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Just Out And About ( Funny Gif's) If They Work

  • Thread startersubhub174014
  • Start date
  • #762
thank you kmbe
thanks subchard.... thought that was funny

got my damned Toshiba fixed yesterday!... went to load more pics in it yesterday and just locked up... was worried I was going to lose all the pics... so went and looked at a bigger storage...$140.... but the clerk there told he didn't think my Toshiba was really full.... told me how to check and how to repair because even with the amount of pics I say I have on there... a pic doesn't take that much space... I come home and check... sure enough I am using less than half.... for one thing... even though I post and then delete.... after I am done I unplug the Toshiba and set it off to the side.... so without it being plugged in all those pics I deleted are really still in there somewhere... plugged it in and did a delete and emptied the trash on my computer... used computer to do a repair... bingo... back in biz!... tried that same thing on the computer and it works better... now if I could just fix the occasional double post... I would be fine!
  • #763
1.gif 2.gif 3.gif 4.gif 5.gif 6.gif 7.gif 8.gif
  • #769
damn... tonight will be the first time in probably 3 weeks I will be actually looking for and saving some hardcore pics..... passed on a lot of good pics just using what I had stored on the Toshiba..... but now I know I don't have to delete those and can save for ?????? a rainy day... I can go back to saving what I see ....
  • #770
subhub174014 said:
hot !!!!!!!!!!!!1.gif
I watched my wife and the well hung black man that lived with us for 3 years do this many, many, many times and I enjoyed watching him make her cum all over his big, black cock. Great little clip, it's a wonderful memory jolt for me. GTR
  • #776
subhub, I didn't say it earlier, but THANKS for the series. I enjoyed many of the GIFs, because they reminded me of actions that I watched my wife do with well hung black men over the years. Again thanks. GTR
  • #777
thank you kmbe
thanks gatorrdw glad you liked them and they bring back good thoughts!
thank you subchard
thanks tcfranklin.... never gave a thought to deleting all the pics.... that I also had to empty the trash box on the computer at the same time for them to really delete.... no wonder that thing was so full and acting funny.... all this time those 'deletes" were somewhere in Toshiba heaven?????

thank you 2wheel
thanks LikesMMF
thanks you gatorrdw.... I got the message

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