A recent thread got me thinking...
In my opinion the best way to insure daddies little white girl
will be on her knees before the weeks end skinning back a
moist ebony foreskin to lap lovingly at the throbbing chocolate
bulb beneith, is simply to forbid her from dating black boys.
This technique has worked for over a hundred years and it's
perfectly natural for daughters to persue what their parents forbid.
Nudge her in the right direction using fun reverse psychology,
a pack of the smallest condoms you can find and a pack of
the largest condoms you can find.
Sit her down on her bed and tell her you have to talk about something
very important.
Tell your daughter black boys mature both mentally and physically
faster than white boys, and while white boys her age are still basically
"children", like her, black boys her age are actually men
with voracious sexual appetites and large fully developed bodies
and sex organs.
Using sexual stereotypes describe in elaborate detail her black
classmates primary and secondary physical sexual characteristics
as proof of their depature from boyhood: strong defined torso,
muscular behind, full lips, long thick penis, large heavy testicles, etc.
Mention the black athletes on her schools teams and how they excel
at and enjoy physical endurance. Relate their sports stamina
to intercourse with white girls. Foster her perception of black boys
her age as forceful sexual beings driven by little other than the
desire to take and give physical pleasure to white women. Tell her
most adult white women can't handle the number and power of
orgasms with black men.
Mention your duty as a father to protect her from such discomfort
and tell her you are relieved that she has a immature body which
is probably unattractive to most black boys. Think of a friend of
you daughters whom she admires or envies. Speculate that this
friend is probably more sexually desirable to black boys due to
her mature womanly figure, outgoing personality, willingness
to experiment.
Tell her, while you understand how hard it will be for her to refuse
a strong sexually superior black boy's advances, especially since
most of her friends will be enjoying black cocksmanship, you must
forbid her from even seeing black boys socially.
Add that while you trust her to obey your command, to be safe,
you purchased her some protection for use with white boyfriends.
Produce the miniatue condoms you purchased ahead of time. Open
and unroll one condom over your right pinky and ring fingers. After
she has acknowleged that she indeed knows how to put one on a
white boy's penis, produce the pack of extra-large condoms.
Without speaking, open and unroll one of these over your left fist
and entire forearm. Let her have a good long look at both.
Tell her you're glad she won't be using the large condoms, which
better fit black boys penises but leave both packages on her bed
as well as both of the "used " demonstration condoms.
Obviously if you want her bred a sewing needle will secretly perforate
the large condoms nicely.
With this simple excersise, your daughter will begin a lifetime
of enfatuation and service to black men.

In my opinion the best way to insure daddies little white girl
will be on her knees before the weeks end skinning back a
moist ebony foreskin to lap lovingly at the throbbing chocolate
bulb beneith, is simply to forbid her from dating black boys.
This technique has worked for over a hundred years and it's
perfectly natural for daughters to persue what their parents forbid.
Nudge her in the right direction using fun reverse psychology,
a pack of the smallest condoms you can find and a pack of
the largest condoms you can find.
Sit her down on her bed and tell her you have to talk about something
very important.
Tell your daughter black boys mature both mentally and physically
faster than white boys, and while white boys her age are still basically
"children", like her, black boys her age are actually men
with voracious sexual appetites and large fully developed bodies
and sex organs.
Using sexual stereotypes describe in elaborate detail her black
classmates primary and secondary physical sexual characteristics
as proof of their depature from boyhood: strong defined torso,
muscular behind, full lips, long thick penis, large heavy testicles, etc.
Mention the black athletes on her schools teams and how they excel
at and enjoy physical endurance. Relate their sports stamina
to intercourse with white girls. Foster her perception of black boys
her age as forceful sexual beings driven by little other than the
desire to take and give physical pleasure to white women. Tell her
most adult white women can't handle the number and power of
orgasms with black men.
Mention your duty as a father to protect her from such discomfort
and tell her you are relieved that she has a immature body which
is probably unattractive to most black boys. Think of a friend of
you daughters whom she admires or envies. Speculate that this
friend is probably more sexually desirable to black boys due to
her mature womanly figure, outgoing personality, willingness
to experiment.
Tell her, while you understand how hard it will be for her to refuse
a strong sexually superior black boy's advances, especially since
most of her friends will be enjoying black cocksmanship, you must
forbid her from even seeing black boys socially.
Add that while you trust her to obey your command, to be safe,
you purchased her some protection for use with white boyfriends.
Produce the miniatue condoms you purchased ahead of time. Open
and unroll one condom over your right pinky and ring fingers. After
she has acknowleged that she indeed knows how to put one on a
white boy's penis, produce the pack of extra-large condoms.
Without speaking, open and unroll one of these over your left fist
and entire forearm. Let her have a good long look at both.
Tell her you're glad she won't be using the large condoms, which
better fit black boys penises but leave both packages on her bed
as well as both of the "used " demonstration condoms.
Obviously if you want her bred a sewing needle will secretly perforate
the large condoms nicely.
With this simple excersise, your daughter will begin a lifetime
of enfatuation and service to black men.