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Meet and Greet in Chicago

  • Thread starterPapMidnightChgo
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Sep 15, 2005
Anyone in the chicagoland area interested in doing a Meet and greet here in chicago? Let me know
We would be interested. Only issue is we have an infant so time is a commodity we are short on.
Meet/ Greet In Chicago

Sign me up Pap Midnight !!

Extremely att brah' here looking for thick white women who love the BIG BLK Boa Constrictor! Best to e-mail me info at: pattisfine9@yahoo.com (sub line: D/C meeting)

We are planning a trip from central Iowa where we live to chicago but havent established a date yet, a meet and greet with some hot chicago blk men would give the trip even more purpose. I would love to have a long weekend of wild assed BBC sex while Im there. Have a yahoo group and a free site running Hope to hear from some of you Kisses Crystal http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iaharley The FREE site www.crystalminxxx.com my email crystal_minx_porn@yahoo.com
Well this promising.. 4 couples and 2 BBC. Well I'll need some help , because I've never setup a meet and greet. Anyone want to help out or toss me some suggestions let me know. Especially if your a fine ass white female who wants to be my assisttant for this thing.
New to this group but would be very intersted in meeting other members in Chicago area
Like i said I don't much about setting things up. I know of a couple of places in chicago , but don't about there people limit.. but all who are interested just private me or email me with suggestion and so forth. Looking for bbc craving white female assitant to help. must be good at taking dictition.lol
I want to try and accomdate everyone..So please give me some idea about dates
I am the Love Janitor and perform clean up duties on white women
chicago this coming weekend

will be in town for the weekend...any good i/r clubs or parties?
I am ready for the meet and greet

The last time that I went to one in Chi town , it was 10 brothas and 2 white women. It was a wolf pack ready for the kill. I had a great time and made some new friends. Bring it on papa :)
Come OnPeople

Well once again.. people let me know I"m looking for sometime in Oct. Send me any suggestion or ideas. If you want to be part of it then send me email letting me know. And SMX..when are you coming so that I give you a apsecial tour. Yeah i'm trying to get more couples and womena decent number
This is a good start, always wondered why chitown never had a club for this, wife is very interested, but needs to be right setting/guy.
We will be watching, and hoping, keep it going!

coming in friday night and leaving sunday..downtown Chicago

coming in friday night and leaving sunday..downtown Chicago...so where is the party going to be and what about that special tour?

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