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Honeymoon Cuckold Part II

  • Thread startergcannon
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Beloved Member
Feb 24, 2006
We got up the next morning and took a shower together. Soaping her big tits and feeling her wet soapy body was the most erotic thing I had ever done. I pushed her up against the shower wall and got my dick inside her. She started screaming, "Oh yes ...oh yes, do it," and this time I was able to last a little over a minute. She turned around and smiled at me, told me it was nice and we finished showering. I felt as is I was in a dream, I could not have imagined a more perfect time in my life, Karen was the sexiest woman I had ever met and now I was showering with her, fucking her.

We ran into Jack at breakfast and Karen invited him to join us. I didn't mind this time since I had finally had sex with Karen, not once but twice. He tried to refuse, saying he didn't want to intrude on our honeymoon, but Karen insisted. After he sat down, Karen and he were almost in their own world, leaving me out of most of the conversation. I could still see Jack trying to glance at Karen's tits every now and then. I liked it that he wanted what I had.

Karen and I spent the day at the beach just relaxing, after we got back to our room we showered, separately this time, and went to town to shop and then have dinner. It was like this for two days, sex and beach and dining and more sex. I was getting to where I could last for almost two minutes.

Fate then started to rear its ugly head, and a series of events were set into motion that changed my entire life. I was getting drinks at the resort pool and I overheard a couple talking about a nude beach. I knew I had to get Karen to go there, to show the whole world I had a sexy gorgeous wife. I walked back to where she was sitting and I asked her if she felt adventurous. She giggled and asked what I had in mind. I told her what I had overheard and she was a little skeptical at first, but eventually warmed up to the idea. She agreed it would be adventurous.

We had a little trouble locating the nude beach area but eventually we got there. There weren't many people about and as we walked from the parking lot we saw a topless woman. Her mannerism was so natural it made us feel relaxed. We walked to find a spot to lay down our blanket and saw a nude couple. They were both much older and were laying on their stomachs when I saw Karen staring at his naked flabby butt. I kidded her about it and she laughed it off.

As we walked to find a good spot we saw many more nude and semi-nude couples along the way. We eventually found a spot and spread our blanket in the sand. I was the first to brave this new territory and take off my suit. Karen smiled at me, and reached back to undo her top, leaving her bottoms on as she had put on a thong bikini we had bought at the resort shop. We both thought it was nice, and were surprised at how comfortable we both were being nude. We got up and checked out the water and I enjoyed the stare Karen's tits were getting from the other men.

As we walked back to our blanket, that man with the flabby butt got up, and I saw Karen looking directly at his penis. He was fairly large, nice and thick with a large purple head. It was hard for her to notice him staring at her tits since she was staring directly at his cock. I saw a look on her face that I had never seen before, as if she looked troubled or confused. Eventually more and more people showed up and Karen was looking at more cocks than she had ever seen in her entire life. Young cocks, old cocks, fat cocks, long skinny cocks, all shapes and sizes when it finally hit me. All of them, every single one was noticeably larger than mine. I guess deep down I knew I was small, it had just never mattered before, but I got a sick feeling in my stomach that Karen was taking notice.

I looked down at my penis, and noticed how it was just a little nub, barely protruding from my pubic hair. I looked around and saw all the other men with cocks that hung, and flopped around as they walked. Most were average in size but all larger than me. Suddenly my mind was back to my high school gym class, and how I would try and hide from all the other guys because they were all bigger than me. All these years I had repressed those memories.

Just as I was trying to calm myself down, trying to get a grip on myself that what Karen and I had was deeper than the size of my cock, I looked over at her to see her jaw drop and her eyes staring directly at a large black man with a huge cock. His cock was flopping all over as he walked, and he quickly noticed Karen's tits and smiled as he walked by, Karen's eyes following him the whole way. I felt sick, as he walked away she looked down at my cock, and I thought I heard a sigh, but she kissed me and said she wanted to rest a bit and she laid her head down. I did the same, trying to convince myself that I was making something out of nothing, but that sick feeling in my stomach would not go away.

