It's got an average of 200 people, moat chats are over 1000. Everytime you log on , they're talking about anything but sex or sluts. The most boring chat with the worst moderators. Been going for years on and off and it just gets smaller and more pathetic. Major changes are needed
It's got an average of 200 people, moat chats are over 1000. Everytime you log on , they're talking about anything but sex or sluts. The most boring chat with the worst moderators. Been going for years on and off and it just gets smaller and more pathetic. Major changes are needed.
The population in the rooms are 3 times more than they were 9 months ago with the posts flowing at a rate one can read unlike the machine gun posts you have no time to read a few words of in those rooms with 1000+ people in them. Yes, people chat about random non-sex topics ... it's a chat room, that's it's purpose. Talking about sex and/or sluts 24/7 gets boring really fast. I think the moderators we have do a great job of controlling the amount undesirable content along with the trolls and spam bots. If you have an issue with any of them or feel you have been treated unfairly, talk to me.
What do you suggest we change in order to make your experience pleasurable? In what ways are the mods the worst and what can they do to improve everyone's visit?
We always welcome feedback
BorrowMyWife, SissyForDawn, sharklasers and 2 others
ok sorry you had a bad experience with the chat.
i have looked at other "cuckold" chat no one has 1000s , most other chat has less than 100 with no chat
now yes other chats not cuckold has more but your hit with spam bots and pics that flood the room and all the underage and paid to play sc/wb/ex
as the mods go we work hard to keep the bots out as the trolls and underage and keep the links down i would like to think the quality of this chat site is what makes us better
but again, I'm sorry you did not enjoy the chat i like to think we can come here have fun with others. if i have pissed you off in some way please pm me i can take criticism and I'm not going to take it personal or retaliate thank you for your post
BorrowMyWife, SissyForDawn, hyperxguy and 2 others
It's got an average of 200 people, moat chats are over 1000. Everytime you log on , they're talking about anything but sex or sluts. The most boring chat with the worst moderators. Been going for years on and off and it just gets smaller and more pathetic. Major changes are needed
Hi just to say hello my husband and I joined last week, my name is Valerie, husband name is Rob. Come and chat sometime either here or PM we live in the UK, thank you
Lilwood, SissyForDawn, secretcrowds and 1 other person
The ones that have '1000s' of users are mostly bots, and you can never read a PM because your inbox will be instantly flooded with pitches from fake dating profiles. And as a bonus, as soon as you sign up for one of those dating sites, they'll instantly slam your credit card for three or four more memberships because they're 'cross-selling' you in the fine print. We ban bots instantly, we don't allow people to just mindlessly spam the same sentence every 30 seconds, and we moderate trolls.
Our mods are fine except for Shawna, who really does need a spanking.
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BorrowMyWife, SissyForDawn and greatview
It's got an average of 200 people, moat chats are over 1000. Everytime you log on , they're talking about anything but sex or sluts. The most boring chat with the worst moderators. Been going for years on and off and it just gets smaller and more pathetic. Major changes are needed