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i was black bred this week!

  • Thread startermsexynj32
  • Start date

I admittedly like both the interracial and the pregnant theme (thus the combination is very nice, heh!), but I must agree that this one might be rather more problematic than the fantasy is worth.

If hubby's fine with being cuckolded and raising another man's child, and he can be trusted to stick around all the way, well so far so good.

But your kid will some day be old enough to ask questions himself, and then you better have some answers at the ready. You will not be able to protect him or her forever from other people's talk (children can be rather cruel at times), so some day he or she will be tugging at your skirt and ask "Mommy, why am I not the same color as you and daddy?"

A kid deserves better than BS answers, especially when he or she's left to face the crap from your decisions while growing up. So you'd better give it some thought. Telling him or her about daddy's low sperm count might not be the most satisfactory answer to take back to the classmates, after all...
Ok I'm not one to get into this kinda stuff I usually just say live & let live. However I would like to just throw a thought out there. For those who think she's wrong. How is this much different than Surrogate Mothers. Secondly as many kids that do get abandoned & neglected by there parents especially in urban minority areas at least her child will be wanted & cared for. Lets not even mention the reverse of how slave masters breed with black slave to make house slaves. So a little reversal is far play. Now let me get off this soup box. And just wishes everyone Happiness however you find it is to short.
GotdreadsNYC said:
Ok I'm not one to get into this kinda stuff I usually just say live & let live. However I would like to just throw a thought out there. For those who think she's wrong. How is this much different than Surrogate Mothers. Secondly as many kids that do get abandoned & neglected by there parents especially in urban minority areas at least her child will be wanted & cared for. Lets not even mention the reverse of how slave masters breed with black slave to make house slaves. So a little reversal is far play. Now let me get off this soup box. And just wishes everyone Happiness however you find it is to short.

This person starting this thread is not who they claim, so let's start with that.

Secondly, I am as nasty as the next gal, but I draw the line when the bedroom activity starts to include innocent children - born or unborn. It's disgusting by any standard...
60% of white couples now divorce and put their children under enormous emotional stress. This is a form of walking away from their responsibilities.

A white couple who decide to have a black baby because of fertility problems, have just as much chance (maybe more) of raising their black baby to be successful in life. They elect to have this special baby, and therefore will try extra hard to be successful in raising it well.

It is not sin to have a black baby. The sin (in God's eyes) is with the person who shows prejudice and "looks down their nose" in disgust at them having an interracial baby.

We should all work hard to re-educate predjudice from society, and to leave all races free to decide who they wish to marry or have children with. Every child needs to having loving parents.

Infertility hits about 10% of couples these days.

Using a cell phone for more than four hours a day, can cut a man's sperm production by 25%, and up to 80% of the spermatoza can be damaged by the electro-magnetic pulses. I read about this a few days ago in a newspaper.

Josetta said:
60% of white couples now divorce and put their children under enormous emotional stress. This is a form of walking away from their responsibilities.

A white couple who decide to have a black baby because of fertility problems, have just as much chance (maybe more) of raising their black baby to be successful in life. They elect to have this special baby, and therefore will try extra hard to be successful in raising it well.

It is not sin to have a black baby. The sin (in God's eyes) is with the person who shows prejudice and "looks down their nose" in disgust at them having an interracial baby.

We should all work hard to re-educate predjudice from society, and to leave all races free to decide who they wish to marry or have children with. Every child needs to having loving parents.

Infertility hits about 10% of couples these days.

Using a cell phone for more than four hours a day, can cut a man's sperm production by 25%, and up to 80% of the spermatoza can be damaged by the electro-magnetic pulses. I read about this a few days ago in a newspaper.

Stop trying to justify your action with crap. Your post is inaccurate and filled disjointed thoughts, much like your mind. You are trying to come up with a valid excuse for what you are doing,but its not working and only showing how diseased your mind is. Frankly,I think you are a guy trying to get everyones goat,but there are some sick women out who would do this. If you really wanted a black child you would do one of three things. You would either adopt(See Brad and Angelina) or you would divorce your husband and find a black man to love and have a child or if their is a fertitilty problem you wuld go to a spermbank, not breed like animal. So why wont you adopt or marry blackman.

I belive you are trying to push the stereotype of the black man as a deadbeat dad and unfit father. What black man would knowly "breed" you for this puprose and disgrace himself and the child. I wouldn't and I seriously think that there aren't that many black men who would. i know you're gonna say what about the the guys who go to spermbank..that's no different.Well those men are a special breed ,but majority of the time when these fin out they have children out there they feel very remorseful and barring a couple with fertility problems or a gay couple ,I don't think anyone else needs to go to spermbank.Hear that career women,who are too with theirr career to have relationship ,but not to busy to raise a child.The relationship is lot easier, unless you ship them off with the au pair,which last time I checked was not parenting.

