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Love for BBC

  • Thread starterriena
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Beloved Member
Jan 14, 2006
Ok Ok just to bring some realism to this I must warn you all that once you give your self to a Black Man your live will never be the same agene. I am not just talking about the sex I mean live in general I had my first BC 4 years ago and tried to go black to white but to no avail. Its not that I haven’t had Big white men it’s more a case of a white cock doesn’t do it for me any more. The way I get degraded and used by Black men gets me soooo HOT just the way they talk to me gets my panty wet. They sure know what they want and how they want it not like so many white men with shit like ( please and darling and may I …)I get hot when I am Told.Mmmmmmm

I respect you're opinion,but you have to understand--That most of the posters here are in fact men posing as women.

And I'm sorry to say;I suspect you're a man as well.

You talk about 'realism.' reading some of you're recent posts it's hard to believe you're a woman. I've talked to alot of Women who are in interracial relationships,and none of them have expressed things similiar to what you're claiming.

I myself--Am into black men-but some of the things you spew are ridiculous honey.

Another misconception;You've claimed you have not had a 'big white man' before? That's very odd......Although some may call me a "slut' I've been with alot of men and have experienced my fair share of lovers;Both black and white. I can honestly--and without hesitation say the 'white men have a small penis' myth is in fact--a myth.

I've been with black men who've had smaller than average penis' and i can say the same for white men. On the other hand,i've been involved with white men with HUGE penis' and the same like-wise with black men....IN fact;The biggest man i've ever had sex with,was a white man from Norway,and to this day,no man(black or white)has come close in terms of complete length/girth of penise size.

I just thought i would respond to you're post...Considering you want "realism."

I know I'm not involved with black men because of 'penis size.' I'm into this,because it's a change...And also depending on what mood I'm in.

This is just a depressing forum at times,with all of this mis-informtion.

I would like to conduct real discussions,but it's hard when certain men push their agenda.

I REALLY REALLY wish the forum Admin/Moderator's would come up with a system--Limmiting people from registering numerous names.

Then maybe this forum could experience REALISM and like-minded individual's could discuss certain aspects of interracial...With-out all of this fabrication.

Does anyone else agree?

The same with the chat room.....Every time i walk into the chat room I'm getting bombarded with IM's telling me how i love black cock this,and i can't get enough that. That makes me wonder if those people IM'ing me are white guys,or just REALLY insecure black men. All you're doing is pushing women away.

I've never been with a black lover and had him talk to me the way some of you guys talk to me in the room. It seems as though you're here--trying to make you're-self feel better?

First of all;To limmit all the men who post as women--I really think the Admin should make potential forum members register under an active e-mail address...I've noticed you can register without giving a known/active e-mail address.

This place is really turning into a circus.
:clap: Hi Vanessa I Agree with wat you said I didnt say that Black men ar bigger than White men . I also had some BIG white men before . As in not the same i meen that I like the look of Black in or agenst me.Yes I garee with your Statments All I ment was that one must be aware of what you get your self in to.

yes not all blkmen are hung hunky and dom.Its a lot of misinformation at times.And marriage to me will be my husband and only once in a while you can have some patato chips but will always love my main course .. thats my husband.
Alright, I've been lurking around and it seems that a lot of women are getting pissed off over the way black guys talk up themselfs. The fact that you are on this site means that you enjoying being with black man and/or just like the whole interracial fantasy. Now, all this talk about "ALL black men are hung"..."white men have small cocks, thats why white women want BBC" "I'm a black bull who likes defile the white women in front of her man, and white women enjoy it"...ect..ect.. thats all part of the fantasy! Some of you need to join dating sites...this is a slut wife site! A, BBC lovin white women, interracial sex, 'cuckold' (i know i know..) black bull white women lovin/defilment site (DC)...that is all part of a fantasy, taken part of by agreeing adults. If your looking for nice guys who will sweet talk you andwon't treat you like a slut.. your in the wrong place. Now, I've always treated ever g/f I have with respect and treat her like a lady..but there are certain languages/words and acts that go along with sexual fantasy that are understood. To me, all this talk (thats upseting so many women on here) is an understood part of the whole slut wife/black bull fantasy..???
Even the cucks talk it up... "my small cock is no contest to the black bull's thats ***'in my wife"...ect. It's all part of the slut/cheating wife/black bull Fantasy... whats the deal?
Honey. You're right.

But for the most part;MOST of the men are serious and from my point of view,after talking with alot of them,it seems as though they are here--Firstly to jack off,and while in the process of pleasing themselves--they like boosting their ego.

This is what i've noticed. I can only offer what i've seen first-hand.

I like that you admit it's a fantasy though.

Maybe you can tell the rest of the 90% it's just a fantasy to :)

This fantasy really does it for me;But it gets depressing when you're chatting--trying to have fun and the extent of the conversation is ego boosting,and telling the black man how big he is,or how sexy he is--How small hubby is--All the while ignoring that we're WOMEN and we come here to PLEASE ourselves......Satisfaction is a EVERYTHING when it comes to fantasy:How can we get Satisfaction,when 90% of the time,most of the guys here,want to hear how GREAT they are(THATS OUR JOB...We deserve pampering)...LMAOOOOOO:feedback:
Aight Vanessa, I hear ya ;) I'll keep that in mind.. thanks for being real!
Van'essa.....please learn to spell. It's not you're-self..........it's yourself...........talk about sounding dumb.
WhtMaleLuvsIR said:
Van'essa.....please learn to spell. It's not you're-self..........it's yourself...........talk about sounding dumb.

Hmmmm. Mad because I'm not pandering to you're lifestyle? HA. Freak.

Listen. When you step outside of you're trailer,and change you're underwear--AND grow you're penis with artificial pills--Then maybe you can speak.

Untill then;Get a life.:asshole:
i think this is interesting. i agree with both vanessa and bully88...and id like to suggest, vanessa, that really whats happening is youre just talking to guys that are bad at cyber :) (or, to be fair, are just into something different). its the same as sex - you gotta feel it and be on the same wavelength. youve gotta want the same thing, be aware of the other person, give and take, blah blah blah. so these guys that arent getting you off are just bad at cyber. and whether its a white guy pretending to be blk or a real blk guy or a woman etc., it doesnt matter because its all in the imagination. so if youre bad at cyber youre bad and if youre good youre good.

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