be aroused. He noticed that as soon as Kathy saw his penis, she had hastily finished her undressing by getting that bra and those panties off. Hie ego was on high alert because all the time she had finished undressing and ******** her body to him, she had kept glancing down at his cock.
Charles was pleased to see that Kathy was not only blonde on top, but below too. A nice crop of thin blonde hair that did more to emphasize rather than conceal her pouting pussy lips.
No one said a word about the ******* skin on all three, but they were looking, and surprisingly, none were trying to conceal their glances. Fred and Kathy both started at that dangling cock for perhaps 15 full seconds before looking away, and Charles felt his cock tingling as it grew just a little.
Both Kathy and her husband could see where Charles was looking, and Fred felt another tingle pass though his cock as a black man stared down at his wife's blonde pussy, with the lips so tight he might soon be finding out.
“Let me go and see what is keeping Dorothy, Charles said with a grin. “Go ahead and get in and I'll be back with a gorgeous naked lady for you both to see.” As he walked away with dangling cock swinging back and forth, Charles was thinking. 'Fuck, that woman's body is really something. I plan to work that baby over every which way.'
She is gorgeous, Fred instantly thought as Dorothy came into view. Her hair was now tied back in a pony tail for the purpose of getting into the water, but her breasts, her D cups, were out there, way out there and only sagged the slightest amount. She had creases under her breasts deep enough to maybe hold a pencil, but still, they appared to be quite firm.
Her stomach was mostly flat, with only a slight bulge in the abdomen, and Fred would find out later that was because she had two sons, one from each previous husband, now grown and in college.
Fred didn't see her ass right away, but when Dorothy turned to fetch a drink before stepping into the spa, oh yeah, that's nice, real nice. His cock was erect, Kathy was frowning at it, and Fred dropped down into the water. Yes, this felt good too, and didn't make his cock go down in the least.
Then Charles, who had been standing behind a table for a minute, stepped out and walked towards the spa, and his cock was no longer dangling. He had been watching and had seen Fred's cock come out while he had been staring at Dorothy.
Fully upright, Charles's cock looked to be nine if not more inches long, and real thick. The foreskin had pulled back on its own, and that head looked smooth and shiny, and big enough to split an innocent white wife's pussy wide open.
That was what Fred was thinking. 'It things happen, that cock might split Kathy wide open. She's staring at it and probably thinking it would hurt.”
Kathy was thinking, 'that cock will split me wide open, and it's going to feel good, I am sure of it.”
Notice that Kathy had thought 'will,' and not 'if' in speculation like her husband. Kathy had already made her decision.. There was still some time and conversation to go in the spa, but if Charles didn't say anything that would change her mind, he had already accomplished his goal. He was going to be fucking Kathy, and soon.
Until this minute, Kathy had never thought that a big cock could captivate her. Now, she was captivated. Charles was about to have a very interesting evening.
Like a gentleman with his erect cock on full display, Charles held his wife's hand and supported her as she stepped gingerly into the spa one step a time and seated herself. Then, instead of sitting right beside her, Charles slid around to the other side of the circlar spa and stopped just inches from Kathy. Now Kathy was flanked on both sides, just inches from a total of maybe 16 inches of erect penis.
“Hey! What about me.” Dorothy yelled out from the other side of the spa, which was just five feet away.
“Fred, honey, why don't you go and keep Dorothy from getting lonely over there, so far away?” Actully, Dorothy was close enough to touch if Fred stretched out his foot if he wanted.
Fred glanced at his wife. So fast this was happening, his wife now close to Charles, and naked, and he was to sit next to a naked Dorothy. In an instance, almost without thinking about it, Fred was sliding around the circle and ending up beside Dorothy.
Just like that, by making his move to Dorothy, Fred had committed his wife, who now was feeling a thigh belonging to a naked black man pressing up against hers. She turned, and trying to be cool about it, cool in a hot tub, smiled and nervously said “Hi.” Their involvement was now official.
That move, so innocent, resulted in Charles having a hand on the inside of her right thigh, so close, just inches from the goodies. She waited, heart pounding, for the inevitable.
But Charles, having fondled and made love to his wife in this spa, and on occasion sneaking a feel on other women, knew something about being in a spa. Despite the glamorous fucking sometimes seen in the movies of people getting it on with their lower halves underwater, in real life it does not work so hot.
The water washes away the natural slippery lubricants a woman's vagina provides. If the man places his penis inside her in one easy full stroke, and keeps it there, sometimes a fuck can be successfully completed. In most cases, it is more comfortable to get out of the water and finish the fuck.
But something else can be enjoyed above and under the water. Kissing and fondling. Both Fred and Kathy were involved now, with Dorothy having been the initial agressor over there, and Charles having made the moves over here.
Her mouth was being stuffed with Charles tongue. Her breasts were being felt up in every way. Her pussy was being fingered, but mostly on the exterior clitoris.
And then Kathy felt her hand being guided to that cock. Her heart pounding as she felt her fingers being pressed to go around that thick shaft, Kathy was thinking, 'No way, but she wanted it, some way. The making out, with no talking, continued for some minutes.
Then Charles made the suggestion. “Friends, Fred, and Kathy,” he said, nodding his head and kissing Kathy on the nose. I, we and Dorothy have learned that it is nice to start here, and finish in the bedroom.. What say we take a walk?”
With that, Charles stood up, and his cock popped out of the water. Everyone stared, including Kathy, even though she had just finished holding it. Now Fred, having had something like that being shown to his wife, felt self conscious about himself and he was reluctant to climb out.
Dorothy had to lead him out as she boldly grabbed him by the hard cock she had been playing with under the water and tugged. He might have enough to please, she had decided, if he can last long enough. Up up and up he came as Fred came out of the water, Dorothy leading the way with her hand on his cock.
Dorothy saw the way that Fred was watching his wife as she was staring at the penis that she was seeing in the open and fully erect for the first time. Dorothy understood where his head might be. “Fred, don't you be worrying your head over that cock .”
As Dorothy was speaking, Kathy reached out on her own and wrapped her hand around Charles's cock
“I guess I'm the one that needs to worry.”
Dorothy smiled at Kathy in understanding. “Charles knows how to be gentle with it Kathy, and you too Fred. You don't need to feel inadequate Fred. I've had two husbands before him and your cock is the same size as one, and larger than the other one was, so I'm going to enjoy you just fine.”
Fred asked a question that in a way, could have ended up putting himself down, but Dorothy handled it just fine. “Dorothy, your previous husbands had cocks my size you said, but you have been getting that one on Charles since then, so how do you know I will still feel good to you?.” Fred pointed at what his wife was now holding.
Inwardly, Fred was embarrassed at bringing it all into the open like this, the difference in the two husband's cock size and how much he was concerned.
Dorothy was ready with her explanation. “I was still married to my second husband when I met Charles, and for a few weeks, I was going back and forth between Charles and my husband.” She smiled at Fred. “After having Charles and getting used to him, craving him actually, I was still able to orgasm with my husband but to be honest it took more work to achieve. What I am trying to say is, until my divorce was final, I still liked fucking both men.”
“I guess that settles that,” Kathy said loudly and laughing. “ Fred my love, I should still be able to enjoy your cock afterward. So with that, I plan to have my fun.”
