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  • Thread starterSlut4BBC69
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Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2008
As he stared at the pile of clothes on the floor he noticed the clasp of the bra strap was undone more than just careless and was clearly ripped away from the fabric. It was one of his wife’s nicer more expensive bras. Part of a set he had bought her with matching black silk panties, a garter belt, and thigh high stockings. A lace trim on the edges of each tied the set of lingerie together. She would have been more careful than that with her favorite bra, it was obvious to him someone else was trying to get it off in a hurry, and got a little rough with the garment. Underneath the bra was her little black dress which was covering the rest of the pile of last nights clothes. Curiously he moved it aside and found the rest of her lingerie underneath. Garter belt, stockings, and those little black silk panties were crumpled up in a ball underneath. A tear in the nylon on one of the legs of the thigh high stockings was immediately obvious, it ran from halfway down the leg to the upper edge with the black lace trim.

“Well that’s a perfectly great set of expensive underwear ruined!” he said quietly and out loud to himself. He remembered the high price tag on the whole set which he had paid only a few days ago.

The panties which lay crumpled in a ball, showed no immediate signs of the same carelessness. He reached for them knowing he had to see if they too suffered from whomever was trying to undress his wife in a hurry. As he grabbed each side and pulled them apart to inspect them it was immediately clear. They were saturated in another mans cum. The gobs of white semen stood out in contrast against the black fabric in the crotch of her panties like no other. It was a huge amount of the fluid too, it soaked clear through the sexy underwear and ran in a thick pile from the front of the crotch all the way in to the back and almost to the waist line up the butt. Still wet too, he concluded his wife must have leaked a ton of sperm on her way home.

“God, was she leaking out both holes?” he thought.

The sound of the shower coming on in the next room disrupted his concentration on the panties. Laying them back on the clothes pile, he walked toward the bathroom door. His wife had just gotten in the shower and was lathering up soap on her lower back. She was facing him as he pushed the door open.

“Hi sweetie.” she welcomed him through the glass shower door.

“Hey honey.” He paused a moment then asked, “How was the date”

First a loud exhale, then she answered with only one word: “Intense”

Hearing this prompted his curiosity to hear more about this other man. He took a few steps into the master bath and opened the shower door to continue the conversation face to face. She let out a beaming smile as her husband did so. Taking her naked and wet body in for a moment, He looked at her for signs she had just fucked the shit out of another man. Nothing stuck out, but he wanted something to. It would have turned him on if there were a hickey or two on that body from tonight’s lustful sex.

While her hands soaping up her lower back, She tossed her head back to get her hair wet from the faucet. As her head came forward again she asked “do you want to hear about it?”

“Of course.” He couldn’t reply quick enough.

She let out a brief chuckle. “OK then, I’ll give you every filthy detail.” She waited for a smile from him before continuing. “We met at the bar he suggested in the e-mail, it was a nice place, sort of a modern lounge. He looked exactly as I hoped he would, refined and handsome. He looked large and muscular even in the suit he was wearing. Even though he was very polite and a total gentleman, I was completely nervous. We grabbed a booth and I sat down at first across from him at the table. He bought me a few martinis, and I started to lose a few inhibitions. He kept control of most of the conversation, work and such. I was just trying to figure a way to cut to the chase while he talked. I just kept thinking as he made idle chit chat that I was here for something else. I wanted to start talking about if we were really going to go through with it. I think it was after the second drink I waited for a pause in the conversation and just sort of went right after it.” A long exhale came as she raised her eyebrows and collected her thoughts.

He couldn‘t wait for his wife to continue, “What did you say?”

“I was watching him talk and was just thinking about how badly I wanted to suck on his lips. So I jumped out of my seat and went over to sit next to him on his side of the booth, I leaned in, put my hand on his thigh, and tried to make the sexiest eyes at him I could. I waited a second then blurted out that we needed to go somewhere else because it wasn’t an appropriate place for a married woman to start making out with another man.”

He had a hard time ever imagining his wife being that forward, but knew she was dead serious. “That’s pretty forward, how did he take it?”

“Pretty well, his eyes lit up instantly. I know I caught him off guard though. He made some comment about how freaky I must be. I told him he should know how freaky though, he read my e-mails to him.”

“Jesus, how explicit were your e-mails honey?” He knew she was being overtly sexual in her online communications, but wanted to hear the extent of it.

“Very, I guess. Like I’ve said before, it was a nice way to let loose and explore some fantasies, I didn’t think any of those guys would actually want to meet in person. So I felt I could put my sexual appetite totally out there.” She saw his puzzled look and knew he wanted more detail to his question. “I just explained to him how I was interested in opening up a bit more sexually. I think I said something in there about wanting to be a little dominated, and to feel like being used for a piece of meat.”

His eyes instantly widened, “Whoa, that should get any guy to meet you in person.” She just smiled and continued lathering up her lower back just above her buttocks. He watched her shift her weight to the other foot on the shower tile to reach for more body soap and patiently waited to see if his wife was going to continue with her story first before asking his next pressing question. “So why this guy then, what made you think he would be the one to help you live out your fantasy and open up a bit more?”

“Ummmm….” She bit her lower lip, pondering for a way to answer delicately. She knew the conversation with her husband was taking a turn that soon would reveal everything about her evening out. Not that she didn’t want him to know, she definatly did, but she knew her next answer would be a shock to him. “Well, I guess his ethnicity played a major factor, it had me curious.”

“Curious?” He looked a little confused.

“He was black.” She blurted it out and waited to see what reaction it provoked in her husband. She knew he wasn’t racist, but what would he think about his precious wife actually wanting to fuck a black man. She was a little worried he might look down on her for offering herself to a black man. He just stood there thinking to himself and was too quiet for her comfort. She needed to know what was on his mind. “I hope that doesn’t freak you out.” Still only the sound of the running water filled the air.

After a few more moments of silence , he finally replied. “A little freaked out I guess,” he noticed she was going back for more soap as he continued. “ I mean we agreed it was okay for you to go out on a date with another man. I just….. Well I guess I didn’t expect you to have sex on the first date, and never expected him to be black too.” He left the shower door open and took two steps back to lean against the bathroom counter. He was further collecting his thoughts and questions while staring at his own feet.

