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Hubby troubles...

  • Thread starterMistressK
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jan 18, 2008
It's a shame there's no way to cause impotence in a cucky without doing any real damage...

Or is there?
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my QUEEN LINDA has me locked in a cb3000 24/7. i'm not allowed to cum at all for 6-8 months at a time..... :(
If it's my only choice...

It's just that I'd just love to see the frustration on his face when he tries to mount me with a little limp cock.

if he is your cucky then he shouldn't even be allowed to try and mount you in the first place. you deserve all the pleasure not him.....
depo pravera will make him impotent. It is what they use to chemically castrate sex offenders.
Impotency can be a very mental thing. Putting pressure on his need for an erection or feeling sorry for him when/if he ever can't get it up, could help to make it a more regular occurence.

If you try to rush him to get it up, that could help. I also use to lose erection when putting on condoms, especially with new lovers. This of course made it more difficult subsequent times. Definitely a pregressive disorder, with a key mental element.

good luck.
Tamoxifen and Triptorelin are also supposed to work, but is there anything over the counter?

Yes, salt petter, it is what our army has used for years to keep the sexual urge down. Also if your husband happens to be on most blood pressure medicines they cause that effect. But forgive me for saying I don't approve of doing this with out his knowledge or approval. There are consequences to decisions we make and some of them can be very long term. For a man, having the ability to reach and erection is very important even if he can only use his hand. The mental side of this is that this could lead to a deep depression, I think you should proceed with caution. In studies that were done after the VN WAR I understand that the government tests showed the effect of doing this was more harmful then letting them have the erection. I understand it is no longer done, I have read that in some prison systems this is still being done by mixing it with the food.
HM a few facts


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An anaphrodisiac is something that quells or blunts the libido. It is the opposite of an aphrodisiac, something that enhances sexual appetite. The word anaphrodisiac comes from the Greek prefix αν-, denoting negation, and the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.
Side effects of certain medications may be anaphroditic in nature (e.g. SSRIs and certain antipsychotics), however, there are no substances that have safe anaphroditic effects without major side effects. Antiandrogen drugs such as cyproterone or medroxyprogesterone are sometimes prescribed to convicted sex offenders such as rapists and pedophiles who are released on parole in an effort to stop them reoffending, however the high doses required often cause a range of side effects which may limit compliance.
Herbal anaphrodisiacs have been employed by various religious sects and orders throughout history. Most commonly, Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) has been used to normalize hormones in both men and women. An over-active libido is very often treated herbally by addressing poor adrenal function.
Rumours that the British Army put the 19th century anticonvulsant and sedative potassium bromide in soldiers' tea during World War II to damp soldiers' lust appears to be an urban myth. Given the long half-life of the drug in the body, a mildly sedated army would be unlikely to be an effective fighting force. A similar belief appears to exist in the United States about saltpeter in army coffee or in Russia about potassium bromide in army food.

Potassium nitrate is the oxidizing component of black powder. Before the large-scale industrial fixation of nitrogen through the Haber process, major sources of potassium nitrate were the deposits crystallizing from cave walls and the draining of decomposing organic material. Dung-heaps were a particularly common source: ammonia from the decomposition of urea and other nitrogenous materials would undergo bacterial oxidation to produce nitrate. It was and is also used as a component in some fertilizers. When used by itself as a fertilizer, it has an NPK rating of 13-0-38 (indicating 13.9%, 0%, and 38.7% of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, by mass, respectively). Potassium nitrate was once thought to induce impotence, and is still rumored to be in institutional food (such as military fare) as an anaphrodisiac; these uses would be ineffective, since potassium nitrate has no such properties.[2] However, potassium nitrate and other nitrates do successfully combat high blood pressure and are used medically to relieve angina.

Historically, nitre-beds were prepared by mixing manure with either mortar or wood ashes, common earth and organic materials such as straw to give porosity to a compost pile typically 1.5 meters high by 2 meters wide by 5 metres long.[3] The heap was usually under a cover from the rain, kept moist with urine, turned often to accelerate the decomposition and leached with water after approximately one year. The liquid containing various nitrates was then converted with wood ashes to potassium nitrates, crystallized and refined for use in gunpowder.
During the 19th century and until around World War I, potassium nitrate was produced on an industrial scale produced nitrates, first by the Birkeland-Eyde process in 1905, and then later from ammonium produced by the much more efficient Haber process. The latter process came online during World War I, and supplied Germany with nitrates critical for the warfare that it otherwise had no access to the deposits of natural nitrate in Chile. It is assumed that this prolonged World War I. Today practically all nitrates are produced by ammonia from the Haber proces

Potassium nitrate is also used as a fertilizer, in amateur rocket propellant, and in several fireworks such as smoke bombs, in which a mixture with sugar produces a smoke cloud of 600 times their own volume.
Potassium nitrate is also the main component (usually about 98%) of tree stump remover; it accelerates the natural decomposition of the stump. [2]
It has also been used in the manufacture of ice cream and can be found in some toothpastes for sensitive teeth.[citation needed] Recently, the use of potassium nitrate in toothpastes for treating sensitive teeth has increased dramatically, despite the fact that it has not been conclusively shown to help dental hypersensitivity.[5]
Potassium nitrate is also one of the three parts of black powder, along with powdered charcoal (substantially carbon) and sulfur, where it acts as an oxidizer.
Now as to rather it was used or not I don't know, I'm not a cook but I have heard it mentioned many times that it was indeed used. I don't know are really care, I have read stories that says it does not work and some that says it does. Though I do agree that no chemical should be used with out consent. You be the judge. As far as Nam goes, yes there were whores everywhere, yet I know a fellow who was a cook and said they did add it to some foods, so maybe he was full of shit, I don't know.
I think I'll start with the chaste tree. And, incidentally, it is with his full consent. Thank you, tuppinsinmo, for the information. As for joedoe69, some men love it when they get their psyche fucked with. It sure seems your little mind has been tweaked a bit.


