thank you john master
thanks kmbe
thank you h5t6ca
thanks subchard
thank you EnglishGuy....I appreciate your comments and if you want to note a pic or two that's fine....but last time I posted over 100 no comments you posted a few of yours and got 4 I was "irked"
also I moved over to this thread with the promise no one else would post here... .you seem to have a talent and like doing the caps...if you want to do them put them in the appropriate thread..... you should do so...use whatever pics of mine for your caps you want I don't care....there are several people who come here that do caps...tcfranklin for one....don't know if they use any of my pics or not...that's up to them...the only time I get irritated is if I am supplying a site with pics...otherwise if someone takes a few pics for caps or?????..fine...
Bicurious21m....Mmmm she went by herself?....what gives you some assurance she didn't? wife goes to visit her sister once in a while....and I wouldn't trust either one of them any further than I can throw them!........those beach vacations seems to get the juices running and the motor working over time more than any other!