thanks subhub! Guess what? I just got a dislike post for some comment I made to one of your posts, so go figure! In other words don't lose any sleep over the aholes who dislike your posts!
thank you kmbe.... you must like these?
thanks midnightfapper
thank you subchard.... what? that doesn't make any sense..... I looked for it and din't see it.... was going to trey and block the person from getting on this thread!
thank you LikesMMF... I know for you and I these beach pics remind us of... good times?..... kmbe must be in a similar boat
still remember how easy it was for her to pick up a local there.... a little smile and a friendly greeting... and they would usually sit down.... after a few minutes she would grab the lotion... naturally they would offer to do that.... next thing you know she is in the hotel room