I'm back, but sad
I'm back. I caught the flu when I was there so I have been in bed sick. We are getting back into the swing of things so you should hear more from me. I was unsuccessful in finding Black dick, at least what I wanted. My husband and I have been talking a lot about the trip and things that went on. The only opportunities I had were limited and my husband said I wasn't direct enough about what I wanted so the hint wasn't getting through. It was exciting being out there solo and knowing if Mr. Right popped up I could have done anything I wanted. Seeing how disappointed my husband truly is let's me know he really does want me to be fucked so I am even more determined now. I have another trip the first part of February, in New Orleans. I have a female friend there that is Black exclusive. She has promised to set me up with some fine "Brothas" as she puts it. I know I can count on her to find me the perfect man, or two.
How many men here are from South Eastern Washington State (if you have to ask where that is then you probably aren’t close enough to even worry about it)? It would be nice to find a hot stud that is local so I don't have to fly all over the place just to get Black dick!
I have missed all my studs from Yahoo, I might be on for a little while tonight so check around 9:30 my time, PST. I have been horney thinking about fucking on camera for one of my special boys!