Grn Eyz said:
One thing our users don't like is seeing the same pictures and/or posts over and over. That's why we have a rule about limiting the same pictures to once every two hours. You were sent a warning by one of our moderations about posting the same pictures too often and several minutes later muted for continuing to do so. I know the reason for a mute does not appear in the alerted notification but if you are given a warning, that reason shows up in the middle of your screen and you must click OK to continue. The warning and mute reasons are almost always related.
Now that being said, based on your past history and VIP status, I think one hour was perhaps a bit too extreme and on behalf of Slutwives, I appologize for that.
I appreciate the response, and i understand the rule on the postings of pics, I may have duplicated a pic, but i know i did not do it multiple times, I do have multiple pictures of my Wife in the same outfit, in different poses, so hopefully in the future, they will look a little closer to be sure it is a duplicate. and not a picture that is similar to another. I do not flood the room, and make sure there are other postings between mine, rarely does it happen, unless the room is slow, that i post pictures together. Not saying it doesn't happen, but i do my best to avoid it. I want to continue to help and support this site, but a little better response and respect for those of us who do pay and contribute would be nice,
What i mean by that is, when i was muted, I could not even contact a Mod to find out what happened, and after i was unmuted, I tried to dm Dura to ask why, but system response was that i could not communicate with him. When i posted in room asking for his help, i received no response, altough he was responding to other members chat, the other members told me that they could see my post's and possibly Dura had me on ignore. A moderator having users on ignore, seems like it would be hard to Moderate a room if your ignoring any of the postings. Might want to look into that.
Again, THANK YOU, for responding, i do not want to be a problem to anyone, and just want to enjoy the site as best as i can.