MistressK Your Correct

MistressK said:
I think I'll start with the chaste tree. And, incidentally, it is with his full consent. Thank you, tuppinsinmo, for the information. As for joedoe69, some men love it when they get their psyche fucked with. It sure seems your little mind has been tweaked a bit.



Some of guys to submit with implied consent to may areas within the HotWife/Cuckold relationships!
Depends what you call real damage

Feminizing hormones -- like estradiol -- will lead to impotence if used long enough. They will also give him feminine breasts. You may not want those...
jondoe69 said:
Okay, I've read all this bullshit and just have to tell these shrews, if you don't want your husband get rid of him. Why are you all about fucking up his dignity? If he was a real man, he would have kicked your ass out when you first started demeaning him. As for salt peter, I spent twenty three years in the army and fucked everything that walked, so that is a myth. In Viet Nam, there were ***** houses outside almost every army base camp, so where do you think all those places came from? If there was no market for their services, those young Viet women would have starved. They damned sure weren't controlling young men with salt peter; the only thing that controlled sex during that war was the ever present knowledge and fear of sexually transmitted diseases nobody had names for in the medical books. And, yes, I was there, so I know what I'm talking about. Unless you bitches have bodies like Miss Universe, you've got no right to make demands or inflict your unreasonable expectations upon any man, including - if not especially - your husband. If your experience with men has made you bitter, mean-spirited, and replete with issues, see a shrink - don't fuck up the psychological health of some man who had the misfortune of marrying your sorry ass, or is too stupid to kick your ass out.

I have to agree with Jondoe. Don't fuck with a mans sexual prowess without first his knowledge and permission. As far as "tweaking" goes...sounds to me as though he already has his head on straight. Men that know what they are... don't need "tweaking".
Tups Right

If a man has been in the real service then he has had salt peter. Its works and i guess its safe. Lady he want even want any pussy and that may not be the way you want it. You must be a bitch and i know a lot of guys dig this shit and more power to them . But if i was your hubby and knew you wanted this i would fuck ever female you know. Including best frriends and your family if they were decent. This is some hot shit is it not, as we all have our kinks dont we? I just love hot wives as they are a great gift. I love to fuck up bitches in any way possible by fucking their friends and kin. Serves them right and no one gets hurt, every one just has fun and bitch gets herself a good mind fucking. Hey have fun because we need bitches too. :eek::eek::D:D okdeacon

That's why you aren't my hubby. Guys like you I let mount me and fuck me like a *****, not marry.

Feel free to drop me a msg. sometime.

And the breast might be a little much, but thank you, Barb.
tuppinsinmo said:
Yes, salt petter, it is what our army has used for years to keep the sexual urge down. Also if your husband happens to be on most blood pressure medicines they cause that effect. But forgive me for saying I don't approve of doing this with out his knowledge or approval. There are consequences to decisions we make and some of them can be very long term. For a man, having the ability to reach and erection is very important even if he can only use his hand. The mental side of this is that this could lead to a deep depression, I think you should proceed with caution. In studies that were done after the VN WAR I understand that the government tests showed the effect of doing this was more harmful then letting them have the erection. I understand it is no longer done, I have read that in some prison systems this is still being done by mixing it with the food.

My wife used to work at a pharmacy. She told me once a woman came in to buy salt peter to mix in her husband's food to slow down his sex drive. She told her when she bought it that was what she was going to do! Don't know if it worked or not, but apparently the practice isn't unheard of!
If it's my only choice... Is it really? Could you explain that.

It's just that I'd just love to see the frustration on his face when he tries to mount me with a little limp cock.
You are a beauty, Sounds like the excuse of a serial killer: “It’s just that I’d love to see the grimace they make when they die. You must like the guy that you like to ruin him. You need a Doctor, a couch doctor.
BTW, saltpeter is as effective to lower a mans libido, as the ground horn of a rhinoceros is effective as an aphrodisiac. But if ingested in quantity it’s a poison.

enser said:
If it's my only choice... Is it really? Could you explain that.

It's just that I'd just love to see the frustration on his face when he tries to mount me with a little limp cock.
You are a beauty, Sounds like the excuse of a serial killer: “It’s just that I’d love to see the grimace they make when they die. You must like the guy that you like to ruin him. You need a Doctor, a couch doctor.
BTW, saltpeter is as effective to lower a mans libido, as the ground horn of a rhinoceros is effective as an aphrodisiac. But if ingested in quantity it’s a poison.
Enser you are correct, to much of anything can kill. Depending on who you talk to, or what you read, would this work? Well I guess the real point here we all seem to agree for the most point. If you do this with out his consent, in any method it is just wrong!!!!! What if while you sleep he takes a tube of super glue and glues your cunt closed? Which might be fair play considering it seems that the female group seems to think this would be so wonderful.
Very good, Tupp, I like the idea with the clue, a man could get a very quiet house that way.
Please note, anything without consent is wrong. Everything I participate in is consensual.

Also, for the judgmental: Males that are submissive derive satisfaction from things that the non-submissive male may not understand. I don't expect the dominant male to understand. That's the very reason he serves a different purpose.

And on a final note: A great deal of the satisfaction can come from the exploration of the fantasy, which is what a site like this can offer.

Have fun and lighten up...
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