thank you artman
LikesMMF... I have no idea... I am starting to think he might not know what he is doing... yesterday it started... I said something and 3 or 4 posts later it stopped... I kind of think he is just locking onto the thread and watching me as I post each set... which would be like 2 of us posting at the same time..... I complained about it slowing down when there are several on the thread and the mod told me he was working on a whole new server for this site... again.... and I'm guessing that's what is going on now and why he isn't around much.... but what is so confusing... I have posted at night with a dozen or so members and who knows how many non members on here and posts just fine... so it is something someone is doing in the morning....... but I do my thing in the evening and then start "surfing" so that's when I gather the pics... and taking time to post slows that down.... it sometimes is an hour before I hit sites with pics... going from link to link.. I always get one or two pics from about any site... but hitting a good site just seems to take time... some of those links are just plain empty sites or crazy pics or art work and etc.. so it is awhile before I hit a good one.... need that time at night
thank you subchard