“Sweetheart, I hope its OK, I just….” she paused and waited for him to regain eye contact with her. “I was a little embarrassed and thought you might think it’s a little weird or something.”

“No its fine. I’m just shocked.” He let out a beaming smile at her to ease her mind. “Really its OK, but why a black guy?”

She was glad to see he was becoming comfortable again with the situation. She was even more glad he was asking questions, it showed her he was alright with her decision. And besides she really wanted badly to share all the details of the date with her husband, he was the man she loved after all.

“I was under the impression that they had bigger penises.” She said it in a way that sounded sultry.

Her husband laughed out loud at her blunt answer. “Is that really it?”

“That and I thought a black man would be a little more forward and push the sexual envelope. I was thinking he might be a bit more forceful and aggressive toward me. That way I could play the more submissive role.”

He crossed his arms before he spoke. “That does make sense. I like to think of you being a little dominated by someone.”

“Really you are fine with all this?” She just wanted the extra reassurance.

“Most definatly, as long as you are safe and happy.” Now he was ready to hear the rest of the story from his wife. “So you just sort of threw yourself right at him huh? Oh and don’t leave anything out, remember every filthy detail”

“Alright then” she knew she was ready to continue with the unfolding of events. “He seemed shocked at first that I really just wanted to get to the physical part of the relationship. After I reminded him about the slightly freaky e-mails I sent though, He seemed comfortable with where I was going. He put his hand on my thigh too and agreed that they were a bit freaky for a married woman. He started to ask me if I was ready to open up sexually as I said in my letter as he pulled my leg closer to him. I almost brought my other leg closer too but he started to run his hand up my thigh, and as his hand went further up I got what he meant by open.”

“Damn, he started groping you in the bar?” Her looked at her thigh and visualized another man touching her there.

“Not quite, he kept going up my thigh highs past the lace on the top and when he got to the bare skin close to my crotch he squeezed really hard around my thigh and leaned to kiss me on the cheek. Then he whispered in my ear we needed to leave and catch a cab for a hotel. It was a short cab ride but he teased me all the way there. Running his hand up and down my thigh coming really close to my pussy, even brushing against my panties, but not touching there yet. God I just wanted him to feel me up.” She let out a long exhale and smiled. “I was putty in his hands even then. I got up to get out of the cab and could feel how wet I got from his teasing me. I felt soaked.”

“So you went to a hotel?”

“Yeah, the funny thing was he was prepared. I started walking to the front desk and he grabbed my hand and started leading me to the elevator. Then He pulled out a key and told me he had already gotten a room earlier.”

“Must have thought he was gonna get lucky”

“I told him in my letter he could have me if he wanted me, that he just had to help me push my sexual horizons a little farther. So I wasn’t that surprised he had plans for us. So then when we got in the elevator he didn’t even wait for the doors to close before he cornered me against a wall and kissed me. I kissed him back even harder and we really started going at it. He was grabbing my face and really forcing his tongue past my lips, so I opened up my mouth wider and pushed my tongue back against his. It was like a junior high make out session in the elevator.”

As she paused in her story she stepped backward into the stream of the shower to rinse all the suds off she had been lathering her back with. Still facing her husband across the bathroom, she stepped away from the stream again she rolled up on the balls of her feet, pushed her chest out, and twisted her neck to examine where she had been putting all of her washing efforts so far, her lower back. Her husband couldn’t see what she was trying to look at, but couldn’t help but wonder why she was focusing so much attention on only that particular part of her body. She hadn’t used soap anywhere else yet. He was mainly interested in the rest of the evenings story though, and threw in a comment to let her know he was listening and ready for her to continue.

“My wife, sucking face with another man. Huh.”

She turned her head back toward his. “Oh, I did a lot more than just that tonight.” The comment brought up mental images in both of their minds exciting them both further. Her image of her black lover, and his image of his married wife being rather naughty with another man, and a black man at that.

“So the elevator door opens and we pull our lips apart so no one sees our raunchy display of affection. And as we start to walk out of the elevator, I grabbed his hand and asked jokingly if he does this with a lot of married white women. He gave me a hell of a devilish smile and said yes! I guess he specifaly likes to meet married women on the internet and give them something more sexually in their lives. He also told me he just goes after white women.”

“Really, he has done this before? I guess you got an experienced lover there sweetie.”

“Well I was kind of hoping this was a first for him too, you know meeting someone online. But as I thought about it more, being very sexually active is a common trait of someone who would rock my world in bed. So I got a little more excited to see what he had in store for me. I started thinking what did these other wives get treated to.”

“Did he say why he liked white wives?”

“Yeah he did later. Because he finds most of us to be submissive in the sack, and because he can introduce us to a few dirty things we might not try otherwise.”

“I’m starting to see why you wanted to do all of this in the first place, I hope it will only benefit our love life too.”

“Oh, yeah, it will. Trust me it will.” a devilish smile came out of her face just then. Then she remembered one more thing her lover said. “OH…. He told me he also likes us white girls cause of the contrast of skin during sex. Pretty hot I thought too.”

“So what happened when you got to the room honey?”

“Yeah, so he gets me in the room and just starts attacking me right away. We start kissing really hardcore again, he starts taking off his jacket and shoes and so on. Then we are standing there kissing and I reached for his crotch and undid his pants as he pulled my dress up and moved my underwear to the side so he could start rubbing a finger in my slit. He pulled back and made a comment about how wet I was and said he could feel my juices through my panties. I was fucking horny as hell then. He pulled my dress off in a hurry and we got all of his close off except his boxers then went back making out intensely again. We were still standing when I slipped my hand in his boxers and felt his cock and moaned out loud in his mouth when I realized how big and rock hard it was.”

She motioned with her hands to her husband to give him an idea of size. “So now comes one of the best parts. He pulls my garter belt and panties off and runs his fingers just on the inside of my cunt.”

