Mexican Wife, you are totally hot. You have the body, the skin tone, the overall sexiness that we all seek. I don't care if you take black cock or any other cock, you are incredibly hot. Personally, I could just look at you as you are. I wish that we could all see the face, because if your face was 1/8th of what we have seen so far, you are gorgeous. You have the body of a dancer, athletic and sexy. It wouldn't surprise me at all if you have danced in the past, if not the present.
Just a question though, if you really have fantasies about black men, then why come to this site? Surely since you are as fantastic as you are, you should have no problems meeting men. I'm not exactly sure why you would come to this site and post pictures obviously taken by your husband, claim fantasies concerning black men, and have problems acting on them in real life. Someone of your physical attributes should be able to have anyone that you want, at anytime. Once you get over your trepidation and act on one of your fantasies, please share it with the rest of us.