She smiled at Fred, then she finished climbing out of the spa, released Charle's cock, dried herself with a towel, and then, after Charles had dried off, she took him again by the cock and led him down the hall while her husband was still sitting in the spa with his mouth wide in disbelief..
“Which bedroom” Kathy asked with a giggling voice, “guest or Master's master?”
“Master,” answered Charles, “Because for now, they'll probably be joining us, and the bed is larger.”
Charles did not have to lead Kathy to the bed because upon seeing it, she ran on ahead and jumped on. Spreading her legs wide and showing her inner secrets to Charles like they were old friends instead of recently becoming acquainted, she smiled up at him as he came to the bed and crawled up and over her on his knees.
She looked up at Charles as he took aim. “Just for a little while, please, don't go too deep until I get used to it and then I'll see if I can take it all the way. And kiss me first. Please?”
Fred had hurriedly jumped out of the spa, ignoring Dorothy and dried himself off, then he had started towards the bedroom, realized what the heck he was doing, and stopped and waited for Dorothy to dry off.
Fred got to the bedroom, Dorothy in tow, just in time to see his wife get one final kiss from Charles before he looked down and took careful aim as Kathy pulled her lips open with both hands.
“Oooooooh fuck....That's good. Slow, slow, gawd you're so wide, deeper, now deeper. Ooh that's good. Farther. That's far enough.” She reached under with her fingers. “Wow, you still have a couple of inches left. Now fuck me with that much.”
Over the next 10.minutes, one thing became clear. Despite how good Dorothy was looking, despite her apparent interest in seeing what it is like to be fucked in a group setting and by a strange man, Fred's mind was elsewhere. He wanted to see the action going on with his wife.
Kathy had never been with another man. Therefore, of course, she had never had larger than her husband. Her husband had never seen her with another man. He wanted to see her taking larger, and then again, he didn't. As a result, he was tending to just lie next to Dorothy, who was trying to get him started, while he kept looking over at Kathy.
And what was Kathy doing?
At the moment Charles had just finished fucking Kathy, who had been on her back and moaning through one and then two orgasms as he was staying up on his knees above her and being careful not to go too deep. Then they had rolled over, and now Kathy was sliding herself down over a large percentage of Charle's body.
Her husband was right there, next to her and close enough to touch, and Kathy didn't care. This was her time, her man, her cock, her fuck, and she was taking advantage of all her husband had perhaps unwittingly, provided.
“Oooooooh fuck that feels good!” She had something to say and she wanted her husband to hear. “Tee hee, my husband put me up to this, and now I am definitely up to it”
She went lower, felt things, then went still lower and buried herself. “Oh fuck. I can take it all. I didn't think I could but oh baby, oh Charles, when you first put that fat cock of yours up against my pussy, it felt so good I should have let you go on in no matter how much it hurt. But it doesn't hurt Charles, and you definitely know what to do with it.”
Then she groaned as she leaned forward, took another stroke or two as she felt the new angle his cock was hitting her with, and going further down, began kissing Charles as she enthusiastically rode his cock.
Kathy might have been going a little overboard, but her husband was there, watching her like a hawk, and she wanted so much to enjoy Charles and not have to worry about her husband being jealous. But he was there, so she laid it on, and laid it on thick.. But not once did she have to lie.
Kathy's body was now shiny from sweat as she labored over Charles, who was reaching up and cupping those lovely Cs.
“I'm cumming baby. Cumming on your cock. Now look at how you are making me sweat. Look at how my sweat is dripping down off my tits and falling on your chest. I've never done this before Charles, sweated all over my man while fucking, and you're, it's you, you're the one causing it.”
Meanwhile, in desperation and wanting action of her own, Dorothy had gone to jacking Fred and feeling how his cock would vary from rock hard to semi-soft and back each time his wife would say or do something. Now, finally, she tried sucking his cock and learned that even though he had been spilling pre-fluid all over her hand, apparently he had plenty left as he now began filling her mouth.
Fred would place one hand on her head as she sucked, and once in a while he would take a hand, sometimes two, and feel her lovely breasts, but he wouldn't just look at her and take some action. His eyes, and apparently all his mental facilities were on his wife.
Finally, Dorothy had had enough and quit sucking on Fred's rigid cock. “Fred, if you don't quit watching your wife and give me some attention, I am going to go back into the living room and watch some TV and you can go to...no, I won't say that. You can do without.”
Kathy paused in her riding of Charles's totem pole. “What's the matter Fred? Not liking what you are seeing?”
Fred looked surprised when his wife stopped to address him. “That's not it. I am liking what I am seeing, but at the same time I hate it. I didn't think I would be reacting this way.”
Kathy was about to attempt some answer when Charles put it out there. “Maybe he is so fascinated by my black cock and what it can do that he wants to feel it for himself.” He looked at Fred and smiled.
Instead of denying it, Fred shocked both his wife and Dorothy, but not Charles. “I am kind of curious. If I could just feel it with my hand, maybe jack it a little and aim it into Kathy the next time it goes in.”
Dorothy, realizing that she was not going to be able to get some of the action with Fred unless he got to watch his wife first and got it our of his system, sighed and suggested: “Alright. Charlie, let him feel your cock for a minute, then we can all watch as he aims it into his wife. You fuck her until she comes, and then, if that is good enough to satisfy Fred's curiousity, then maybe he and I can go into the other bedroom and get it on.”
She looked at Fred. “Will that satisfy you?”
Fred nodded eagerly though in actuality he was not real excited to go off and leave his wife alone with Charles and that big, black cock.
“That will be fine. I'll be able to see and be involved with what I was fantasizing on and then you and I can have our fun.”
Kathy just wanted to fuck and be fucked by Charles, but she slid up up up and off his long pole and coming off, rolled onto her back beside Charles. “Alright honey, play with him and then aim it into my cunt.”
She had taken to speaking crude, and using the C word as part of it, a word she had never really liked before tonight. As she was speaking, Kathy opened her legs and began to rub her pussy with her fingers as she stared into her husband's face.
Fred looked hopefully at Charles, wanting to see if it was OK with Charles to allow him to feel that cock. Charles hit at him hard, and in front of two women. “I think you also want to suck it just like Kathy was doing a while ago. You'll get to feel it in your mouth, and taste it. What say you, will that make you happy? You can hold it with both hands while you run your tongue all around my hot meat.”
Fred turned red as he looked over and down at his wife, who was still rubbing her pussy slowly. She smiled up at him and tried to look understanding, but down deep she was thinking, 'Suck it? Suck a man? Is that what he wants to do?'
Fred unconcisously ran his tongue over his lips. He did not come right out with it, but it was obvious that yes, he wanted to suck that dick. “One thing I want to do, because I am curious as to what it is like. He's not circumcised and I want to see what it feels like to stroke a foreskin up and down.”
“Go for it. Knock yourself out Fred. We'll all sit back and let you have your fun, for a little while.” Charles had given permission, and almost like a little boy, Fred timidly reached out and wrapped his fingers around that thick shaft.
His eyes got big, and everyone could see how exciting this was for him. Then Fred experimentally gave it a stroke, up, down, and up again. He glanced over at Kathy, and she understood. “Yes Fred. That's just what I was thinking when I first did it. So easy to stroke with that skin.”