“Cunt?” Her husband was astonished she used such a dirty word.

“Yes CUNT, He said he wants me to start calling it that. Anyway my cunt is still getting wetter by the minute so he uses two fingers to scoop us a little moisture and brings it to my mouth as he put his other hand on my slit. I knew he wanted me to taste my self, but I was apprehensive, I’ve never done that you know, it was naughty. He could tell I hesitated and asked if I ever tasted my own cum. I told him no I hadn’t and he just shoved a finger deep inside me and pushed his two fingers into my mouth. Before I knew it I had my own cum on my tongue, and you know, it tasted good. It just felt really nasty to do it too. I just licked it off his fingers as he pumped another finger inside me. ”

He knew his wife’s vagina got really moist when she was excited. He himself loved the taste but couldn’t believe she would taste

“Then he wiped the rest of my cum from his fingers on my upper and lower lip, I started to reach my tongue out to lick it too but he just said ‘NO’ and then licked it off my lips himself while sharing it with me while our tongues darted together. After he was done he told me he loved that my pussy cum tasted ’sweet and sticky’. So I was starting to like his nasty ideas.”

“You haven’t ever tasted your own cum before, not while masturbating even?” He knew her answer but asked anyway.

“No, I’ve always gone down on you before you have been inside me, so never inadvertently off your dick. And I never thought of it while I’m alone. It just always seemed dirty and nasty, like swallowing your cum too I suppose.”

“Yeah, and it didn’t seem that way tonight?”

“No it did tonight too, but that’s what I liked about it I suppose. That It made me feel so kinky, and that he expected me to open up and try something new, something nasty, I loved that. I really savored the flavor after I finally tried it. I kind of enjoy the taste of cum now, his was a lot saltier and thicker than mine but….”

“You ate his cum too?” He interrupted her in a high pitch tone.

“Yes I did, devoured it, are you proud of me?”

“You know I am sweetheart, that’s definatly something new for you. When though, did you give him head or what?”

“Well I’ll go on. He asked me next if I liked my cummy sweetness too, I just sort of moaned yes back to him. He was still pumping a finger in and out of me and I was so hot I was just ready to explode. Then he asks me if I like the taste of my husbands cum too. I told him I’ve never swallowed it, and you usually warn me and just shoot off in my hand while I’m going down on you. Then he asks if I wanna suck his cock and taste his cum. I eagerly replied yes almost instantly. I was down on my knees in front of him before I knew it. So he says tonight is the night for something new and he put a hand on the back of my head and his dick in his other hand and pulled me to him rather quickly. I was just accommodating the head of his cock in my mouth and he kept pulling me closer faster than I was ready. I haven’t ever had a dick so far back in my mouth and so deep, it was all in a seconds time too. I tried not to gag as he just kept pulling my head closer to his crotch, I just wanted to show him and myself I could do this without gagging on his cock. I just had an overwhelming urge to please him you know.”

“You didn’t want to seem like a rookie.” He watched her apply body soap to her crotch, usually he wouldn’t give it much attention. Everything tonight seemed sexual however, so he liked watching his wife touch herself there while she elaborated on the evening.

“No I didn’t, I wanted to impress on him that I was ready for this. So I fought off the gag reflex. I knew he knew by the details that I’ve given him about our sex life in my letters that all this was going to be new for me. So he gave me instructions as I sucked him off….. Well, they were more orders really.”

“Like what?”

“At first I was just sort of savoring the moment with my eyes closed, then he said to keep eye contact with him, so I did. He said I had sexy eyes and they made him hot. He also told me to run my tongue side to side across the bottom of his shaft as he pushed in and out of my lips. Oh and to use my hand on him to stroke as I sucked on his cock.”

“This is fucking making me horny as hell listening to how another man told my wife how to blow him.”

“Good, I was hoping so.” She stole a glance at her husbands crotch and noticed his erection. “It looks like it too honey.” she smiled at him as she stretched her arm again to grab more soap, this time the bar of it. She went right back to rubbing on her lower back and continued. “He also pulled out of my mouth real quick once and told me to suck his balls while he jacked his cock, then made me use my hand to jack him while I licked his scrotum.”

He felt a bit jealous and hoped this sort of new activity would happen between them. “You’ve never sucked my balls.”

“I didn’t know it turned you on, and you never asked me to. I liked how he just sort of told me to do it., and gave me all the pointers. It was nice pleasing him so much with my mouth, he let me know it too. He kept moaning and grunting loudly, and saying ‘just like that, yeah that feels so fucking good baby’. I felt like a real slut blowing him, I just loved being talked to nasty like that. I felt like a porn star or something.”

His gaze focused on her lips telling the story now. Picturing them around another man’s member and sliding back and forth on his shaft. His imagination was giving him such a hard on.

“Then he says ‘do you want me to cum’ and I had my mouth full so I kind of grunted uh huh. He was saying ‘You like that black dick don’t you baby, suck it, you feel like a nasty wife now don’t you’ and I felt him start to spasm a little. Then I felt a gush of semen hit the roof of my mouth and he grabbed my head with both hands and pulled my head down on him so far I felt my chin hit his balls. He unloaded a ton of sperm in my mouth before he stumbled over and sat at the edge of the bed and watched me.”

“Watched you what?”

“Seriously honey it was a shit load of cum, I swallowed what already started rolling down the back of my throat and was struggling to keep the rest all in my mouth. He saw me cupping my hand under my chin in case some got loose and I think he knew I wasn’t ready for that much liquid. He told me to open my mouth and show it to him, so as I did a lot fell out of my mouth and ran down my chin into my hand. I opened my mouth for him to see his handy work, and he’s telling me to open wider for him, so more cum comes out. Then he says ‘swallow it for me baby’. So I tilt my head back and let all his cum run to the back of my throat and swallowed it all. It was thick cum too, I could feel it all running slowly down to my stomach.”

He understood what she meant by thick cum. He saw how thick and gooey it was on her panties. He wanted to mention that he saw her underwear soaked in the stuff but she was quick to keep moving on with her story.