You also said in your post that a white family could raise a blackchild to be successful.What the fuck!!! Are you saying that black parents can't give their child the same values and education to grow up a succesful person as white family would. Now that's racist.

Speaking of racist,I think you are the racist , the most dangerous kind, the new age kind, you spout your love for all race crap,but treat other races like children,like pets that need to be shown the way of the white man.The majority of people in this country or anywhere would look at your child with hate, it is a baby. But if you told them how you got the child they would look at you like you were nuts,but of course you're not gonna tell that story are you? You're going say how you were on IR porn soliciting for baby daddies and then telling of you progress. No you gonna say someting about inferitilty and a mix up at the spermbank or with the invtro process.By the way have you thought about I thought so.

You need to marry a balckman or adopt is you want black child..better get your tubes and don't adopt.Black people and world are screwed up enough wihtout having someone like you raising a child.
Quickster said:
I hope that you have good luck. Those of us following the story can hardly wait for preggo pictures..
You're not gonna see any preggo pictures you idiots..because she is not for real..If this person would debase themselves just starting this spectacle, don't you think they would have no qualms about posting nude pic of themselves or of them gettting bred. That picture could have been this persons ex or could be the wife and they not know the pic is here. Come on damn are you people that sick or stupid to fall for this crap. No wonder I don't visit this site that often
To the black guys--how do you feel about all this talk about "bulls." I don't care who a lady screws or for that matter who you screw. But all this talk of guys like they are livestock? You happy with that?

I am cool withn whatever adults do that does not injure, but just don't get the whole thing.
goodmale2 said:
To the black guys--how do you feel about all this talk about "bulls." I don't care who a lady screws or for that matter who you screw. But all this talk of guys like they are livestock? You happy with that?

I am cool withn whatever adults do that does not injure, but just don't get the whole thing.

I agree with this too. I never liked seeing men referred to as 'bulls'. It seems de-humanizing and maybe that's the purpose but it isn't right to me. Men are men!
our society as a whole has turned sex into an animalistic practice and that is where the concept of fantasies and acting on those fantasies collide. Where do we cross the line of hot wife, slut wife and blk cock loving ***** wife into the creation of a life for the sake of that fantasy. I don't want to get into angry condemnation, or racial sterotyping because I think there can be honorable men who would be offended, just like there would be guys who would think it a gas to just fulfill some womans fantasy and let her and her husband deal with it. I wonder though how many of these fantasy driven people truely think this out. It is a life changing and life time committment. I enjoy the fantasy but must respect my wifes desire to not join in. Her desire to look but not touch is her choice and that is where my honor for her feelings must exist. Not to stay wordy, but I hope this works correctly.
bflobird said:
our society as a whole has turned sex into an animalistic practice and that is where the concept of fantasies and acting on those fantasies collide. Where do we cross the line of hot wife, slut wife and blk cock loving ***** wife into the creation of a life for the sake of that fantasy. I don't want to get into angry condemnation, or racial sterotyping because I think there can be honorable men who would be offended, just like there would be guys who would think it a gas to just fulfill some womans fantasy and let her and her husband deal with it. I wonder though how many of these fantasy driven people truely think this out. It is a life changing and life time committment. I enjoy the fantasy but must respect my wifes desire to not join in. Her desire to look but not touch is her choice and that is where my honor for her feelings must exist. Not to stay wordy, but I hope this works correctly.

Good Man and to answer you question to how many couples think this out. None.. People now tend to blur the line between fanatsy and reality,especially since on the internet you can find a like person. That is why people josette,expatdad and others who agree with them,really make me worried . Regardless of the freedom of speech thing ,there are somethings as a human being you just don't do or talk about to the extent that these people and their supporters do.

msexynj32 said:
for those of you who have been following my story here i finally met and found a black bull who met all of my requirements in the baby making dept.i stayed with him alone for 2 days we had sex a total of 6times.and were meeting twice more this week hoping well have sucess.yes the sex was great and different but its the baby that i want more.only woman who have children can understand this.if any one wants to hear more or has an opion read my other posts and respond my husband met the bull twicw with me before allowing me to go stay with him for the 2days.

So whats the update on you being knocked up?

goodmale2 said:
To the black guys--how do you feel about all this talk about "bulls." I don't care who a lady screws or for that matter who you screw. But all this talk of guys like they are livestock? You happy with that?