Fred nodded at his wife, ignored Charles, ignored Dorothy and gave Charles's other end several more strokes, then, without being invited further, he leaned down and carefully fitted his mouth over that knob, so big, so smooth, so shiny brown. He had made the move, a homosexual act and was doing it in front of two wives.
Thinking to himself: “How does Kathy manage to fit her little mouth over this,' he sucked, mostlyin the form of running his tongue all around and over that head since he really couldn't go much deeper with it being so thick. He could feel and taste pre-fluid running out and down his throat, and found it to be exciting.
'This is the fluid that is also going into my wife,' he was thinking. Experimenting further and trying to hurry since everyone was watching and he was feeling self conscious, he ran his tongue into the tip, feeling what it is like to be able to stick the tip of his tongue into a hole that was plenty large enough to allow it. “This is the hole where the cum will be cumming out and shooting deep into my wife,' he was thinking.
Charles chuckled, but he did it nicely. “That feels good Fred. About the same as your wife and I am sure she has had more practice at sucking a cock, but not one as big as this. I can also feel your tongue tip going into my pee hole, or in your case, we should call it my cum hole.
Your wife did that too I want you to know. Now, tell me, your wife probably wants it all in her, but if you like, I can manage a load into your mouth, but if I do, you have to swallow it. No spitting it out and letting it go to waste.”
Fred was still sucking and licking. Everyone waited, Charles with a big grin on his face as he enjoyed this whole scenario. 'Here I am, my big black cock in a white man's mouth, and beside me and playing with her pussy is his wife, watching and hardly able to wait for me to get back to her while her husband is taking up her time. But I'd sure like to shoot a load into his mouth and have him swallow. Now that would be something to see, to feel, with our wives right here and watching.'
Fred was busily enjoying himelf, trying to make the most out of his short time allotted to suck this cock. His face reddened again over the offer and the fact that it was really hitting him now as to what he was submitting to with his wife right here.
He took his mouth off and said, “Your cock is really hard and I can tell you are close, but don't cum. Save it for Kathy. I think now...” he looked over at Dorothy and smiled, “Let me aim ir for you and after that I think I can really get back to, into your wife. She is really pretty and seems so nice and I need to be thinking about her now.”
He released that wonderful cock from his hand, Charles immediately turned over, got above Kathy and said, “Now you can aim it.”
His hand trembling, Fred got down behind Charles, his ass almost in Fred's face and took hold of that fat cock, dripping now and wanting a target. Holding it while Charles lowered his body, Fred got lower with his face and carefully placed it against his wife's shiny with fluids pussy.
“Pull it open honey so it will go in.”
Well, Kathy no longer needed to pull it open she was so wet, but she did so now, and eagerly. She wanted this bad, and this time, her husband was aiming it into her.
Fred held and watched with wide eyes as his wife slowly admitted all that meat deep into her body, and Fred never let go of that cock until it was so deep that his four fingers were now starting to be squeezed between Charle's pubic bone and his wife's.
Reluctantly he let go, and watched as Charles began to pump. Then his wife looked around Charles and down at her husband. “Honey? Why don't you take care of Dorothy now? She needs it.”
Unsaid was the obvious: In other words husband, get the fuck out and let me enjoy this man.
Fred slid back and towards Dorothy. She took his hand in hers and said, “Can we go into the other bedroom now?”
Fred nodded, but reluctantly since he really didn't want to leave his wife alone and climbing off the bed, Dorothy did now as Kathy had done earlier. She took a man's hard cock into her hand and began leading him towards a bedroom.
Fred took one fleeting look back at his wife to see what was happening, and Kathy, wanting him gone, simply waved and waited until her husband was out of sight before she smiled, giggled, and turning her head to look up at Charles said, “Let's fuck, and this time you can go all the way!”
by EroticWriter

Note readers. This is a story about wife, or the more modern term, spouse swapping. In real life, when man and woman allow or see or find out that their mate wants to, or has been, or is with another person sexually, there are almost always feelings of jealousy, anger, curiousity, despair, desire, competitiveness, and many more. I have put some of them in here, but played it down.
Most of these stories where the wife gets laid and the husband watches openly or secretly and comes all over the place are...fantasy. I yes, I write a lot of those. So give this one a try and see what you think, because from experience, mine and others, this one is more realistic than some. EW.
“Look at this ad in Craigslist honey. This might be what we are looking for.”
Fred's lovely blonde wife was sitting over in a kitchen chair and shrugged. “Another sex ad I suppose? And it might be what YOU are looking for, not me.”
“No Kathy. Maybe for us. Let me read it to you.” As he prepared to read, Kathy shook her head, sighed, and moved over to sit down next to him on the bench that served as one side of the picnic style table in their kitchen. This firm surface made a good place to set his latptop when Fred went searching on the net.
Fred reached out and placed his right hand on his wife's left thigh and started to read.
“Attractive older couple, him 40, black, nice build, well equipped, she 37, white, nice bod with stacked rack.” Fred looked at Kathy without commenting that the man was black and maybe well equipped and went on to immediately comment on the woman half in hopes she might not rebel. “Stacked rack? He said to her. “Guess that means she has big tits, wouldn't you think?”
Since she was not particularly interested in spouse swapping and though it had caught her attention, Kathy ignored the black man part and nodded, “It sounds like it, big tits. What else does the ad say?”
Fred smiled. Maybe this time she is interested. “Looking for equally attractive and younger white couple to meet, share some food and wine, enjoy our spa, and maybe spend part of or all night.”
The ad went on to say, “We're new at this so excuse us if we're a little shy when we all meet.”
Fred again looked at his wife, and this time hopefully. “They have a spa, baby. Might be a nice way to get acquainted.”
Kathy sniffed. “You mean a good way for everyone to get naked.” Kathy had never been nude in the presence of another man besides her husband except for doctor examinations and in those she had always been covered on top or bottom and there had been a nurse present.
Fred laughed. “Well yes, that would be the idea. Someone other than me would get a chance to see that lovely bod of yours. I love your body and I have always had this inner desire to show it off to others. You know that, we've talked about it before. But anyhow, getting into a spa would be easier than just starting out cold, say like sitting in the living room and making awkward conversation.”
“Fred, I've told you that I am not interested in swapping with anyone. We've been married for seven years now, I'm 25 and never been with another man. I've been loyal Fred, so why would you want me to f...to have sex with another man”
She leaned over to see the ad for herself. “And it says he's a black man. Why would you want me to be with a black man? Haven't you heard? They supposedly have big cocks.”
Fred laughed, a nervous laugh. “Honey, you read that on the net, and you know what they say about things on the net. Don't believe most of what you see.”
“Yes, but this ad says he is 'well equipped and besides that, you showed me some pictures of big black cocks one time. Have you forgotten?”
“I also showed you some pictures of white cock...men too, and they were pretty big, weren't they?
Kathy had heard enough. “All the pictures you showed me, black or white, looked bigger than you are, so why are you pushing this?”
Fred sort of shrugged his shoulders and tried to look not so desperate to arrange a first time swap. “They always search out the biggest guys for those photos. Most guys are more like me or smaller you know.”
“Well, I wouldn't know. I was a virgin, remember?”
“Oh yeah baby, I remember. Bled all over the sheets.”
Kathy thought back. “You felt big to me then, and you still do, so why would you want to risk something else?”
