very nice subhub thanks! Kids are coming home for the holidays starting tomorrow, so will not get much of a chance to get online for awhile, but you know i'll check your updates if i can sneak away
thank you kmbe
thanks LikesMMF...same those boobs!
thank you subchard….got same problem here...BUT I normally get up and around...and post so early in the morning they don't know or see what I am doing....evenings do cut down on my pic gathering...but then with tumbler doing this thing pic gathering coming to a close anyway
I have spent the past few days going to whatever sites I can get on and saving every pic that was decent or I overlooked before I have saved 5000 pics in the past few days!...some I know I have posted before....but with last chance to get them....took advantage of what I could before they are all poor Toshiba got to be getting more than a little full