I am cool withn whatever adults do that does not injure, but just don't get the whole thing.
Well I guess if you have people like Jossetta going through life thinking and saying every black male is a bull in my book it is bullshit. Maybe we should call the white men boars. The asians rams and the mideastern men roosters then all the human race of men could be compared to the animal kingdom. And as long as people like Jossea thinks that all black men have a twelve inch dick this is the kind of shit that keeps going. The truth be known a Bull does not have the largest cock in the animal world. I would just as soon have a lady call me or refer to me by my real name of Willy which is a short version of my actual name. All the bull crap in my book is bullshit it usually comes from someone with a fantasies of seeing or screwing a big cock male or female. Muleman
Love to see the progress...And being black bred is the ultimate submission... a submission for life & everybody will know you are a total ***** for black men...Keep it up!
Do the right thing

As a black man, I want to be respected as a MAN period when dealing with hot wives. That's why I like dealing with educated ladies who know the deal.Plus this chick that started this thread is suspect too. I hope you bring a child into this world out of love, and not some sex thrill. I'm out peace!
Very good point!

goodmale2 said:
To the black guys--how do you feel about all this talk about "bulls." I don't care who a lady screws or for that matter who you screw. But all this talk of guys like they are livestock? You happy with that?

I am cool withn whatever adults do that does not injure, but just don't get the whole thing.
I had the same thought many times. In many ways I believe these terms hurt, not help race relations. It makes me sick when I hear a white woman or white man using those terms. I have often heard the “n” word used in being “blacked” stories. “How you like being “n” fucked white bitch!” or “please “n” fuck me you big black bull.” Stereotypes and racial slang is thrown around all over the place on this site.

I would think this site would make the average black man or woman sick! How they are being viewed as “fresh meat” to serve the white man or woman’s fantasy. Just in case you don’t get it YOU are not being viewed as “superior” or “the way things should be.” Most of these stories are about having THEIR black stud “use them” to bring sexual fulfillment for the white person! You become like a “toy” in their little game. I am sure some black men would say “use me in that way. At least I am getting white pussy.” That logic is like a black woman, during slave days, saying “use my black pussy because at least I will get some white cock!“ Being “used” is being used, period. It sets things back generations!!!! Neither race should dominate the other!! I don’t own you and you don’t own me. If you choose interracial sex, GREAT! But all this trash talking, “black bull”, “black stud” and “n fucking” is just wrong on many levels. How can any race get respect if they condone this? I have a feeling most of the black community and white community don’t!!!!
You can thank the guys who discovered the internet. Since Pandora's box has been opened, once such things where kept in the dark and underground, are now alive and well out in the open. To think that 20 years ago someone would want to be black bred and talk about it, I think not. But now, it seems where striking up the band and raising are glasses high, celebrating a persons achievement as if someone just graduated from College. And if a Astronut can drive 900 miles in a diaper, to try and kill off a rival threat for a man's affection, we know that the end of times is near!
Ilovesexou812 said:
I had the same thought many times. In many ways I believe these terms hurt, not help race relations. It makes me sick when I hear a white woman or white man using those terms. I have often heard the “n” word used in being “blacked” stories. “How you like being “n” fucked white bitch!” or “please “n” fuck me you big black bull.” Stereotypes and racial slang is thrown around all over the place on this site.

I would think this site would make the average black man or woman sick! How they are being viewed as “fresh meat” to serve the white man or woman’s fantasy. Just in case you don’t get it YOU are not being viewed as “superior” or “the way things should be.” Most of these stories are about having THEIR black stud “use them” to bring sexual fulfillment for the white person! You become like a “toy” in their little game. I am sure some black men would say “use me in that way. At least I am getting white pussy.” That logic is like a black woman, during slave days, saying “use my black pussy because at least I will get some white cock!“ Being “used” is being used, period. It sets things back generations!!!! Neither race should dominate the other!! I don’t own you and you don’t own me. If you choose interracial sex, GREAT! But all this trash talking, “black bull”, “black stud” and “n fucking” is just wrong on many levels. How can any race get respect if they condone this? I have a feeling most of the black community and white community don’t!!!!

The basic problem with your arguement is-- The fact that you enjoy seeing IR sex or enjoy having IR sex is racist in itself.
For there to be no racism involved it wouldn't matter what the color of the persons skin. You would be with that person because you are IN LOVE with them. You love them for their human qualities and not because they have a big black cock. In fact penis size shouldn't even be a factor.

So while you may not like the "N" word or other blatant racist words. While you might not like hearing those thoughts expressed that really doesn't excuse your silent racism. On some subconcious level you are a racist!
You cannot like IR sex and not be a racist. For once you base your excitement purely upon a person's color you are racist.
OK ..explain this frigid ( and still visit the site ) sorry could not resist !!

Any guys got an average to slightly bigger size equipment that can make a woman laugh is quids in ( for the yanks ...thats dollars )

Over and out !!!


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