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It's happening again!!

  • Thread starterJMNBABE@comcast.net
  • Start date
Apr 10, 2008
Haven't been on in a while, my affair with my Boss has REALLY ramped up in intensity and spending most of my free time with him. We have spent this entire month living together at the Corporate Condo in Tampa for the specific purpose f trying VERY hard to get me pregnant by him!! But Monday evening, that all changed.....

Here is the VERY short version for anyone that hasn't seen my past posts: My Boss and I have been having an affair for appx 4 years now.....first couple years were just a "friends with benefits" thing when we traveled for business. We got ***** one nite while out celebrating some BIG business decisions, went clubbing and dancing and woke up the next morning in bed together. Talked it over, decided we could do this AND be business partners and kep it under control. My affair was unknow to my husband duing that time as my Bos wanted things that way.

December 2008 we had a heart to heart talk about "us", found we both felt the same, the we wanted MORE thatn just when we traveled for business and ended up spending Christmas in Cancun together on our first "business trip" that was really just so we could be together sexually. When I came home, I had to admit the affair to my husband because there was a VERY good chance I came home pregnant, intentionally too!! Could have waited to see what happened, but I now think I WANTED to admit this to myu husband....he has always been a cuckold relative to me extramarital affairs and I REALLY enjoy him being in this position while I have affairs with anyone I want. Anyway, I did not get pregnant.

But, this changed my relationship with my Boss again...ramped it up another notch. It took a few months of hem hawing and skirting around the subject, but it kept coming up.....he wanted to make a baby with me now that we had crossed the line, and I was ALL for it too. I had only half-heartedly been using my diaphragm with him since Cancun (it is all the birth control I use) and I would forget it some days when I knew he and I would be together after work, or we would get caught up in the moment and not put it in or even take it out once we got started and carried away. In June 2009, we were on another "business trip" that really was just an excuse to get away together and be sexual. In DC my Boss asked me if I was serious about having a baby with him and if so, would I consider a sexually exclusive relationship with him until i was prgnant for sure. I agreed immediately, didn't even THINK about talking to my husband. Hubby, as he alwasy does, took his new position very well....I did relent from NO sex together and i now allow him 2 "milkings" a month if he puts a condom on first so his sperm never touches me and I jerk him off while telling him all about my most recent encounters with my Boss.

New Years Eve 2009.....my Boss has been testing limits with me, asking for sex we hadn't been doing (oral where he jerks off as I open my mouth so he can watch his sperm shoot in, anal sex, having me dress more sexy for him at work...shorter tighter skirts, oantyhose with the crotch cut out, higher heels, see thru tops with sheer bra's but a suit coat over them so I can flash him when I want and lots of different lingerie that he has bought for me to wear under my suits and let him see it during the day, and he had been more DOM having me kneel down and suck him off versus doing it in bed, refering to me as "his", things like that...) so when he called me in his office on New Years Eve and asked me if I was "available for a date" with a business associate in town to see us it was a bit of a shcok but not COMPLETELY, and it turned me on IMMEDIATELY to know he had divulged our relationship and then "offered" me to the guy!!

I ended up spending the whole weekend with him, and because I was SUPPOSED to have gone to our "lakehouse" with my Boss after work, i dod NOT have my diaphragm with me.....when I told him this, and asked what he expected me to do if things went that way, he said "if you cheat on me, you will just have to accept the possible consequences" and deal with that when and if it happens....so not only did I spend the whole weekend with this associate, but it was without any protection with him which he also found a HUGE turn-on. He also gave me his contact info and has indicate a desire to continue seeing me when possible.

OK, here is the point........February 2010.....my Boss and I have been sexually exclusive together (he and his wife have been celebate for years) since June 2009, I have not conceived but we DO want that to happen, so we decide to spend all of February living together in the Corporate Condo in Tampa and doing EVERYTHING we can to make a baby. We have made love every morning and again every evening, and occasionally sometimes in between too if work permits. The plan was (is?) that if this doesn't work, I am going on fertility drugs when we get back to see if that helps....I have a "tipped uterus" which makes pregnancy difficult and my Boss is 55 years old so his sperm may not be the most active around.

Monday evening he came home while I was making dinner and brought along two new Manager Level associates from the Branch we are setting up in Tampa (our cover but real work)....he tells me to "go put on something real sexy" and asks if I would mind "entertaining" the two new associates tonite. I am immediately wet again, it just THRILLS me for him to "offer" me to people like he owns me and knows I won't argue too.....I pull him aside and say "Tom, you know why we are here!! I don't have my diaphragm with me. Are they going to use condoms? Because that guy (the older white guy) isn't a problem, but the CUTE one is obviously Mexican and there is NO way we can pass that baby off as "my husbands"!! He shrugged and said "i told them about our relationship, and the they could have some fun too, I guess you'll just have to make that decision like you did on New YEars Eve...".

So I got out my mini and heels and c thru top, changed out of my shorts and t-shirt so they knew I was obviously OK with this, and I "entertained" the new guys. The white guy was a one timer and lousy in bed, all about him. But the Mexican guy...he is a STUD!! Dark skinned, handsome, thick like I prefer to length, and he MAKES LOVE to me. He came twice that first night. We just kinda' wander off to one of the three bedrooms when the mood is right. No group stuff so far. The white guy comes around after dinner and all he wants is a blowjob which is fine bacause he is terrible in bed.....but my Mexican STUD I could get serious with this guy, like I have with my Boss if he was interested!!) he has showed up for lunch every day since and then comes back after dinner too. I even told him that I was not on birth control and had left my diaphragm at home and we could use condoms if he wanted....when he asked me if I wanted to use them and I said HELL NO, he was on me in a second like a madman!! LOL I was VERY hot with him, and when I whispered in his ear "I want your baby in me" BOTH of us exploded in a HUGE orgasm together!!!