“He asked me if I liked swallowing my first cum load, and if I liked how his cum tasted. After my mouth was empty I told him I loved it. He told me to lick up the rest off the pool of cum that collected in my palm, so I kind of slurped that up too. At that point I had gotten used to the salty taste and was loving the stuff.”

“That’s seems so unlike you to like the taste of cum. You were getting into being nasty weren’t you?”

“It turned me on to be that nasty for him. He talked nasty to me too saying I was a cum slut now and how he wanted to feed me more sperm so he could watch me enjoy eating his load. He sat there and we talked about tasting my cum too, and how much it turned him on that I was tasting my own juices for the first time. He was saying how good my pussy juice tasted coming off my lips and how he wanted to suck it straight from my cunt.”

“Damn he talked to my wife like that?”

“Yep, then he ordered my to sit on the end of the bed, pushed me on my back, spread my legs and started licking. But not soft and gentle love making like, sort of wild and forceful. He was shoving his tongue as far as he could in me and running it up my slit past my clit. I would have cum if I wasn’t so nervous.”

“You didn’t cum from him eating you out? You always cum when I do that to you.”

“It felt good and I probably could have, but he wasn’t doing it for my pleasure. It was all about his pleasure. I think at that point it was all about him having his way with my snatch. He talked to me too during eating me, he was telling me how good my white pussy was and how he loved that I was so wet so he could drink me up. At one point he put two fingers inside and then lifted them up to my mouth to have another taste. It felt good that he was sharing the pussy with me, even though its mine, it felt like his pussy tonight.” she started to check her back again and then stopped as she remembered more detail about the topic she was on. “OH, and he licked my ass too” She tilted her head to the side and winked as she said it.

“Ok, again, something we don’t do together. I’d love to lick your ass, it’s a hell of a hot ass Hun. But you always seemed like it bothered you or made you uncomfortable or something.”

“You know me, it sort of embarrasses me, what if I didn’t shower or it smells bad or something. But he just went right after it and enjoyed doing it to me. I sort of wanted to pull away at first, and he could tell I was not really comfortable with it either. But, he kept doing it, he had flipped me on my stomach and was spreading my cheeks apart really forcefully while he stuck his tongue in as far as he could go inside my ass.” Her eyes had drifted upward as she remembered the moment, then she smiled and shook a little in place while letting out a “whew”. She recalled feeling his face buried on her ass, and remembered the moment she decided it wasn’t so bad after all. In fact she knew she loved the new naughty feeling it gave her. “I could feel his tongue wiggling in there, and him trying to force it down deep inside. Something between that and feeling his hot breath on my ass while he mashed his face against my butt … I guess seeing him being really aggressive about wanting to eat my ass really turned me on to the whole idea. I was just letting my self enjoy it for once cause it felt like he was gonna have has way with me no matter what.”

“You liked it a lot didn’t you?”

“Yeah, as he kept going it was really turning me on further. He would lick in big circles around the hole and then dart his tongue in again. I got to the point where I was waiting in anticipation, hoping to feel him worm his way back inside me. That sounds pretty nasty huh?”

He took a deep breath before speaking. “Shit, yeah it does, but its turning me on. I’m having a hard time imagining you getting into having your ass played with.”

“Me too, well before tonight anyway. I felt so nasty letting him do that to me and enjoying it.” She took another look behind her at her back, obviously not happy with her scrubbing efforts, she let out an exasperated sigh.

Her husband took notice with her displeasure and curiosity was starting to get the best of him now. “What’s wrong?” He suspected maybe she was self conscious about getting her butt clean after her evening out.

She avoided eye contact with him for her answer and reached for her shampoo bottle. “Oh nothing, I’m just going to rinse my hair and get out.” She let out some shampoo into her hand while she reminded herself of where she was in explaining her night. “What really got me going, he started putting his fingers inside my CUNT, yes I used that word again, while he was rimming my ass. Oh, I was so close to coming then. If only he would have kept doing that combination for another minute or so. But he stopped really quick, I wanted to say NO keep going. But I noticed he was reaching for a condom on the nightstand right next to him. So I was thinking its ok he stopped because here comes what I’ve been waiting for all night.” She closed her eyes and started running her hands through her hair, lathering up the shampoo with her fingers. “I got excited and raised my self up on my hands and knees at the edge of the bed, so he could enter me doggie style. I was looking over my shoulder watching him put a condom on just waiting. He looks at me and asked if I was ready to get fucked by a black dick. I was like YEAH. But he turned away from me and was fumbling with the hotel stationary for a minute before he walked back behind me again.”

“OK what’s that about?”

“Well, he comes behind me and puts his dick in me in me in like a half a second. No lube needed, I was wet as hell. But he just went all the way in as far as he could and then waited. Then he asks if I like being his slut. Of course I say yes, right. Then I hear him pop a top off a permanent marker and feel him drawing on my back.” She spun around and showed her husband so he could finally see what she was trying to wash off all along. He had in fact written in black permanent marker across her lower back. The word ‘SLUT’ just above her left ass cheek, a number ‘4’ in the middle of her back, and ‘BLACK’ across the right side. Her efforts to clean it off had clearly not taken it away completely, the black lettering still stood out on her white back clear as day.

He felt himself staring for a minute before he responded to his wife. “Slut for black,” was his only response.

“He said its my tramp stamp, to remind me later of what a filthy slut he made me tonight.”

Her husband thought about how the leaked cum in her panties was another reminder as well. He was immensely turned on by the thought of his lovely wife being written on by her black lover as his cock was inside her for the first time. “That’s so fuckin’ hot.”

“Exactly, that’s what I thought too. I was his slut for black too.” She tilted her head back to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. “He said I was his nasty married white bitch, and then started pumping away at my pussy. And I mean hard too.” A sound of ’ouuu’ escaped her lips as she cupped her crotch with both hands. “It wasn’t a gentle rhythm like I’m used to with you honey, just fast and intense. I thought he would slow up after a while, but I just had to get used to him slamming away at me after a bit.” Her hands moved up to cup her breasts now. “My boobs hurt from bouncing around like crazy. And he kept kneading my ass with his hands really hard in that position.”

