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Im back. Latina Pussy

  • Thread starterLatinogirl4blackdic
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Beloved Member
May 9, 2005
I LoVe EvErYtHiNg AbOuT ThE BlAcK MeN, ThEiR BiG CoCkS. Da WaY ThEy TaLk GaNgStA. Da WaY ThEy DrEsS. EvErYtHiNg. BuT I JuSt WiSh ThEy HaD An ALL LaTiNa DaRk CaVeRn NoT To SoUnD RaCiSt BuT LaTiNa WoMeN ArE MoRe BrThA CrAzY ThEn WhItE GiRlS. SoRrY FoR Da TrUtH. AnD Ma GiRlS AgReE WiT Me. EnJoY Da PiCs
Baby you are HOT! Post some pics of you and your black brotha in action!!
HeRe Is OnE LoL. I WiSh


  • YGP2AC.jpg
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DAmN, girl....

Hi, I'm white male, married...38...VERY interested if you willing to open up for white man one time. Would ride you real good, baby...

Where are you from? Tell us more about you...!

NoCondoms M4rt
Latinogirl4blackdic said:
I LoVe EvErYtHiNg AbOuT ThE BlAcK MeN, ThEiR BiG CoCkS. Da WaY ThEy TaLk GaNgStA. Da WaY ThEy DrEsS. EvErYtHiNg. BuT I JuSt WiSh ThEy HaD An ALL LaTiNa DaRk CaVeRn NoT To SoUnD RaCiSt BuT LaTiNa WoMeN ArE MoRe BrThA CrAzY ThEn WhItE GiRlS. SoRrY FoR Da TrUtH. AnD Ma GiRlS AgReE WiT Me. EnJoY Da PiCs

Dayum Mami.....you hot!!!!
iam black man baby where in the us are you located and if you are wilder thatn a white girls let us know what you mean by that and get at me would love to strech that body of yours
Good for you girl! I bet you really know how to make a Brotha happy
Your a thin-looking ugly bitch. Where I live, the brothas would have the essays sale you.
yOU ARE WRONG THERE LATINA GIRL. The hispanic culture has not lost it's pride and dignity as the white race. Latinas are not black cock crazy, (actually, most are disgusted by a dirty looking dick); DOD-DICK SUCKING -SLUTS STARTED THIS interracial jungle fever shit that white men promoted:FAGS. Not all Latinas are sluts like you girl. We got decent woman to marry ,you will end up alone in dispair after not even a monkey would touch you.

BIGKAT said:
yOU ARE WRONG THERE LATINA GIRL. The hispanic culture has not lost it's pride and dignity as the white race. Latinas are not black cock crazy, (actually, most are disgusted by a dirty looking dick); DOD-DICK SUCKING -SLUTS STARTED THIS interracial jungle fever shit that white men promoted:FAGS. Not all Latinas are sluts like you girl. We got decent woman to marry ,you will end up alone in dispair after not even a monkey would touch you.

why the fuck are you even on this site? go away...

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