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How oblivious were you?

  • Thread starterencasedforfun
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Nazareth said:
Honestly, I couldn't tell you. That was 40+ years ago, and some specifics are vague, at best.

I can say I wouldn't consider any of them "long-term". We married after dating regularly for a couple of years, but it lasted barely a year once we did.
I'd guess she was cuckolding me for at least the last 6 months or so, maybe longer.
At times, it seemed to me she just wanted cock, and wasn't particular about the guy, so there were plenty of one-nighters

There was one guy, a coworker of hers (she said).
She actually told me one night that they were very attracted to each other, and asked permission to go to bed with him.
My first thought is if she is asking, that means she has likely done it already, and is asking forgiveness instead of 'permission'.
My second thought was if she wants to do it, she is going to no matter what I say.
So I approved thinking (naively) she meant as a one-time thing.

Boy, was I wrong!
The very next night, she left to go to his home right after dinner.
The night after that, she got up after we finished dinner, and I realized what she was doing/where she was going, and I was crushed.
It was obvious she understood it as carte blanche' with no restrictions, and she went to his place nightly for something a like a couple of weeks.

They were a bit less frequent after that, but it went on long enough that I found a telegram he had sent her, asking her to leave me and come to him.
I was married to my ex for 10 years. Afterwards, when I fit all the evidence together (that I naively ignored), I count the guys who had her at 5. It seems like a lot to me, but a friend to whom I related all the evidence pointed out that I was seriously underestimating the ex's sexual audacity, and that I should total "2 to 3 times that total."

It seems from your accounts that your ex was not reluctant to let you know what was going on. Was this her effort to humiliate you about things, if I can ask? My ex clearly enjoyed (apart from other guys' erections), the idea of humiliating me. There were taunts about the guys who had had her, but if I took it too seriously, she would say she was just joking (usually I was just in denial). This throwing it in my face was, of course, just between us, but on one occasion it was more public. At a party, standing with her arm around a guy who was then cucking me, she suggested we go home with different partners that night. I was caught without any idea of how to respond. And since the party was all friends or fellow students of hers, some must have known that this guy was screwing my wife, and she wanted to humiliate me in front of them.
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Sandy Row said:
No apology needed.

Mine was sneaky about it, it was a Friday night and she knew I played football on a Saturday and would never drink the night before a game she also knew the whole team went to the pub after the game and I wouldn't be home till late and would be pissed.

She still hadn't come home before I went to play the game therefore she didn't have to confront me till I was ***** and horny,she never would admit to it, although plenty other occasions similar things happened till the evidence became irrefutable.

I just wish I knew then what I know now,that it is the biggest turn on known to man.
I full agree about the turn on. While at the time of the cuckings I got, I tried to deny the evidence, that all came apart when we were splitting and she told me an account of getting plowed in a one-nighter by a teenage sailor (ten years younger than her). I then had to face all the accumulated evidence of what had been going on behind my back. But thinking now about what I know of any one of them sliding his erection into her is a turn-on beyond measure! (and sharing the details, too).
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Regn said:
It seems from your accounts that your ex was not reluctant to let you know what was going on. Was this her effort to humiliate you about things, if I can ask? My ex clearly enjoyed (apart from other guys' erections), the idea of humiliating me. There were taunts about the guys who had had her, but if I took it too seriously, she would say she was just joking (usually I was just in denial). This throwing it in my face was, of course, just between us, but on one occasion it was more public. At a party, standing with her arm around a guy who was then cucking me, she suggested we go home with different partners that night. I was caught without any idea of how to respond. And since the party was all friends or fellow students of hers, some must have known that this guy was screwing my wife, and she wanted to humiliate me in front of them.
If I had to guess, I'd say no.
I think she was way too young to be that manipulative.
It was more like her main focus was getting cock, and she couldn't (wouldn't) control herself.
Once I agreed to let her do it the first time, it was similar to opening Pandora's box. It only increased her 'drive'.
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encasedforfun said:
Looking back at my cheating ***** girlfriend's (now wife) behavior I'm shocked by how naive and oblivious I was. Her really good friend from work (who is a guy) was actually a fuck buddy for years before I caught on. Obviously I raised some concerns about their "friendship" as time went on but she always assured me that it was simply plutonic and she had no interest in him. They'd go out for drinks after work, spend time together at work, etc. Even at a backyard pool party a co-worker hosted the two of them were buddy buddy right in front of me and I didn't suspect it at all.