The visual was driving him over the edge. He wanted to imagine her lover pounding her from behind, but the last comment had him imagining other positions as well. “That position huh, were there were a lot of others?“

She turned off the faucet and reached for a towel. “My god it was furious, it seriously wore me out after a few minutes. I felt like I needed a break and asked him to give me a second after a while, but…” Her eyes rolled as she lifted the towel to her face to wipe off.

“But what?” her husband asked.

“He told me to ‘take it’ and reached around to grab my tits. So I just ‘took it’ and held on to the sheets. He was squeezing my boobs harder than he was my ass, it hurt a little bit at first, but then it sort of became a good pain. I was craving some attention to my nipples too, so I taunted him a bit and asked him to squeeze my nipples too. Christ that got him going for sure!” She leaned down to dry her legs now and looked up at her hubby to continue. “He liked my talking dirty to him and asked me to repeat myself. Then he was asking me to talk nastier. So I said ‘squeeze my fucking tits’ and he finally started rolling my nipples between his fingers.” She stood back up straight but stared at her own breasts before she continued. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been so turned on by a little nipple stimulation before. It felt so good to have him paw away at my tits honey.”

“Much less the fact he was giving it to you from behind right?” He sat leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, nodding his head as he spoke.

As she finished drying off, she stepped out of the shower and shut the door. “Right! Oh god, and he also started gently biting my shoulders too. It was all very overwhelming.” She wrapped the towel around her head as she looked in the mirror beside her husband. When she had it in place she spun around and looked over her shoulder at the writing on her back. “I’ll scrub at it more tomorrow, it’ll eventually come off. Just no bathing suits till then huh.”

He giggled before he responded, “Exactly, no bikinis out in public.” He turned around to face the mirror as well, he was looking at her reflection and noticed her nipples looked a little red. “Did he make you cum then?”

She let out a long, naughty smile. “Yes I did have an orgasm, but that created a sort of, well a little bit of a problem.”

“Your orgasm was a problem? How’s that?”

“Well we had been in that same position for a while, he was pounding me really fast and I think all the friction dried out the lube on the condom as well as me.”

“Did it break?”

“No it didn’t break, but it did come off. Right as I started cumming, my muscles started spasming and I must have squeezed his cock too tightly with my pussy. He kept pounding me till my orgasm stopped and then pulled back out of me and said he thought the condom came off.”

“It came off inside of you then?”

“Yeah, it was stuck up there pretty far too. He pushed it pretty deep when he kept pounding.” She held her thumb and index finger up about six inches apart to signify just about how far she thought it was up inside of her. “I finished my orgasm and just started laughing, it was awkward but very funny at the time. He was laughing hard too but started trying to fish it out with his fingers. I was still on all fours and it just wasn’t working though, he had to ask me to get on my back so I could spread my legs apart further so he could get to it. It was kind of embarrassing actually, I had my hands behind my knees holding my thighs wide open so he could reach deeper inside of me. He was saying he had a hold of it and then his fingers would slip off off, it was taking for ever to get it out.”

“Its made of rubber and well lubed though, not an easy thing to pull out if its in there deep.”

“I know, exactly the problem tonight. At some point though I realized my vulnerability in the situation and it became a sexual thing all over again. I was expanded wide open for him, stretching my pussy, my most private area for him as far as I could. And two of his fingers were stirring around as deep within me as they could possibly go. It was when he added a third to help in the retrieval I started moaning.”

“Good lord you are a nasty little slut, pulling out a used condom that got stuck inside of you turned you on.”

“Yes OK, I said it was making me feel very vulnerable.” She shot a very don’t judge me sort of frown at her husband. “Anyway it worked, it finally came out with three fingers. He held it up for me to see for a second and then threw it on the nightstand next to us. Then I asked him if he had another condom so we could continue.” She let out a big sigh and stared off for a second.

Knowing what he already knew about her soiled panties he assumed the answer was a no. “I’m taking a wild guess here and going with a no, he didn’t have an extra condom.”

“No he didn’t, he only brought the one.” She thought explaining her next actions would come as a shock to her husband. “If you thought I was a nasty little slut before, this is worse. Please try not to be angry at me but…”

“You fucked him anyway, without protection. “

“I’m sorry, honestly I didn’t think about it maybe upsetting you at the time. I was just so horny and caught up in the moment, I told him to forget about it and do me anyway. He asked me twice though to make sure I was OK with it first and he……”

“Sweetheart, It’s alright.” He cut her off before she felt the need to elaborate further. “I’m fine with it, you already said he e-mailed you a current STD test.”

“Right but it’s not just that, I just wanted to make sure you were OK with the emotional part of him cumming inside of me.”

“To be honest it’s a real turn on to know he fucked you like that, that you threw caution to the wind and got all caught up in the passion.”

“I was afraid you might think it was too obscene.”

“It is a bit, but that’s what turns me on about it too. You being such a ***** for this guy and letting him fuck you bareback. Besides I already knew he came inside of you.“

“What? How did you know that”

“I saw your panties on the floor by the closet. They have a shit ton of cum in them, there is no way it all came from you.”

“Oh yeah, your right. He did cum inside me, I was leaking it on the way home.” Once she realized he knew about the sex without any protection before he even walked into the bathroom, she felt much more at ease. Then it dawned on her that her beloved husband just called her a ***** a moment before. “*****, huh.”

He nodded. “Yes you acted like a ***** for him, letting him fuck you without a rubber. Sorry it’s a strong word, but you did.”

“No no, I like it. I did act like a *****.” The label would have seemed offensive to her in the past, but now it defined her sexual awakening. She loved the way it sounded and said it again out loud. “*****.” For the first time in her life she liked to think of herself as a sexual being and even a bit of a slut.

“See, I’m right, you were a nasty little slut. And you liked it too.”

“You like that I was don’t you?”

“Most definatly.” He liked that she was exploring her sexuality, especially if it meant being a bit of a tramp and doing it with another man, and a black man at that. It was all so taboo. “You’re a slut for him now aren’t you?”

