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Just Out and About ...Oct-2015

  • Thread startersubhub174014
  • Start date
  • #421
  • #423

damn work going to interfere with everything I need to do today!... it's deer season (BOW hunters and I am NO Robin Hood) but I do black powder hunt and that starts soon... so posted early today so I could run out and refill my feeders ... work is slowing down some but another month or so before it slows down enough to start taking time off to hunt!.... and thanks to NASCAR and football yesterday.. I gathered over 1000 pics!... they need to be put in the RIGHT folder... plus repair the kissing/couple folders... may not get to much time on the net tonight!

  • #424
subhub174014 said:

tcfranklin....sometimes it really pisses me off... that's for sure... and what makes it more irritating is everyone knows it is going on and nothing changes.... sometimes think I should go back to there and save a lot of people so much hassle...hell get more hits and comments there than here that's for sure.... one humorous thing though that should have pissed me off but didn't because of the site I guess... anyone remember the pic that I showed how I know some are mine and how I showed how I made it out of a background pic?!... I saw that very pic on a tumbler site the other night!.... a few pics here and there is just.... life on the net... shit happens!...hell that's how I got them although I NEVER milk a site!...... but 50 or 60 pics a day to one site to keep it propped up and going is really bullshit!... I saw my pics had moved off the front page on the other site yesterday... and KNEW he was on here getting more pics... but no one here on so no one to mention it to!.... that's where momma comes in... she knew I was pissed and we are starting to do more things as family/couple anymore... so she thinks time to quit especially if I am not happy doing it!


When it's more annoying than fun, you have to reconsider. If you're being milked for content, I understand the frustration. My gripe is the lack of feedback. I had around 100 hits on my latest post, but only one comment. If I ever stop enjoying the creative nature of what I do, I'll become a viewer only.
  • #427
thanks subhub for another fine set. Personally i love your stuff (as you know) but i think you should only continie doing it if you enjoy it. Life's way too short to something you don't have to if you don't enjoy it!
  • #428

tcfranklin... thanks... and have been thinking about it more here lately... and with momma saying it...???... I thought once this site got going things would change and people become more "friendly?"... but not happening... that's what just pours salt on the wound... my old threads and my pics... well not all mine... but bet they all came from here... and getting more comments there in a day than I get here in a week... I can just about tell when he is on a getting pics... but .......once my threads are off the front page... he has them loaded with new pics and posted within an hour... oh well

LikesMMF thanks I get lucky once in a while... sometimes will hit 3 or 4 good sites in a row... and sometimes I can spend an hour and come up with nothing!... but hit a few good ones Sunday... needed a bunch for both hardcore folders for next weekend and some to save for refilling the folders I post during the week... and hit it good sunday

buds13... thank you glad you liked the pic and thanks for commenting

subchard... thanks... I still enjoy looking/surfing... always looking for that "perfect' pic.... but momma seems to think anymore it is just a bad habit!... and if I quit this I would smoke less even.... and every now and then I get pissed when I see my old friends commenting on my pics elsewhere... if he hadn't blocked my mail conversations they would be here!... well I have cried in my beer long enough time to post!


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