We were nodding in and out when all of a sudden we heard this voice, "Hello there." We both sat up and looked, I couldn't believe it, there, three feet in front of us, Jack was standing naked with the largest cock I have ever seen. It was huge, hanging way past his balls, and so thick. He wasn't circumcised either. Karen had that look in her eyes again. She was a little out of sorts, running into someone she knew, albeit just recently, while topless. But she quickly composed herself and stood up, almost laughing about the fact we were all naked. She was happy so see him though and kept on touching his arm as they talked. I noticed her looking down at his cock every time he looked away and that sick feeling got worse.

I finally got up and shook his hand, made the usual small talk about "Funny running into you here," but then I saw him look down at my dick, and something happened, it was in his mannerism, his demeanor, but something changed when he saw that Karen had a little dick husband. Karen and Jack quickly and easily started talking and laughing, Karen's comfortableness around this man was making me a little jealous now, especially now that he had a cock the size of a small horse.

They were still talking and I was almost in a trance with a sick feeling in my stomach when Karen turned to me and said, "Honey, we are going to check out the water, we'll be right back," and they turned and walked away. I just stood and stared at my topless wife and a naked old man with a horse cock walk away together. I watched as they frolicked in the water, laughing, swimming, and talking. Jack was glancing at her tits and Karen was still glancing at his cock every chance she got. They were in the water just standing and talking, when I saw her put her hands into the bottoms of her bikini and push them down, bending over to remove them from her ankles. She held them high in the air, her hands outstretched and I could almost hear her say, "Ta Da," as she ******* her pussy to Jack.

The last couple of days were like a dream to me, I finally had sex with the woman I loved and adored after two years of lust and adoration. Suddenly I was frantic that all that was going to change. A part of me was fighting to say that nothing has changed, she is still my wife, she loves me and would never ever leave me over a sexual issue. There is just something about her and Jack together that now makes me nervous.

I watched them as they walked out of the water toward me, naked, her bikini bottom in her hand. Her tits and his cock were flopping around with each step. Their arms bumping each other, almost like they were holding hands. She smiled at me when they got to our blanket and I felt a sense of relief when she sat down next to me. Then she said, "Honey I hope you don't mind I took my bottom off, Jack said it wasn't fair that you two were naked and I wasn't." I replied that it was fine and she leaned into me, kissed me, and I was slowly returning to normal. Jack was kneeling down a foot or so away from Karen's feet and she noticed how wet he was and told him he could use her towel. She pointed to it and he leaned across her lower legs to reach for it and I saw his cock brush up against her calf. She felt it, and tensed up. He grabbed the towel but then he dropped it and his cock was resting on her calf as he picked it up. When he was back to kneeling next to her, her eyes were on his cock and I saw her shift herself causing her to spread her legs to ****** her pussy to Jack.

My mind was a roller coaster of emotions. Was I being paranoid? Why was this mans penis on my wife's leg? Why is she so comfortable with him, naked with him? Then Jack said that he had to go, and I felt a sense of relief that maybe we could get back to our honeymoon. But Karen wouldn't let go, she invited him to our suite for cocktails, he again refused, not wanting to intrude on our honeymoon, but she insisted, she even got me to insist with one look from her. He finally agreed and then it happened, she got up and hugged him goodbye. I watched as they hugged, naked, her tits pressing against his hairy chest, his cock pressing up against the V formed by her pussy and thighs. His hand went around her back, as he pulled her tighter. Then I couldn't believe it, she kissed him on the lips, it was just a little peck and it looked like it even caught him by surprise. Then I watched as they let go, his hand slid lower, and I saw his fingers slide along her ass as he let go.

Karen sat down by me, like nothing was wrong, and I couldn't help it, I had to say something, "Karen, what the hell is going on?"
"What do you mean, what are you talking about?" she replied
"Karen you just hugged and KISSED a naked man, a stranger until a few days ago."
She thought about it and replied, "Oh honey, he's just so nice, I like him, you cant possibly be jealous, I mean I just married you a few days ago, and he's so old, I think you should just relax."

More to follow....another pic of how I imagine Karen


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