“I was a downright filthy ***** tonight. I did and said some things I never thought I’d imagine doing or saying.”

“What else did you say and do?”

“Well, I liked that he was being a gentleman about the no condom situation and making sure I was OK proceeding without one. However, I didn’t want a discussion about it. Like you said it was all about getting carried away in the moment. So I told him to shut up and put his cock in me to end the discussion. I think he was surprised to hear me talk like that. He wanted to hear more of it obviously because he was just rubbing the tip of his dick up and down across my pussy lips, and asked me to repeat myself. So I did, and I got nastier for him. I said I wanted his black cock in my pussy, but that’s when he corrected me and asked me to call it my cunt. He kept talking nasty to me before he would put it in and asked if my white cunt was wet and ready for his black cock.”

Listening to his wife udder those nasty words was driving him crazy. “I would have cum right there.”

“He had me put my hands behind my knees again and spread myself open for him again, said he liked how my cunt looked that way. Then he finally drove his bare dick inside me.”

He couldn’t take it anymore, he leaned back against the opposite bathroom counter, unzipped his jeans and took his own cock out and started to stroke it. Her words were just too fowl and naughty to restrain from touching himself any further. “Keep talking babe.”

She could see how badly this was turning him on and liked having him express himself this way. She tried to pick the nastiest words she could to finish her story. “You want to hear more about how the black man fucked me, ok then. I could look down and see his cock going in my pussy , it was so hot to see a black cock pressing itself into my cunt.” She removed the towel from her head and threw it onto the counter. “After a while I could see white gobs of my own come on his black shaft as it came out of my sex. I was thinking this guy is making me cream all over his dick.” She looked at her husband who was stroking his own shaft a little faster and with his eyes closed.

He was visualizing his wife lying spread eagle on a hotel bed, pulling her legs apart and getting pounded by a black man on top of her. The image in his own mind was enough to send himself into an orgasm. He was trying to contain himself though, at least long enough to hear about the rest of his wife’s evening. Although she had stopped talking, he opened his eyes and she wasn’t in front of the bathroom mirror anymore. He looked out the door into the bedroom where he saw his wife squatting down sifting through the pile of her own clothes he went through earlier. She stood back up when she found what she was looking for, her cum stained panties. She was walking back toward him in the bathroom with her fingers stretching out the sides of the panties so she too could see the mess left behind from her romp.

“Wow, I did leave quite the mess huh? That or he left quite a mess in me and then it drained into my panties.”

He took another look and confirmed, “It had to be a big batch of his spunk that seeped out of you .”

“I imagine it was, he had an orgasm that lasted forever.” She set the pair of black underwear on the counter, and walked directly up to her husband. She reached out to him and wrapped her hands around his neck and moved in for a kiss. They exchanged a long kiss with a lot more tongue from her than he was used to, as she pulled back away she sucked on his lip for a moment before releasing it. She looked down at his rock hard erection sticking out of his zipper while his jeans were still buttoned. “Want a little help with that?” She undid the button and let his pants fall to the ground.

“I don’t need much, I could get off all on my own just listening to your night.” He put his own cock back through the hole in the front of his boxers and let them too fall to the floor around his ankles.

All while keeping a sultry sort of eye contact with her spouse, she dropped to her knees in front of him. “I might be able to do both.” She gave the tip of his penis a quick lick from the underside of the head to the top, it consisted of letting a lot of saliva fall off her tongue as she finished the stroke. Before it rolled off the side of the head, she covered the top of the shaft with her hand and lubed the rest of his dick with her spit. “What were you thinking about when you had your eyes closed a second ago?”

“You lying there under another man, I was picturing it. It just turns me on so much to see you acting so perverse.”

“Its kind of unbefitting for a proper wife to do huh, be this much of a slut.”

“I love it honey.”

“Yeah, he made me do some pretty sluty things before he came in me.” She continued to stroke with one hand and leaned down further to suck one of his testicles into her mouth.

It was a pleasant surprise to him, never before had she put her lips anywhere near his scrotum. “Please do tell, what slutty things.”

“I told him I wanted him to cum, and he asked me to tell him where I wanted his cum. I said in my pussy, but he quickly corrected me and said my married white cunt, and then asked me to repeat it back to him.”

“Oh and you gave him your married white cunt to cum in to didn’t you babe?” He looked her square in the eye as he asked.

She looked back at him with a sensual smile and then put her husbands prick in her mouth for a few bobs on him. After letting him pump in her mouth for a moment she continued stroking him with her hands. “He asked me to suck on his nipples too, I guess he really likes that thing. He leaned over my face with his chest and tried to direct it into my mouth. I didn’t know what he was doing at first though and turned my head to the side to breathe. He pulled his chest back and told me to look at him while he was fucking me. Then he tried it again, he put his nipple between my lips and moved it around my lips and I started to get the idea. I put my tongue out to lick at it and he said ‘that’s it’. I licked at it back and forth for a while before I realized this was a first, no man ever asked me to suck on his nipples before.”

“I guess I’ve never thought of it before. You liked it though didn‘t you.”

“Yes it was a new naughty sexual thing I’ve never done before, I loved it. He asked me to suck it into my mouth too, I really loved that. I was just imagining how good it felt to him by his moaning and how he pumped at me faster when I’d suck harder. Honestly it made me want to have him suck on my own nipples while he fucked me. I didn’t want to ask though, so instead I pinched my own nipples while I nursed on his.”

His wife moved both of her hands to the base of his cock and took as much of her husbands prick into her mouth as she could. He noted it was as far as she has probably ever had attempted to go down on him. Then he could feel her tongue flicker back and forth at the bottom of his shaft. Another thing her lover asked her to do perhaps, but in any case totally new to their sexual relationship. As she slowly withdrew her mouth off his cock, she put her hands back on him and repeated her stroking motion.

“Right before he was ready to cum he said he was gonna cum in my pussy, and then replaced his nipple in my mouth with his tongue. So I moved my fingers from teasing my own nipples to his. He reached around my waist and squeezed my ass cheeks with both his hands. And started moaning into my mouth as we ran our tongues together. I’m telling you, if his mouth wouldn’t have totally engulfed mine, it would have sounded like a scream.”

