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Is Breeding really wrong?

  • Thread starterInterracial_Voyeur101
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jan 13, 2008
Hear me out folks. Don't get me wrong, having a child based on sexual
pleasure is strictly immoral. I find it sick! But, if a husband is
impotent, and the couple decides with their right mind(not in the heat
of the moment) that they want to have a child, Is it really wrong? No
difference really. The only real difference is you get to see your
wife be inseminated naturally than artificially.

What are your thoughts?
Thanks for posting my post from The oreo double stuff group. But no, props huh?
I made this post ladies and Gentlemen. I want to know if it was really wrong. I mean, what's the difference between seeing your wife being inseminated and a sperm donor?
I hear ya , black,,,but why does interVoy thinks it wrong to want to have a child with a particle race of woman. I mean whats up with the "strictly immoral. I find it sick" definition. Come on now, we like what we like, you like what you like.
People choose to have kids with a person base on race, color, shade of skins everyday, starting in high school....don't be fooled.
I'm the one who made the original post.He copy and pasted it from other forum I posted in.

I can see your point. I mean, they now have sciences to choose what kind of eyes, hairs, gender of what we want our baby to be like.

When you put it like that, it's makes sense.

I just find it immoral to flirt with a life for a sexual fantasy if you're not going to take care of it.
My question does not only apply to bi-racial. I'm glad you agree with my points.

I'm guessing IR voyeur is in Don's group or else, how would he find my post. Glad he brought it to the forum. I was going to post it here, but I forgot.
I often heard gossip when I was growing up that Roman Catholic Priests would have sex with a wife whose husband had a low sperm count. Don't know if it was true, but I don't see anything wrong with a husband asking another man to make a child for him by natural mating. But it needs to be talked through so there are no arguments later on.

What a couple decide to do is really their own business, because they have to pull together through the good and bad times of a marriage.
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Well, Black young I posted a response to your question in oero and I feel that if a person is breeding just to get off on it is wrong but if they are going to love the child and take care of the child it's different but just because you want a mix kid doesn't mean its awesome you have to take in account that that child will be made fun of for having to white parents but being mixed kids are curel and mean. Also some people on this site have posted that they breed and give the baby up for adoption and sometimes get abortions like it was nothing it's a human life it's precious not to get you off sexually.
I think the word "breeding" is the potential problem as it has connatations (spelling?). If a couple want a child out of love I don't give a flying fig how they get it - and if that includes their own kink, so be it. But the term "breeding" implies things I can't put my finger on but don't seem right. It may be the correct term technicaly but.....
I totally agree. And in the situation of the breeding party, there is no single man to point out as the father.
So the annonimity factor remains intact as it would in an adoption scenario. I'm all for it!
i agree with mhall...breeding means just to get her pregnent with no concern for the resulting child. having a child under loving parental circumstances is totally different

I guess you said it best... This is my situation and my hubby is fixed though we want another child, What could be better than to have him watch as I am impregnated with what will be our child to love and raise. This is a much better plan than artificial insemination i beleive.

Will & Eve said:
I agree with the point of the original post and will take it one step further - impotency is irrelevant.

The point, IMO, is this: Does the couple in question (either the swinging married couple, or the white girl who has "gone black" and has a committed relationship with a black man) want to have a child and raise a child with all the love, care, and responsibility that that entails with the same level of commitment as any other couple trying to conceive?

If the answer to that question is "yes", then I do not consider the involvement of a third party to bring about insemination of a bi-racial child to be immoral. It IS a decision which will have consequences which will have to be met head on and addressed. but it is, IMHO, not a question of morality (other than, of course, Biblical religious morality in which case even swinging in the first place would have been immoral).

That said, breeding solely for the fullfillment of a sexual kink and then being left with a child you were ill-prepared for or negligent of is immoral on a monumental scale.
Breeding is primal

Breeding is an act the word does not mean anything other than to reproduce. It is a generally used to discuss the mating of animals. We think we are better than animals cause we are so smarter and king of animal kingdom. We wanna feel in control and not admit we have the same natural urges as the animals Breeding is a primal process of sexual reproduction and production of offspring.
mhall said:
I think the word "breeding" is the potential problem as it has connatations (spelling?). If a couple want a child out of love I don't give a flying fig how they get it - and if that includes their own kink, so be it. But the term "breeding" implies things I can't put my finger on but don't seem right. It may be the correct term technicaly but.....
Yeah, I agree. Reminds me of Horses and how they breed them for better genes. The whole thing has a "superiority" feel to it. Now you're trying to make better kids? Sort of have a racy feel to it. Uncomfortable as well.
debbiedoes said:
I guess you said it best... This is my situation and my hubby is fixed though we want another child, What could be better than to have him watch as I am impregnated with what will be our child to love and raise. This is a much better plan than artificial insemination i beleive.
that's exactly my view on this. Why go through time and money to get impregnated when you can have fun conceiving the child? Obviously, you and your husband have thought it over thoroughly. That kid will get the same love whole from both parents.

