thank you...….not sure what to do..I am getting burned out....subchard and LikesMMF have with me for 10 years or better
subchard already disappearing...I noticed his last bunch of comments for a while now he spends less than a minute on each thread and comments...that tells me he isn't looking..just being nice and commenting....and pretty much gone now...LikesMMF around less and less...and it was always those two that would comment when no one else did
others make occasional comments....but kind of discouraging to post everyday and go a week without a comment of any kind
always thought I would run out of pics with tumbler about gone......but manage to find just enough to keep posting without going into any of my this rate I will never run out of pics and quit....unless I just finally get tired of it and quit...and getting close to that
I already quit posting the 2 Sat. folders ...just no comments for several weeks....suppose I will post a while longer now.....I do see a lot of hits on each thread and I just assumed those were pic collectors since nothing said.....even then over 100 hits...and sometimes one to be lurkers or colletors