If this isn't enough, yesterday Tom told me he had invited the rest of the employee's over for a party tonite and that most of them knew that I had been "entertaining" the two Managers that week. He said its about a dozen employee's...I don't know if they are all guys or not. But he made it obvious that he wanted me to be the "entertainment" for the evening again with this much bigger group of guys. This is how things got when I was involved in the interacial lifestyle with Black guys only.....things just kept ramping up and eventually I was having sex with their friends. relatives, strangers, impromptu gang situations, being whored out (which is really what I am doing now without the money changing hands) and more.....and I am LOVING it again!! This could very easily get out of control again because I LOVE being this sexual and slutty.....and this weekend is my most fertile time of the month. We planned things this way because Tom and I were SUPPOSED to be making our baby here. I could end up pregnant by anyone coming to the party and there is a real chance it could be the Mexican guy because I LOVE being with him and have been every day at least twice.

Last night, we all went out to a Strip Club here......one of the guys got us a "room" they call it, we had our own "girl" but the guys ended up disappearing on me (they won't say WHERE they disappeared to) and I ended up talking to our "girl" who told me she was bisexual, really more Lez than bi, and she asked had I ever been with a woman....I told her no, the opportunity had never presented itself and yes it was something I had fantasized and wondered about....since the guys were gone, she did a "lap dance" for me since that was what she was there for and I have NOW kissed my first girl, touched her breasts and sucked her nipple a bit, and had her play with mine also thru my clothing!!! She wanted to do more, but aid there were "rules" about customers taking their clothing off

Has been a VERY interesting trip for sure!! And poor hubby is completely ******* of ANY of this and I am having sex with other guys but NOT with him at all. There won't really be any opportunity to tell him about this either, before I get home next week....unless he happens to see this here. Tom says I STILL can;t have sex with you Honey....but how 'bout I add one more "milking" to your schedule.....would that maybe help smooth things over? I AM having FUN, like you always tell me to do when I am off with Tom....but a LOT differently than you probably imagined. I'll tell you ALL about it when I get home........love you. J
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'I could end up pregnant by anyone coming to the party...'

You like thinking about that dont you?
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Why r u even here?! Anyone that reads my posts knows my Boss/Lover is white also.....I WANTED to get back in to the IR lifestyle after our son was off to college, but have had ZERO luck meeting Black guys. And IF you could read AND understand what you read, you would note that I have the problem getting pregnant.....tipped uterus....do you even know what a uterus is?? Probably not, get a dictionary!!

Meeting guys, especially on the internet, is VERY hard to do when one has a full time professional career to deal with but you would know nothing about that, flip that burger, set the microwave, not too much mustard, that's more your style.....either they turn out to be lying fag white guys that want ME to find lovers that will have sex with them, or if they are Black they have that stupid Hollywood thug attitude and manner of acting or are too cheap to drive to my City to meet and see if we have anything in common!! They want to talk dirty on the internet have me send my photo's all over the country, and jerk off while I talk to them......that's almost as exciting as having some yokel call out HEY BABY WANNA' RIDE THIS THANG from their pick up truck!!

The internet did NOT make it easier to meet people...it made it easier to TALK to people that are liars!! Kind of like what snowboarding did to the skiing industry.....it put a whole bunch of basically uncoordinated stupid people that couldn't ski nor hold a conversation of more than 6 words without saying DUDE three times on the slopes, made it doubly dangerous, and now the ski resort owners seem unable to figure out WHY people don't go skiing anymore!!

You obviously are a tiny penised white boy that has never seen a woman have a REAL orgasm and never will, your jerk off ratio to sex ratio is triple digits to single digits, so why hang around here hoping to slather up some sperm that someone else caused to be produced and throw out one of your nasty prejudiced self protective comments when no one gives a shit!! Go away, crawl back under the rock from whence you came, and do something mean and nasty to your little useless penis like snap it in a mouse trap, or better go for the bigger RAT trap......twerp!! Love your name too, fits you perfectly!!

JMNBabe- I've followed the exploits of this affair with you and feel I can relate.

I too have had a passionate affair with my employer. Only in my case, he was black. And I wanted to become pregnant by him, but we never conceived.

Might I suggest now is the time for a bit of a power game by you? Clearly you are intrigued by the thought of your Mexican lover inseminating you and I think we all know you'd love an interracial baby. Perhaps you can tell your boss you were disapointed in the trip and now it's time for YOU to make some requests.

You could tell him you want to see your Mexican lover again and you want him to arrange it or else you may look for sex elsewhere.

Or, since he liked the idea of sharing you with his clients, ask if he has any handsome black suitors to give you what you crave so much.

Surely after so long, giving yourself to an African stud and having him fertilize your egg would be a dream come true and all your dreams coming true.

Offer your loyalty to him if he helps you live out your dreams- and reject him- for the current time- if you don't.

In the meantime, you've relit a flame in me.

Who knows? Maybe this is the year we both fulfill our lusty fantasies and enjoy the ramifications for the rest of our lives!
Finding black guys isnt a problem.....Finding black guys who can complete a sentence without saying "Mofuk" 4 times sometime is :rolleyes:
Susan said:
Finding black guys isnt a problem.....Finding black guys who can complete a sentence without saying "Mofuk" 4 times sometime is :rolleyes:

You must live in the slums or something then. Me and all my friends know how to speak properly, and it one of the reasons I get along with my white women/couples so well. We definitely have some hood ones around here too but it's not as rampant as you want everyone to think.
No.. I live in a rural area and the black friends we associate with speak properly also, just as you.. When we go to the city we see the types Im referring to...They are more common than you probably think and are the reason for the stereotype. Ill stand by my statement
What is it about becomming pregant w/a black man that is a turn on?

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