“You mean like you getting...well, I might as well say it, getting fucked by a man with a bigger cock?”
“Yes. That.”
“We've measured my cock just joking around and it's almost seven inches long and a little over five and one half around. That's above average honey so I don't think if you happened to get one a little bigger it would make much difference. Chances are, in most cases, the man would not be bigger.”
“In most cases? That's a multiple term It sounds like you not only want to swap, but keep swapping!” Kathy's voice was beginning to rise, and Fred realized he had better back off a little.
“No, just once, maybe. I'm just curious about how it would look, how you would act, with another man.”
“IF we swapped with a couple, there would be another woman there, and I sort of believe,” she paused for effect, “that she would want you to be paying more attention to her.”
Fred was encouraged. Now his wife was saying IF. If sounded more positive than on previous times when he had mentioned this, when she had been saying a firm NO. “What say I just answer this ad and not reveal too much, just enough to maybe have them answer back?”
“What will you say in your reply?”
'Yes yes. Kathy had just said, without saying it outright, that he could maybe answer the ad. “Let me write it while you watch.”
“No, I'll prepare lunch,” it was a Saturday and they were home, “while you write the ad, and then I'll read it before you send it.”
'Before I send it. Shit, she said I can send it! Yes, yes, we're on the way.' Fred excitedly began to construct his reply while Kathy, dressed only in a white bra and blue panties got up and headed to the refrigerator.
Fred watched as his lovely blonde wife moved about the kitchen for a minute, with that ass so firm, and those C tits appearing to jut so far forward. He carefully began to compose his reply.
'Hi! We're a white couple, he 26, she 25. He is tall, slim, above average you know where. She is medium height, blonde and lovely, with a fine set of Cs, which no man has ever touched except for her husband. In other words, she is basically innocent and curious and so am I since we have never done this before.'
Fred paused and watched his wife, who was spreading out some bread to create sandwiches. 'Fuck does she ever look hot with just bra and panties. I'll bet some guy, maybe this black guy would just love to get his hands on those.' He went on creating.
We are interested in meeting and maybe sharing your spa. Sounds like a nice way to get acquainted if a commitment is not mandatory. The wife may need a little time because she is shy, relucant, (very) but willing to meet and talk.'
Fred turned to Kathy. “OK honey. I've written it. All I have to do now is either put in a phone number, e mail address, or wait for them to reply to this via Craig's and see if they give us a phone number. Read it and tell me what you think.”
Kathy came over, sat down, and read the ad thoroughly. Then she re-read it, and her first comment was, “You left a T out of 'reluctant,' and you need to put in that I might prefer to wear a bathing suit in their spa the first time.”
“Wear a bathing suit? No one wears a bathing suit into a private spa. They are intended for going nude baby, you know that.” He went on to add, “but I did put in there that you are shy and might need a little time, so if you really don't feel like stripping down right away and the rest of us do, just sit by the spa while the rest of us get naked. That way you and I can see how they look.”
“And she you,” Kathy giggled. “Wouldn't it be interesting if you happened to be just as large as him or even bigger?”
“That's unlikely, but if that is the case, would you stiill want to swap, if you aren't getting more than you get from me?”
“Honey....Helloooooo? I have not agreed to swap, remember? You are getting ahead of yourself.”
She shook her head, then: “Besides, since I have never had larger, I don't even know if I would like it. Besides, the man's personality would be of more importance, even if I did like big cocks.”
He did not let that phase him.. “Well, I guess maybe we shall be finding out tonight maybe. One thing for sure. Between you and his wife, since she is 37, there is no doubt that you will the one who is looking fine on the feminine side.”
Kathy looked intensely at her husband. “Whatever you do, if they are exaggerating and her body is not all that nice, or her face, DO NOT let on or say something that might hurt her feelings whatever you do.”
“Fred nodded. “Give me credit for having some sense.”
“In a way,” Kathy said, “it sounds like I would be competing with her for best body, sort of like a beauty contest only it would be like putting meat on display.”
“Honey,” Fred answered, laughing. “Yeah like us men with dangling weiners. But remember, no matter how nice she looks, she can't possibly top the way you look in the nude.” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the forehead.
Kathy sighed, this time to show her reluctance. “O.K. If you insist. But if we make their acquaintance and actually get around to disrobing, you stay next to me in the spa so he doesn't get too close.”
“Unless you want him to,” Fred added.
“Yes. Unless I want him to.”
Fred was grinning inside. This is great. We've worked out most of the details and I haven't even sent this response.'
Their response to the ad was sent with no personal phone number or e-address included. Almost by magic, they had a reply via Craigslist before the afternoon was out, and the reply included a personal phone number. They excitedly read the ad. Now, it appeared, Kathy was somewhat excited about this as well.
Fred was thanking his lucky stars for the rapid response, beccause his wife, it looked like, had been caught when she was in the right mood.
'Got your reply, very interested. We are free tonight if you want to meet, otherwise our next free night would be Monday or later but if you are like us you work weekdays and would prefer a Friday or Saturday night.
Don't want to sound anxious or anything, but since you responded so quickly to an ad we just placed today and my wife is a bit shy, I feel we need to act on this chance while we have it. I'm always worried she might change her mind. Hope you understand.
If tonight, call us ASAP and without us sounding pushy, maybe we could be together (for food, drinks and spa) in just a few hours. By the way, this is a first time for us too.'
“Well Kathy said Fred. “They can start tonight. Also, it sounds like his wife is having the same reluctance that you are. That should make it easier baby for you, to know she is just as nervous as you are. So, what do you think,” Fred asked his lovely wife after she had also read the ad?
Kathy hesitated for only a second. “Call them I guess. But it doesn't say where they live. Could be miles away.”
“No, I think they live local or they would have said so in their reply.” In another minute, Fred was hitting the buttons on his cell, indicating to Kathy that he was wasting not a minute of the remaining Saturday hours.
The phone call went nicely. The people at the other end only needed one thing from Fred. They wanted to hear Kathy's voice just to confirm that there really was a couple responding to their ad.
“Hi, I'm real,” Kathy said into the mouthpiece loud enough to make sure they heard. That seemed to do it as Fred and Charles began setting their plan into action.
“O.K. Got it. We'll be there at seven. No, that's not too soon for us if that's alright with you. Yes, see you then. Oh, wait. Do you want us to park in your driveway, or out in front, or what? Your neigbors...”
“Oh, I see. Your drive is a long private one and you don't care what the neighbors think. OK. See you tonight.”
Kathy, strangely, had been pretending not to be paying much attention while paying much attention. “So, what did he say that I might have wanted to hear had I been on the phone with you the entire time?”
“He said he would take our word that you are attractive since we are not asking to see photos of them. He indicated that we were starting out this 'relationship' based on trust, and that was a good thing.”
Kathy frowned. “This relationship?” Fred shrugged to indicate 'you know what I meant.' He was jumping for joy inside. Kathy had finally agreed to meet a couple and the possibility of a swap was right out there, and amazingly, the man was black! That tub, the hot tub, that was the key to everything.
Across town and in the suburbs, Charles and Dorothy were excitedly discussing the phone call they had just received. It was amazing, one ad placed and a couple coming over the same day, or night. How cool is that? Well cool for Charles at least. In their case, the female half was having almost the same reservations as the young couple.
