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  • Thread starterjenwife29
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  • #324
wow baby - you like watching black men and white women together - see what cums next- love to give you some private 9 inches of pleasure - would be your stud baby .
  • #325
I hope you and the baby are good.

Please inform us about your relationships with Jay and your husband.
  • #326
Its a boy!

I've been gone for awhile, but having a baby and taking care of one has left me with little time. My boy, Kevin was born on December 28. He was healthy and things went well. He is certainly not my husband's baby.

I did break down and tell my husband about the affair before the baby was born, so luckily it wasn't a complete shock. He didn't take it well, and things are really difficult, but I have two men who love me (my husband and Jay) and a baby that needs as much love as I can give it.

I should not have cheated, but gave in to love, lust, curiosity and my desires. I still love both men and hate that I hurt them.

Thank you all for listening. I can't get on very often any more, but maybe I will from time to time. I might be able to dig up some more pictures if anyone is interested. Thanks for your support. I'm not sure where things go from here.
  • #328
ekennedy said:
Would love to see pics of you and the baby!

ditto on that...and what about you and Jay? Are you still seeing him frequently? Bet he loves seeing his baby in your arms at your milk swollen boobs.
  • #329

Definately want to see more pics and get and update when you can. Please let us know how things go.
  • #330
I too would enjoy seeing photos of you Jen. you can't change what you have done, you have to move forward and hope that the men in your life come to understand and be there for you.

be a good mom, a lover and a wife and let us know where that takes you when you can.
  • #331
Wild nights.I have some very naughty thoughts right now. I have this feeling you can be VERY VERY naughty.
  • #334
I miss Jay

My husband has forgiven me (he will never forget) but Jay has disappeared. It hurts, but I know I can't really have them both. I'm so busy riht now, but I still have desires...


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  • #335
I'm sorry for you. You got used by Jay. He got what he wanted. Where I live thats a normal event. A black guy finds a easy white girl (women) fucks her knocks her up and splits. So who pays for his kid...not him...it appears that there is a lot of that going on. Responsible?? That word has no meaning to that kind of gutter trash. All he wants is his fun. Let some other sucker pay for it. How many blacks grew up never knowing their father, or even his name. I read in a different blog on DK something like 60% of black families are single parent. Why is it almost every time we hear about some black kid in trouble there is always a mother but no father (not dad) in the picture? Do you wonder why there are so many black people in jail? Look at what they have for a father image (or lack of)! You want to be a MAN? Step up and say "I'm responsible, I'll stick around and support, raise my kid".
  • #338
Long Time Away

Wow, I haven't been here in a long time...Kevin will be 3 in December, its very busy taking care of such an active boy! My husband is still with me, but the sex is infrequent, and a little boring. Lately I find myself thinking of Jay, and my experience...I hate that he left, but I miss the way he made my body feel...I think I am lonely...


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  • #339
jenwife29 said:
Wow, I haven't been here in a long time...Kevin will be 3 in December, its very busy taking care of such an active boy! My husband is still with me, but the sex is infrequent, and a little boring. Lately I find myself thinking of Jay, and my experience...I hate that he left, but I miss the way he made my body feel...I think I am lonely...

Sounds like if Jay came back into your life again or you contacted him...it would be a very short time before things between you two heated up again.
  • #340

Yes, my body has been aching for him...but the way he treated me afterwards, and didn't stick around..its frustrating, and hurts sometimes.


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