“That’s so hot.” As he looked down at his wife kneeling in front of him, the writing on her lower back was again visible to him. She was indeed a slut 4 black as he marked her with.

She nodded for a moment to confirm and then leaned back into his crotch to give his scrotum another suck, this time taking the other teste into her mouth. After massaging it in her mouth with her tongue, she let it fall back out and noticed she had left quite a bit of her saliva on his sack. She gave it one more lick so she could recollect the pooling saliva at the bottom before it dripped off. “I could feel him cumming inside me, and he thrusted forward really hard every time he’d spurt. After a minute or two his orgasm stopped and his tongue probing my mouth turned into more of a sensual kiss for a bit.”

Thinking about this other man forcefully kissing his wife as he came in her was too much to take. He tried to imagine how she kissed him back, was it also forceful and rough, or did she just let him have his way with both her pussy and her mouth. Between the thought of her swapping spit with another lover, and her attention to his cock at the immediate moment he realized his own impending orgasm was close. As he was usually accustomed to, he warned his wife he was about to cum so she could prepare by directing it into her hand or backing her mouth off. “Oh god sweetie, Your making me cum.”

At hearing that she put her mouth even further down on his cock and stroked the base of the shaft with a little more speed as she bobbed faster. It was just as her black lover had instructed her to do earlier in the evening. She removed her mouth for only a second to tell him she was alright with him unloading into her mouth. “Cum in my mouth.”

Those were the words that put him over the brink, he let it all go into his wife’s mouth a second later. He could feel her sucking intensify on the tip as he unleashed his load. A load groan from him was the only sound in the room, until she backed off him with a popping sound when he was done. He looked down at her and noticed she was licking off her lips, no sign of wanting to spit out his seed at all. “Jesus honey did you swallow it?”

“Mmmm yes I did. Your not used to that are ya?” She knew he was happily taken aback by the action.

“Most definatly not, but wow. That was a totally different feeling to end a blow job that way.” He was hoping they would end that way from now on, thanks to her new friend teaching her. He slumped down next to her on the tile floor and took another second to compose himself. “Your suddenly swallowing now.”

“So what, I enjoy the taste now.”

“So did you just pack up and leave?”

“He said he wanted to sleep there in the hotel, I knew I wasn’t going to do that, I wanted to get home. I felt a little awkward being naked in front of him all of a sudden, even though he just came inside of me. So I got up, got dressed and left.” He gaze shifted from her husband still recovering from an orgasm, to the bathroom counter. She remembered she had laid her panties there. “And evidently leaked in my undies all the way home.” She wasn’t far from the edge of the counter where they hung, she reached out to them again from where she sat to inspect the debris left over in her undergarment.

“You seem awfully interested in those.”

She continued to look at the gooey mess in the center, it was so clumpy and thick. The majority of it was almost like a snot sort of texture, but the outside edges were creamier and whiter. She imagined it was mostly his cum with some of her own mixed in. That particular part around the outside had to be her own vaginal discharge, it looked like exactly what she saw standing out on his black dick as he pumped away at her pussy earlier. Yet a total different consistency from her own cum she tasted off her lovers fingers a while before. That was of course clear and more like a liquid, it was like he whipped that into a cream as he fucked her. She started to wonder what it tasted like, was it anything like what is was before, would it taste different mixed with his cum. “I want to eat it.”

He watched as his wife stretched the crotch portion of her panties out flat and showed it to him again. She had just swallowed his cum as well, this was very different than her aversion to jism before. He wanted badly to watch her in a sexual act that involved her new black mans cum.

She lifted the garment to her mouth and used her lower lip like a spoon to scoop all the mixture from the front to the back. Her upper lip came in at the end to collect it all into her mouth with a slurping sound. As she pulled it away from her lips a trail of sperm hung between the panties and her upper lip. Her tongue came out instinctively to devour it as well. She held the load in her mouth to taste, before she swallowed it. It was much different than the semen she just swallowed from her husband, thicker, with a more robust taste. She was somewhat disappointed that she couldn’t discern the taste of her own cream within the cum, but tilted her head back an let it seep to the back of her mouth before she swallowed it all.

“So when are you going to see him again?"
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Slut4BBC69 said:
She looked back at him with a sensual smile and then put her husbands prick in her mouth for a few bobs on him. After letting him pump in her mouth for a moment she continued stroking him with her hands. “He asked me to suck on his nipples too, I guess he really likes that thing. He leaned over my face with his chest and tried to direct it into my mouth. I didn’t know what he was doing at first though and turned my head to the side to breathe. He pulled his chest back and told me to look at him while he was fucking me. Then he tried it again, he put his nipple between my lips and moved it around my lips and I started to get the idea. I put my tongue out to lick at it and he said ‘that’s it’. I licked at it back and forth for a while before I realized this was a first, no man ever asked me to suck on his nipples before.”

“I guess I’ve never thought of it before. You liked it though didn‘t you.”

“Yes it was a new naughty sexual thing I’ve never done before, I loved it. He asked me to suck it into my mouth too, I really loved that. I was just imagining how good it felt to him by his moaning and how he pumped at me faster when I’d suck harder. Honestly it made me want to have him suck on my own nipples while he fucked me. I didn’t want to ask though, so instead I pinched my own nipples while I nursed on his.”

His wife moved both of her hands to the base of his cock and took as much of her husbands prick into her mouth as she could. He noted it was as far as she has probably ever had attempted to go down on him. Then he could feel her tongue flicker back and forth at the bottom of his shaft. Another thing her lover asked her to do perhaps, but in any case totally new to their sexual relationship. As she slowly withdrew her mouth off his cock, she put her hands back on him and repeated her stroking motion.

“Right before he was ready to cum he said he was gonna cum in my pussy, and then replaced his nipple in my mouth with his tongue. So I moved my fingers from teasing my own nipples to his. He reached around my waist and squeezed my ass cheeks with both his hands. And started moaning into my mouth as we ran our tongues together. I’m telling you, if his mouth wouldn’t have totally engulfed mine, it would have sounded like a scream.”