I don't get why people do it for sexual amusement though. I would like to know what turns them on. The pregnant belly? the black child? etc. Someone inform me. I read somewhere on the board where a woman was breed and her husband wasn't aware of her actions.

For me, I don't know if I can handle that. I would divorce quickly. But then again, I don't have the maturest mind yet. I'm still young. But if a wife has an agenda of her own, she's not thinking about the pleasure for both parties.
Sometimes you just get pregnant!

All this talk about breeding is for people who have a fetish but sometimes, you just get pregnant. I have to admit that I always enjoy feeling a guy cum in me and therefore I am willing to, no in truth, enjoy taking the risk of unprotected sex (but only with lovers I know well). I was always very careful but I had a few close calls and one miscarriage of what was probably a lover's baby.

When hubby and I separated, I got careless and pregnant. "Breeding" is what a guy may think he has accomplished but pregnancy is still a woman's choice in this country! Being pregnant causes worlds of change and you have decisions to make and none of them easy. In my case, I have a wonderful bi-racial daughter but it was at an emotional cost to my family.

And I guess I object to Will and Eve's characterization 'of being "marked" as a known slut for all the world to see'. I don't think that is fair to call a woman a "slut" if she chooses to have her baby. Sometime we do it for love even though we know it will hurt others. And it is the hurt of others that probably discourages me from any real thought about having another baby even though I wouldn't mind. Maybe it is just because I am crossing over the 4-0 :eek: and soon I wont have any real choice in the matter.
SandyWho said:
All this talk about breeding is for people who have a fetish but sometimes, you just get pregnant. I have to admit that I always enjoy feeling a guy cum in me and therefore I am willing to, no in truth, enjoy taking the risk of unprotected sex (but only with lovers I know well). I was always very careful but I had a few close calls and one miscarriage of what was probably a lover's baby.

When hubby and I separated, I got careless and pregnant. "Breeding" is what a guy may think he has accomplished but pregnancy is still a woman's choice in this country! Being pregnant causes worlds of change and you have decisions to make and none of them easy. In my case, I have a wonderful bi-racial daughter but it was at an emotional cost to my family.

And I guess I object to Will and Eve's characterization 'of being "marked" as a known slut for all the world to see'. I don't think that is fair to call a woman a "slut" if she chooses to have her baby. Sometime we do it for love even though we know it will hurt others. And it is the hurt of others that probably discourages me from any real thought about having another baby even though I wouldn't mind. Maybe it is just because I am crossing over the 4-0 :eek: and soon I wont have any real choice in the matter.
You do have a point, but who's to say a woman who's all about breeding wouldn't be just as turned on by the fantasy-turned-reality?

I do see your point though. I don't think people who have babies on the heat of the moment warrants what I was trying to say. I am talking about a pre-meditated plan to get a woman pregnant to have a child in extramarital/extrarelationship .

If you don't mind me asking, What made it emotional for your family? The fact that you were separated and having a baby? The fact that you are having un-wedded sex? or the fact the baby was mixed or the fact bi-racial babies have it harder on them growing up?
Yo Mhall, I don't like the word "breeding" using in having a child, but I thinks it just came along from the fantasy part of the conversation. At this part we talking about the reality of having a child.
Biblical precedent

When Sara was unable to conceive for Abraham, she offered him her hand maiden so he wouldn't be without an heir. What you're talking about is not much different; just reverse the genders. But, for the child's peace of mind, don't make it a biracial one. Gray babies won't have that easy a time of it in life.
Blackyoung said:

If you don't mind me asking, What made it emotional for your family? The fact that you were separated and having a baby? The fact that you are having un-wedded sex? or the fact the baby was mixed or the fact bi-racial babies have it harder on them growing up?

All of the above but the most difficult time was with my sons who still idolized their father and could not understand why he had gone off or why I was even interested in another man.
Will & Eve said:
well, to be clear, I do not mean this in the deragatory sense of condemning an unwed mother for having a child by calling her "slut" as an insult.

I mean it in the sense that, within the way this fetish works for us and many like is, being a "slut" is not a matter of shame at all, but rather a goal to which we aspire.For us, the word "slut" is praise, not judgment.

So in THAT context, being "marked" as a "slut" via the pregnancy and childbirth is not to be "shamed" but to become so uninhibited about the lifestyle as to wear it with take your secret self out into the daylight.

That might still be a nutty fantasy....but there's nothing intended to be derogatory about it towards those who have had to live out the situation.

I understand what you were getting at and sorry if I over reacted a bit. I will admit that there are times when I am out together with my bi-racial daughter and white sons that I get "looks". And yes, I do feel sexy about being so uninhibited about it but I don't think that is all that is going on. I think that most women who have children with more than one man are viewed as being a bit slutty. It doesn't matter if they are black or white, it is just much more obvious if they were black.

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