Thanks very much! Am from the north but get to london once a month on business and would love to hook up woth guys while down there. Normally stay at Ibis hotel in Euston. Maybe seeyou there!
Thanks guys and I agree would love to be owth and see myself with trying my best but need some guys here in the UK to help me out with that as it looks like I should be in the states!
Anyway guys tahnks again and hope to hear from soem UK guys aswell....maybe then canpost some pics more suited to the cavern
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Still looking guys so let me know, am from north but can really only meet down in London, surely has to be guys who can help down tehre and make it happen this year!!!
Well Sara, hope you got my email. As i said 2007 is gonna be a good year for you as am going to be providing you with all the black cock you'll need. So holla back