“Charles. You said you would just place an ad to see how many couples would respond, and I agreed. I had no idea this would result in a meeting the same day.”
But honey. This could be very exciting. You're 37, still looking good, and the only men you have been in bed with besides me are your two previous husbands. So have some fun while you are still young and looking your best.”
“I had two husbands yes, and I wish you would quit reminding me of it. Both of them were smaller than you, one a little bigger than the other, and I have told you all the details. So, since I have already had smaller, and now I have you, why would you want me to try other men, another man? Chances are he would be smaller, which is not everything but I consider it to be important, so if that's the case what would I stand to gain?”
She paused and added, “They're coming tonight, so I guess I should change that to what DO I stand to gain?”
“A younger man baby. Haven't you heard? You get a younger man. It's all the rage now amongst women, have or marry a younger man. Used to be only the men that did it, now it's fashionable for the ladies.”
“Maybe for Madonna or Demi Moore, perhaps. But I'm just an ordinary housewife and no movie star.”
“Oh yes you are in my mind, a real star, tried and true. You're lovely to look at Dorothy.”
“Maybe I'm lovely to look at, but that doesn't make me want to fuck a younger man. Look, let's be honest. You are the one that wants to fuck someone young, a younger woman than me. That's the way husbands act after a few years of marriage.”
She paused, “Turn 40, buy a Corvette and find a mistress. That's the old chiche' about what men are supposed to do.”
Charles laughed, seeing his chance to make a joke. “Also, when the wife turns 40, the husband is supposed to trade her in for two 20s.” He grinned “You have just 3 years left baby.”
Dorothy sniffed. “And now that you have turned 40, what say that I trade YOU in for two twenties?”
He laughed. “You would have to do some searching to find two 20s with big cocks. Have to try several out first.” Charles was feeling encouraged. He had finally gotten his wife to start talking about sex, about other men. This was promising, even if it was in jest.
Charles took his wife into his arms. “I love you baby. I just want to do some strange fucking and allow you to get some too. It'll be alright.”
His cock was rising a little and Dorothy reached for it. As her hand wrapped around it, Charles pulled away. “No, not now. I need to save it.”
Dorothy dropped her hand and turned away. “Sure Charles. Sure.”
Charles was trying to ignore his wife's protests. He smiled. “Tonight baby at seven, a young white couple will be pulling up outside, and I want us both to have a nice time, fuck or no. Can we do that?”
Sigh. “Yes dear, we can do that.”
Taking the big step.
At ten till seven Fred came to a stop half a block from the address they had been given. It looked like a very nice neighborhood, the kind that probably had a lot of hot tubs in the back yards.
“Why are you stopping honey,” Kathy asked?
“We're a little early” he said, checking his watch for the second time within a minute. “I wanted to make sure we were on time and we got here quicker than I thought. I don't want to catch them unprepared.”
Kathy giggled. “Unprepared for what?”
She's laughing and making jokes. This is good, very good. “Are you doing alright so far? Not scared or anything?”
“I'm a little nervous Fred. You know that.” Inwardly, and no way was she about to tell her husband, Kathy was thiniing about that black man, and his 'well equipped' department.
“Don't be. Everything will be fine. You'll see.”
“She giggled nervously. “Maybe they're just as scared as we are.”
'Scared?' Fred let it lie there as he put the car in gear and headed on.
Everything was as all hoped. Fred and Kathy were greeted with big smiles by two at the door. The black man named Charles was attractive, actually a bit on the handsome side Kathy was thinking. Dorothy, Fred could see, was equally attractive compared to Kathy once you took her age into consideration.
It became apparent immediately, even though their ad had said they were new at this and shy, there was no sign of 'shy' now.
They might be used to entertaining regular guests, real guests,' Kathy was thinking.
A few minutes were spent showing them around, with the bedrooms on the third of three levels being a major part of the tour. Fred noticed that more than once, Charles reached out and touching Kathy lightly on an arm or shoulder sometimes, was aiding her as he showed her around.
“He's getting Kathy used to his touch,' Fred was thinking. This is good, she needs to feel relaxed with Charles if he's to get her into bed.
Charles was giving his tour and now, holding Kathy's hand. “Here's the master, complete with mirrors and a King bed. And in here is the bathroom and you can see that it has both a huge glass shower and a tub with a mini spa built in.”
“Nice, very nice,” both Fred and Kathy responded. Dorothy had noticed one thing Fred seemed to be paying more attention to Charles touching his wife, than he was to her. “I guess that is natural since thy are new to this,' she was thinking. 'I just might end up showing him how to please a woman.'
Then they were shown one of three guest bedrooms. “Here's one of the three guest rooms. I don't need to show you the others since they are all basically the same.”
“Damn,” Fred exclaimed in response to Charles's comment. “This room is almost as big as the master.”
That was when Dorothy saw a chance to make a joke. It just popped into her head and she had not intended for the opening talk to go sexual. “Nothing is as big as the master.” With that comment, she looked at Charles and smiled.
For some reason Kathy caught on first and laughed as she looked at both Charles and Dorothy. Then Fred frowned. “What's so funny?”
He saw his wife grinning at Charles and Dorothy and caught on. “Oh. I get it. Charles is the big master. Funny.”
But inwardly, while Kathy was wondering about Charles's big, Fred was getting worried. 'What if he really is big, as in...big?' While Fred was wondering and felt his cock tingling, his wife was also having thought of her own. Now that she actually had met the man, she was growing more interested.
Like her husband, Kathy's mind at the moment was on the lower part of her body. She could feel her pussy begin to lubricate, just at the thought of it.
After the inside tour, they were led outside, and Fred and Kathy were surprised to see not one but two spas, each a different size. One was inside a glass enclosed room, the other one, the one they were now seeing, was outside.
“This bigger one, outside, is for when we have a party or just a bunch of friends over. It will seat up to 10 comfortably, and if people sit on the ledge with just their feet in the water, we can squeeze about 14 in.”
“Nice.” He wondered if all those friends also got nude when they got into the tub, but did not ask. This was supposed to be a first time adventure for all, and Fred did not want to possibly ruin the fantasy with facts.
Charles opened a glass door and led them iside. “Now here is our inside spa. We chose to install this small one for a reason. It's cozy and more intimate. It's round in shape as you can see and will seat six comfortably or eight if they get cozy.” Charles smiled, along with Fred, but Kathy was thinking that all the while, the time was drawing near, when she would have to strip in front of strangers.
Charles was giving more details about this particular spa. “It has air holes all around like most spas do, but this one is sort of...different.”
“And how is this one different,” Fred asked, sensing that Charles wanted his response with a question to add drama?
“It also had air holes in the middle of where you sit. The water is warm, hot, but those air holes, when I turn them on, blow cool air right up into you know where.”
Charles paused, hoping that either Fred or better still, Karhy, would ask...where exactly.
Kathy did, she asked. Oh joy. “Where do the air bubbles, the jets, hit?” She had an idea but wanted to hear Charles say it.
“Right into your pussy honey. When you feel that jet of cool air hitting your pussy lips, you can move your body around just right and it will hit you right on the clit, and keep doing it as long as you sit there.” He wanted to say more, but Kathy did it for him.
“And is the stream strong enough, intense enough, to make a woman cum?”