“That’s so hot.” As he looked down at his wife kneeling in front of him, the writing on her lower back was again visible to him. She was indeed a slut 4 black as he marked her with.

She nodded for a moment to confirm and then leaned back into his crotch to give his scrotum another suck, this time taking the other teste into her mouth. After massaging it in her mouth with her tongue, she let it fall back out and noticed she had left quite a bit of her saliva on his sack. She gave it one more lick so she could recollect the pooling saliva at the bottom before it dripped off. “I could feel him cumming inside me, and he thrusted forward really hard every time he’d spurt. After a minute or two his orgasm stopped and his tongue probing my mouth turned into more of a sensual kiss for a bit.”

Thinking about this other man forcefully kissing his wife as he came in her was too much to take. He tried to imagine how she kissed him back, was it also forceful and rough, or did she just let him have his way with both her pussy and her mouth. Between the thought of her swapping spit with another lover, and her attention to his cock at the immediate moment he realized his own impending orgasm was close. As he was usually accustomed to, he warned his wife he was about to cum so she could prepare by directing it into her hand or backing her mouth off. “Oh god sweetie, Your making me cum.”

At hearing that she put her mouth even further down on his cock and stroked the base of the shaft with a little more speed as she bobbed faster. It was just as her black lover had instructed her to do earlier in the evening. She removed her mouth for only a second to tell him she was alright with him unloading into her mouth. “Cum in my mouth.”

Those were the words that put him over the brink, he let it all go into his wife’s mouth a second later. He could feel her sucking intensify on the tip as he unleashed his load. A load groan from him was the only sound in the room, until she backed off him with a popping sound when he was done. He looked down at her and noticed she was licking off her lips, no sign of wanting to spit out his seed at all. “Jesus honey did you swallow it?”

“Mmmm yes I did. Your not used to that are ya?” She knew he was happily taken aback by the action.

“Most definatly not, but wow. That was a totally different feeling to end a blow job that way.” He was hoping they would end that way from now on, thanks to her new friend teaching her. He slumped down next to her on the tile floor and took another second to compose himself. “Your suddenly swallowing now.”

“So what, I enjoy the taste now.”

“So did you just pack up and leave?”

“He said he wanted to sleep there in the hotel, I knew I wasn’t going to do that, I wanted to get home. I felt a little awkward being naked in front of him all of a sudden, even though he just came inside of me. So I got up, got dressed and left.” He gaze shifted from her husband still recovering from an orgasm, to the bathroom counter. She remembered she had laid her panties there. “And evidently leaked in my undies all the way home.” She wasn’t far from the edge of the counter where they hung, she reached out to them again from where she sat to inspect the debris left over in her undergarment.

“You seem awfully interested in those.”

She continued to look at the gooey mess in the center, it was so clumpy and thick. The majority of it was almost like a snot sort of texture, but the outside edges were creamier and whiter. She imagined it was mostly his cum with some of her own mixed in. That particular part around the outside had to be her own vaginal discharge, it looked like exactly what she saw standing out on his black dick as he pumped away at her pussy earlier. Yet a total different consistency from her own cum she tasted off her lovers fingers a while before. That was of course clear and more like a liquid, it was like he whipped that into a cream as he fucked her. She started to wonder what it tasted like, was it anything like what is was before, would it taste different mixed with his cum. “I want to eat it.”

He watched as his wife stretched the crotch portion of her panties out flat and showed it to him again. She had just swallowed his cum as well, this was very different than her aversion to jism before. He wanted badly to watch her in a sexual act that involved her new black mans cum.

She lifted the garment to her mouth and used her lower lip like a spoon to scoop all the mixture from the front to the back. Her upper lip came in at the end to collect it all into her mouth with a slurping sound. As she pulled it away from her lips a trail of sperm hung between the panties and her upper lip. Her tongue came out instinctively to devour it as well. She held the load in her mouth to taste, before she swallowed it. It was much different than the semen she just swallowed from her husband, thicker, with a more robust taste. She was somewhat disappointed that she couldn’t discern the taste of her own cream within the cum, but tilted her head back an let it seep to the back of her mouth before she swallowed it all.

“So when are you going to see him again?"

I'm not even going to attempt to say anything witty or controversial. All I can say is that that is by far the greatest story I ever read on Dark Cavern.
Is it a true story?

Thanks Anna for the compliment, I appreciate the feedback. It is in fact a true story based on the first time I came home from a 'date', earlier this year. The events are entirely true, I did change the wording a bit of course to sensationalize the events for story telling. However it is a reminder of a key event for my husband and I when we entered the world of interracial swinging. I am currently writing a follow up story titled 'Intense Too' which is also a true tale of my adventures during the past year.

Check out my blog at: Slut4BBC69.blogspot.com

Slut4BBC69 said:
Thanks Anna for the compliment, I appreciate the feedback. It is in fact a true story based on the first time I came home from a 'date', earlier this year. The events are entirely true, I did change the wording a bit of course to sensationalize the events for story telling. However it is a reminder of a key event for my husband and I when we entered the world of interracial swinging. I am currently writing a follow up story titled 'Intense Too' which is also a true tale of my adventures during the past year.

Check out my blog at: Slut4BBC69.blogspot.com


You're very welcome Becca.

It's always fantastic to meet someone with as much passion for the interracial lifestye (if not more) as I have.
I can tell you are as deeply committed to the pleasing of black men as I am and I look forward to hearing more from you.

I've taken the liberty of adding you in Yahoo Messenger and hope someday you and I could chat (btw: i'm antsy68).

Talk to you soon!

posted to front page
This was so hot to about you doing things you never did before. I can tell you you are not alone. I was turned by BBC into a real slut myself and couldn't believe my hub's reaction. Smile
I too gave my cunt and ass to BBC.
Meanwhile hub asks me if I should stop bc when meet and fuck with them. Thanks from us (me and my hub) for this hot story.

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