Thinking back to other situations I just remembered when she was attending evening classes to get her masters she used to carpool with a guy from her class. She said, and I bought it totally, that it was a long drive and he lived nearby so they could save on gas. He used to come pick her up, or would drop his car at our house and go in her car. At the time I didn't think much of it but looking back there is pretty much zero percent chance she wasn't at least sucking his cock each time.
Mine has fucked many of her coworkers over the years. The first year, even though we worked together in the same military unit, and she was fucking [black fwiw] coworkers of both of us, I was completely oblivious because I didn't have a shred of suspicion that she was a slut.

After we opened our relationship, she would openly fuck one or two guys, but carried on many other fuckbuddy relationships in the military that she hid. I'm ashamed (not really) to admit that I was aware of these other guys because I was an insecure 20-something cuckold, and I snooped her phone and got off on it.

The only one I feel really stupid about was a guy that worked for her at her first civilian job. She was manager for a small location of a larger company, and it was just her, and a rotation of two employees, that worked under her. So it would always be her and one of the other two employees alone in the office.

One of the employees was a 30ish married chick (who turned out to also be an undercover bbc slut, but it has nothing to do with this story), and the other was a 19-20ish black kid (she was 29), fairly tall, in shape, well built,.etc... For whatever dumbass reason, even though they often spent entire days alone together, even though she suddenly had to work late all the time, and even though she had already been steadily fucking bbc's, LOTS of bbc's, for ten years straight, I had no fucking idea. I actually thought that she wouldn't risk her job to fuck some kid a year out of high school, I guess.

I even found a text that read " really enjoyed round 1 today. can't wait for round 2 tomorrow". And when I called her out on it, she told me that he was talking about playing darts in their break room. AND I BOUGHT IT.

I talked to her years later about it when she was semi-***** and she said, "of course I was fucking him. we fucked almost every day."

She usually ends up telling me about shit she did like 10 years later, so it's usually just a turn-on. Smart. And it makes me wonder what she's up to now.
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I made it clear before I married my current hubby that I'm not going to stop seeing other men as I knew by then that he's not able to give me sexually what I needed. So a couple months into the marriage I informed him that I'm going on a date and staying the night. So he wasn't oblivious but he might've still be deluding himself until then so he took it pretty hard at the beginning
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Those are hot stories. I still think my senior citizen wife is fucking other guys because I can’t satisfy her. I need to check her over when she goes on those shopping trips and is gone for hours and comes home with nothing. I play golf every weekday and am gone for 4-5 hours but have never come home or checked on her. She is still good fucking and enjoys sex. Some times when I call it goes to voice mail. She said her phone was on silent and in her purse. I think some guy(s) are in her pussy.
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Hawkdoctor said:
Those are hot stories. I still think my senior citizen wife is fucking other guys because I can’t satisfy her. I need to check her over when she goes on those shopping trips and is gone for hours and comes home with nothing. I play golf every weekday and am gone for 4-5 hours but have never come home or checked on her. She is still good fucking and enjoys sex. Some times when I call it goes to voice mail. She said her phone was on silent and in her purse. I think some guy(s) are in her pussy.
Hot, sounds like she's having the time of her life.

Good for her.
Sandy Row said:
Hot, sounds like she's having the time of her life.

Good for her.
I think some other men are having the time of their lives too.
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It's a shame that people fight so much over sex.
It's just not worth the jealousy, hard feelings, and stress.

I don't intend to disrespect marriage as it is traditionally defined; as matter of fact, I wish the world was indeed the kid of place where monogamous marriages were respected by all.
But reality is entirely different.
Both husbands and wives are often (if not constantly) tempted, sometimes pressured, by people outside the marriage to stray.