Charles looked to his wife for confirmation, and she came through with a big smile and a nod.
Kathy giggled. “I'll think about it. Maybe I'll get in after all.”
“Let's do it,” Charles said, not wanting to waste any more time. To him, like Fred, the spa was the key to getting their wives in the proper state of undress and mood.
Charles started to undo his pants to get things going. He looked around. No one else was joining in as none of them, including his wife it seemed, wanted to go first.
“Ready to get in?” The time was now, it appeared, and Fred readily agreed without consulting Kathy.
“There's shelves right over there to place your clothes and shoes on and in, and just above you will see several bath towels. The water is already on and heated and as soon as we get back I'll turn on the bubbles and spray jets.”
“You're going somewhere,” Fred asked?
“Of course, to leave our clothes in the bedroom, replied Charles.”
Kathy made a joke. “In the 'no one is bigger than the master master bedroom?”
Everyone laughed, but Fred's joining in was a coverup as he was once again worrying about how big.
“Right, in the no one is bigger bedroom. Be right back. Get comfortable, and when Dorothy comes out she'll bring the drinks.” In a few minutes, dear ones' Charles was thinking, 'you will be seeing just how big the master is.'
Fred was thinking similar thoughts. His wife had made a joke about 'no one is bigger then the master,' and he knew exactly what she had meant. His wife now, it was obvious was thinking about Charles and his maybe it is, big cock.
“Ready?” The couple had left them alone and Fred was already removing his shirt and undoing his belt. He paused. “Are you going to go through with it?” His voice sounded unpleasantly demanding to Kathy, and she flinched. All of a sudden, despite her intitial liking of both Charles and a quiet Dorothy, she was having second thoughts. Stripping was a commitment in her mind.
“I'm not sure about this. This isn't like taking my clothes off for you. It's the two of them.”
“You're afraid to take your clothes off in front of a woman?”
“Well, yes. Wouldn't you be, to take your clothes off for a man?”
Fred tried to understand. “I see your point, but just tell yourself you are doing it for me and not them. I am sure that both of them, having had a spa for a while, two spas, and lots of guests, have seen plenty of naked people in their yard.”
Kathy nodded. “Alright,” and she started to disrobe. Suddenly, Fred's heart started to pound as his wife began stripping in someone else's, a stranger's someone else's yard, and in a minute or so, another man would be seeing her naked for the first time, and she, him.
Fred's cock was rising too, and he wondered what his wife might think if she sees it. Would it be good if she sees it now, ' he was thinking. Then he decided not to hide it, and felt it harden some more.
“Ah, I see you guys are almost ready,” Charles said as he arrived without warning and saw Kathy removing her bra in preparation for taking off her panties next. As he had begun speaking, Kathy had blushed and quit removing her bra as she turned to look at Charles.
As Fred and especially Kathy stared at his muscular body now covered only by a pair of loose fitting briefs, Charles saw at a guick glance that Fred's ******* cock was looking half hard, maybe more. “No competition there,' he thought. “But Dorothy might like it enough to give it a try. At least it is big enough to do a little stretching on her snatch.'
This was advanced thinking on the part of Charles, but he knew that his wife had already been married to two men, and he was well hung, so had no worries. Fred, on the other hand, had such worries. His wife had only been with him, and now there was another man nearby, a man putting his penis on display.
Yes, Charles had removed his underwear in front of them and was now standing nude on the deck beside the tub. His penis, long, thick, and chocolate brown in color was uncircumcised, unlike Fred, who had lost his foreskin at the age of three days.
Charles had deliberately allowed his cock to remain soft when Kathy first saw it. He knew that even now it was impressive and her curiousity would be aroused. He noticed that as soon as Kathy saw his penis, she had hastily finished her undressing by getting that bra and those panties off. Hie ego was on high alert because all the time she had finished undressing and ******** her body to him, she had kept glancing down at his cock.
Charles was pleased to see that Kathy was not only blonde on top, but below too. A nice crop of thin blonde hair that did more to emphasize rather than conceal her pouting pussy lips.
No one said a word about the ******* skin on all three, but they were looking, and surprisingly, none were trying to conceal their glances. Fred and Kathy both started at that dangling cock for perhaps 15 full seconds before looking away, and Charles felt his cock tingling as it grew just a little.
Both Kathy and her husband could see where Charles was looking, and Fred felt another tingle pass though his cock as a black man stared down at his wife's blonde pussy, with the lips so tight he might soon be finding out.
“Let me go and see what is keeping Dorothy, Charles said with a grin. “Go ahead and get in and I'll be back with a gorgeous naked lady for you both to see.” As he walked away with dangling cock swinging back and forth, Charles was thinking. 'Fuck, that woman's body is really something. I plan to work that baby over every which way.'
She is gorgeous, Fred instantly thought as Dorothy came into view. Her hair was now tied back in a pony tail for the purpose of getting into the water, but her breasts, her D cups, were out there, way out there and only sagged the slightest amount. She had creases under her breasts deep enough to maybe hold a pencil, but still, they appared to be quite firm.
Her stomach was mostly flat, with only a slight bulge in the abdomen, and Fred would find out later that was because she had two sons, one from each previous husband, now grown and in college.
Fred didn't see her ass right away, but when Dorothy turned to fetch a drink before stepping into the spa, oh yeah, that's nice, real nice. His cock was erect, Kathy was frowning at it, and Fred dropped down into the water. Yes, this felt good too, and didn't make his cock go down in the least.
Then Charles, who had been standing behind a table for a minute, stepped out and walked towards the spa, and his cock was no longer dangling. He had been watching and had seen Fred's cock come out while he had been staring at Dorothy.
Fully upright, Charles's cock looked to be nine if not more inches long, and real thick. The foreskin had pulled back on its own, and that head looked smooth and shiny, and big enough to split an innocent white wife's pussy wide open.
That was what Fred was thinking. 'It things happen, that cock might split Kathy wide open. She's staring at it and probably thinking it would hurt.”
Kathy was thinking, 'that cock will split me wide open, and it's going to feel good, I am sure of it.”
Notice that Kathy had thought 'will,' and not 'if' in speculation like her husband. Kathy had already made her decision.. There was still some time and conversation to go in the spa, but if Charles didn't say anything that would change her mind, he had already accomplished his goal. He was going to be fucking Kathy, and soon.
Until this minute, Kathy had never thought that a big cock could captivate her. Now, she was captivated. Charles was about to have a very interesting evening.
Like a gentleman with his erect cock on full display, Charles held his wife's hand and supported her as she stepped gingerly into the spa one step a time and seated herself. Then, instead of sitting right beside her, Charles slid around to the other side of the circlar spa and stopped just inches from Kathy. Now Kathy was flanked on both sides, just inches from a total of maybe 16 inches of erect penis.
“Hey! What about me.” Dorothy yelled out from the other side of the spa, which was just five feet away.
“Fred, honey, why don't you go and keep Dorothy from getting lonely over there, so far away?” Actully, Dorothy was close enough to touch if Fred stretched out his foot if he wanted.
Fred glanced at his wife. So fast this was happening, his wife now close to Charles, and naked, and he was to sit next to a naked Dorothy. In an instance, almost without thinking about it, Fred was sliding around the circle and ending up beside Dorothy.
Just like that, by making his move to Dorothy, Fred had committed his wife, who now was feeling a thigh belonging to a naked black man pressing up against hers. She turned, and trying to be cool about it, cool in a hot tub, smiled and nervously said “Hi.” Their involvement was now official.
That move, so innocent, resulted in Charles having a hand on the inside of her right thigh, so close, just inches from the goodies. She waited, heart pounding, for the inevitable.
But Charles, having fondled and made love to his wife in this spa, and on occasion sneaking a feel on other women, knew something about being in a spa. Despite the glamorous fucking sometimes seen in the movies of people getting it on with their lower halves underwater, in real life it does not work so hot.
The water washes away the natural slippery lubricants a woman's vagina provides. If the man places his penis inside her in one easy full stroke, and keeps it there, sometimes a fuck can be successfully completed. In most cases, it is more comfortable to get out of the water and finish the fuck.
But something else can be enjoyed above and under the water. Kissing and fondling. Both Fred and Kathy were involved now, with Dorothy having been the initial agressor over there, and Charles having made the moves over here.
Her mouth was being stuffed with Charles tongue. Her breasts were being felt up in every way. Her pussy was being fingered, but mostly on the exterior clitoris.
And then Kathy felt her hand being guided to that cock. Her heart pounding as she felt her fingers being pressed to go around that thick shaft, Kathy was thinking, 'No way, but she wanted it, some way. The making out, with no talking, continued for some minutes.
Then Charles made the suggestion. “Friends, Fred, and Kathy,” he said, nodding his head and kissing Kathy on the nose. I, we and Dorothy have learned that it is nice to start here, and finish in the bedroom.. What say we take a walk?”
With that, Charles stood up, and his cock popped out of the water. Everyone stared, including Kathy, even though she had just finished holding it. Now Fred, having had something like that being shown to his wife, felt self conscious about himself and he was reluctant to climb out.
Dorothy had to lead him out as she boldly grabbed him by the hard cock she had been playing with under the water and tugged. He might have enough to please, she had decided, if he can last long enough. Up up and up he came as Fred came out of the water, Dorothy leading the way with her hand on his cock.
Dorothy saw the way that Fred was watching his wife as she was staring at the penis that she was seeing in the open and fully erect for the first time. Dorothy understood where his head might be. “Fred, don't you be worrying your head over that cock .”
As Dorothy was speaking, Kathy reached out on her own and wrapped her hand around Charles's cock
“I guess I'm the one that needs to worry.”
Dorothy smiled at Kathy in understanding. “Charles knows how to be gentle with it Kathy, and you too Fred. You don't need to feel inadequate Fred. I've had two husbands before him and your cock is the same size as one, and larger than the other one was, so I'm going to enjoy you just fine.”
Fred asked a question that in a way, could have ended up putting himself down, but Dorothy handled it just fine. “Dorothy, your previous husbands had cocks my size you said, but you have been getting that one on Charles since then, so how do you know I will still feel good to you?.” Fred pointed at what his wife was now holding.
Inwardly, Fred was embarrassed at bringing it all into the open like this, the difference in the two husband's cock size and how much he was concerned.
Dorothy was ready with her explanation. “I was still married to my second husband when I met Charles, and for a few weeks, I was going back and forth between Charles and my husband.” She smiled at Fred. “After having Charles and getting used to him, craving him actually, I was still able to orgasm with my husband but to be honest it took more work to achieve. What I am trying to say is, until my divorce was final, I still liked fucking both men.”
“I guess that settles that,” Kathy said loudly and laughing. “ Fred my love, I should still be able to enjoy your cock afterward. So with that, I plan to have my fun.”
She smiled at Fred, then she finished climbing out of the spa, released Charle's cock, dried herself with a towel, and then, after Charles had dried off, she took him again by the cock and led him down the hall while her husband was still sitting in the spa with his mouth wide in disbelief..
“Which bedroom” Kathy asked with a giggling voice, “guest or Master's master?”
“Master,” answered Charles, “Because for now, they'll probably be joining us, and the bed is larger.”
Charles did not have to lead Kathy to the bed because upon seeing it, she ran on ahead and jumped on. Spreading her legs wide and showing her inner secrets to Charles like they were old friends instead of recently becoming acquainted, she smiled up at him as he came to the bed and crawled up and over her on his knees.
She looked up at Charles as he took aim. “Just for a little while, please, don't go too deep until I get used to it and then I'll see if I can take it all the way. And kiss me first. Please?”
Fred had hurriedly jumped out of the spa, ignoring Dorothy and dried himself off, then he had started towards the bedroom, realized what the heck he was doing, and stopped and waited for Dorothy to dry off.
Fred got to the bedroom, Dorothy in tow, just in time to see his wife get one final kiss from Charles before he looked down and took careful aim as Kathy pulled her lips open with both hands.
“Oooooooh fuck....That's good. Slow, slow, gawd you're so wide, deeper, now deeper. Ooh that's good. Farther. That's far enough.” She reached under with her fingers. “Wow, you still have a couple of inches left. Now fuck me with that much.”
Over the next 10.minutes, one thing became clear. Despite how good Dorothy was looking, despite her apparent interest in seeing what it is like to be fucked in a group setting and by a strange man, Fred's mind was elsewhere. He wanted to see the action going on with his wife.
Kathy had never been with another man. Therefore, of course, she had never had larger than her husband. Her husband had never seen her with another man. He wanted to see her taking larger, and then again, he didn't. As a result, he was tending to just lie next to Dorothy, who was trying to get him started, while he kept looking over at Kathy.
And what was Kathy doing?
At the moment Charles had just finished fucking Kathy, who had been on her back and moaning through one and then two orgasms as he was staying up on his knees above her and being careful not to go too deep. Then they had rolled over, and now Kathy was sliding herself down over a large percentage of Charle's body.
Her husband was right there, next to her and close enough to touch, and Kathy didn't care. This was her time, her man, her cock, her fuck, and she was taking advantage of all her husband had perhaps unwittingly, provided.
“Oooooooh fuck that feels good!” She had something to say and she wanted her husband to hear. “Tee hee, my husband put me up to this, and now I am definitely up to it”
She went lower, felt things, then went still lower and buried herself. “Oh fuck. I can take it all. I didn't think I could but oh baby, oh Charles, when you first put that fat cock of yours up against my pussy, it felt so good I should have let you go on in no matter how much it hurt. But it doesn't hurt Charles, and you definitely know what to do with it.”
Then she groaned as she leaned forward, took another stroke or two as she felt the new angle his cock was hitting her with, and going further down, began kissing Charles as she enthusiastically rode his cock.
Kathy might have been going a little overboard, but her husband was there, watching her like a hawk, and she wanted so much to enjoy Charles and not have to worry about her husband being jealous. But he was there, so she laid it on, and laid it on thick.. But not once did she have to lie.
Kathy's body was now shiny from sweat as she labored over Charles, who was reaching up and cupping those lovely Cs.
“I'm cumming baby. Cumming on your cock. Now look at how you are making me sweat. Look at how my sweat is dripping down off my tits and falling on your chest. I've never done this before Charles, sweated all over my man while fucking, and you're, it's you, you're the one causing it.”