I think it's much better if agreements can be made that can be honored by both spouses.
Most wives aren't going to go fuck 100 different men in a month, but if they have the freedom to make that decision knowing it will be respected, life should be better for all. And relationships can be built over time that enhance love, trust, respect between the couple and 'friends'.

And a husband doesn't necessarily have to be a cuckold under these conditions. Of course, he can choose that lifestyle if it's appealing and sexually fulfilling, but he should have that same freedom to make his own decision rather than having it ****** on him.

These are just my opinions, and I realize it's not the same for everyone.
But it worked very well for my wife and I.
The ONLY regret I have is I never got to watch or possibly participate. But that's just my selfish pleasures.
And if that's the way she wants it for maximum pleasure and enjoyment, it's a sacrifice I must make.
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Hawkdoctor said:
I think some other men are having the time of their lives too.
Of coirse but she is the only one of any importance in this scenario, therefore the only one worthy of commenting on.
Sandy Row said:
Of coirse but she is the only one of any importance in this scenario, therefore the only one worthy of commenting on.
Why do you say that? Aren’t I important. I do want her satisfied but don’t want her being a senior citizen *****. Or at least tell me.
Hawkdoctor said:
Why do you say that? Aren’t I important. I do want her satisfied but don’t want her being a senior citizen *****. Or at least tell me.
Sorry not sure what the asterisked out part means.

Of course you are important in the marital sense,it's always you she comes home to, but in terms of her affairs she is basically using them for her own needs and she is getting what she desires from them so she is the important one .

That's why I say ,good for her and congrats to you both.
Sandy Row said:
Sorry not sure what the asterisked out part means.

Of course you are important in the marital sense,it's always you she comes home to, but in terms of her affairs she is basically using them for her own needs and she is getting what she desires from them so she is the important one .

That's why I say ,good for her and congrats to you both.
******** was senior citizen w h o r e.
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Sandy Row said:
Sorry not sure what the asterisked out part means.

Sandy Row said:
Sorry not sure what the asterisked out part means.
Since the last update to this site, it added a censor that filters out certain words.
If you're lucky, you may be able to tell what the word is by reading the entire sentence or paragraph.
Otherwise, it's a mild irritant.
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Hawkdoctor said:
******** was senior citizen w h o r e.
Thank you for the education.

I meant no slight on you but still maintain the wife is the most important one in a wife sharing dynamic, or even if it's just her having affairs without sharing the details with her husband, which is the case with me.
People forget it's only sex, it's physical. It has nothing to do with love. Love is emotional.

Don't think the species got to where we are by sex only happening on an emotional level.
Sandy Row said:
Thank you for the education.

I meant no slight on you but still maintain the wife is the most important one in a wife sharing dynamic, or even if it's just her having affairs without sharing the details with her husband, which is the case with me.
I should question her? I’d love to watch her with other men, maybe a three-some, but I want her to be up front about it. I can still help her orgasm but almost never during intercourse because I can’t last. I’m sure she wants more.
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2wheel said:
People forget it's only sex, it's physical. It has nothing to do with love. Love is emotional.

Don't think the species got to where we are by sex only happening on an emotional level.
It can be both. In my case I've seen text/email exchanges between my wife and her boyfriend. She tells him how special he is to her and how deep she feels their connection is. How she confides in him like nobody else. I also have heard her say "I love you" to him in the recordings after they meet to fuck. She has told me that he has, more than once, told her that he wants her to leave me and marry him so they can be together.
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Sandy Row said:
Sorry not sure what the asterisked out part means.

Of course you are important in the marital sense,it's always you she comes home to, but in terms of her affairs she is basically using them for her own needs and she is getting what she desires from them so she is the important one .

That's why I say ,good for her and congrats to you both.
Appreciate all your feedback. I do want her to be satisfied and I may not be coming through. I do know if I took her to a motel bar during happy hour she would get picked up quickly. Still looks good for a senior citizen. lol
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Hawkdoctor said:
Appreciate all your feedback. I do want her to be satisfied and I may not be coming through. I do know if I took her to a motel bar during happy hour she would get picked up quickly. Still looks good for a senior citizen. lol
Excellent,awesome she is still sexy, hot, and desirable.

I love that older women look after themselves and are still lusted after by men of all ages.

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