Meanwhile, in desperation and wanting action of her own, Dorothy had gone to jacking Fred and feeling how his cock would vary from rock hard to semi-soft and back each time his wife would say or do something. Now, finally, she tried sucking his cock and learned that even though he had been spilling pre-fluid all over her hand, apparently he had plenty left as he now began filling her mouth.
Fred would place one hand on her head as she sucked, and once in a while he would take a hand, sometimes two, and feel her lovely breasts, but he wouldn't just look at her and take some action. His eyes, and apparently all his mental facilities were on his wife.
Finally, Dorothy had had enough and quit sucking on Fred's rigid cock. “Fred, if you don't quit watching your wife and give me some attention, I am going to go back into the living room and watch some TV and you can go to...no, I won't say that. You can do without.”
Kathy paused in her riding of Charles's totem pole. “What's the matter Fred? Not liking what you are seeing?”
Fred looked surprised when his wife stopped to address him. “That's not it. I am liking what I am seeing, but at the same time I hate it. I didn't think I would be reacting this way.”
Kathy was about to attempt some answer when Charles put it out there. “Maybe he is so fascinated by my black cock and what it can do that he wants to feel it for himself.” He looked at Fred and smiled.
Instead of denying it, Fred shocked both his wife and Dorothy, but not Charles. “I am kind of curious. If I could just feel it with my hand, maybe jack it a little and aim it into Kathy the next time it goes in.”
Dorothy, realizing that she was not going to be able to get some of the action with Fred unless he got to watch his wife first and got it our of his system, sighed and suggested: “Alright. Charlie, let him feel your cock for a minute, then we can all watch as he aims it into his wife. You fuck her until she comes, and then, if that is good enough to satisfy Fred's curiousity, then maybe he and I can go into the other bedroom and get it on.”
She looked at Fred. “Will that satisfy you?”
Fred nodded eagerly though in actuality he was not real excited to go off and leave his wife alone with Charles and that big, black cock.
“That will be fine. I'll be able to see and be involved with what I was fantasizing on and then you and I can have our fun.”
Kathy just wanted to fuck and be fucked by Charles, but she slid up up up and off his long pole and coming off, rolled onto her back beside Charles. “Alright honey, play with him and then aim it into my cunt.”
She had taken to speaking crude, and using the C word as part of it, a word she had never really liked before tonight. As she was speaking, Kathy opened her legs and began to rub her pussy with her fingers as she stared into her husband's face.
Fred looked hopefully at Charles, wanting to see if it was OK with Charles to allow him to feel that cock. Charles hit at him hard, and in front of two women. “I think you also want to suck it just like Kathy was doing a while ago. You'll get to feel it in your mouth, and taste it. What say you, will that make you happy? You can hold it with both hands while you run your tongue all around my hot meat.”
Fred turned red as he looked over and down at his wife, who was still rubbing her pussy slowly. She smiled up at him and tried to look understanding, but down deep she was thinking, 'Suck it? Suck a man? Is that what he wants to do?'
Fred unconcisously ran his tongue over his lips. He did not come right out with it, but it was obvious that yes, he wanted to suck that dick. “One thing I want to do, because I am curious as to what it is like. He's not circumcised and I want to see what it feels like to stroke a foreskin up and down.”
“Go for it. Knock yourself out Fred. We'll all sit back and let you have your fun, for a little while.” Charles had given permission, and almost like a little boy, Fred timidly reached out and wrapped his fingers around that thick shaft.
His eyes got big, and everyone could see how exciting this was for him. Then Fred experimentally gave it a stroke, up, down, and up again. He glanced over at Kathy, and she understood. “Yes Fred. That's just what I was thinking when I first did it. So easy to stroke with that skin.”
Fred nodded at his wife, ignored Charles, ignored Dorothy and gave Charles's other end several more strokes, then, without being invited further, he leaned down and carefully fitted his mouth over that knob, so big, so smooth, so shiny brown. He had made the move, a homosexual act and was doing it in front of two wives.
Thinking to himself: “How does Kathy manage to fit her little mouth over this,' he sucked, mostlyin the form of running his tongue all around and over that head since he really couldn't go much deeper with it being so thick. He could feel and taste pre-fluid running out and down his throat, and found it to be exciting.
'This is the fluid that is also going into my wife,' he was thinking. Experimenting further and trying to hurry since everyone was watching and he was feeling self conscious, he ran his tongue into the tip, feeling what it is like to be able to stick the tip of his tongue into a hole that was plenty large enough to allow it. “This is the hole where the cum will be cumming out and shooting deep into my wife,' he was thinking.
Charles chuckled, but he did it nicely. “That feels good Fred. About the same as your wife and I am sure she has had more practice at sucking a cock, but not one as big as this. I can also feel your tongue tip going into my pee hole, or in your case, we should call it my cum hole.
Your wife did that too I want you to know. Now, tell me, your wife probably wants it all in her, but if you like, I can manage a load into your mouth, but if I do, you have to swallow it. No spitting it out and letting it go to waste.”
Fred was still sucking and licking. Everyone waited, Charles with a big grin on his face as he enjoyed this whole scenario. 'Here I am, my big black cock in a white man's mouth, and beside me and playing with her pussy is his wife, watching and hardly able to wait for me to get back to her while her husband is taking up her time. But I'd sure like to shoot a load into his mouth and have him swallow. Now that would be something to see, to feel, with our wives right here and watching.'
Fred was busily enjoying himelf, trying to make the most out of his short time allotted to suck this cock. His face reddened again over the offer and the fact that it was really hitting him now as to what he was submitting to with his wife right here.
He took his mouth off and said, “Your cock is really hard and I can tell you are close, but don't cum. Save it for Kathy. I think now...” he looked over at Dorothy and smiled, “Let me aim ir for you and after that I think I can really get back to, into your wife. She is really pretty and seems so nice and I need to be thinking about her now.”
He released that wonderful cock from his hand, Charles immediately turned over, got above Kathy and said, “Now you can aim it.”
His hand trembling, Fred got down behind Charles, his ass almost in Fred's face and took hold of that fat cock, dripping now and wanting a target. Holding it while Charles lowered his body, Fred got lower with his face and carefully placed it against his wife's shiny with fluids pussy.
“Pull it open honey so it will go in.”
Well, Kathy no longer needed to pull it open she was so wet, but she did so now, and eagerly. She wanted this bad, and this time, her husband was aiming it into her.
Fred held and watched with wide eyes as his wife slowly admitted all that meat deep into her body, and Fred never let go of that cock until it was so deep that his four fingers were now starting to be squeezed between Charle's pubic bone and his wife's.
Reluctantly he let go, and watched as Charles began to pump. Then his wife looked around Charles and down at her husband. “Honey? Why don't you take care of Dorothy now? She needs it.”
Unsaid was the obvious: In other words husband, get the fuck out and let me enjoy this man.
Fred slid back and towards Dorothy. She took his hand in hers and said, “Can we go into the other bedroom now?”
Fred nodded, but reluctantly since he really didn't want to leave his wife alone and climbing off the bed, Dorothy did now as Kathy had done earlier. She took a man's hard cock into her hand and began leading him towards a bedroom.
Fred took one fleeting look back at his wife to see what was happening, and Kathy, wanting him gone, simply waved and waited until her husband was out of sight before she smiled, giggled, and turning her head to look up at Charles said, “Let's fuck, and this time you can go all the way!”
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