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Help!! - Cuckold pregnancy question!

  • Thread startermakemyday_1
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Beloved Member
Sep 13, 2008
Hi - i have read this board for a long time but never posted until now and was hoping for some advice, good bad or indifferent.

My dilemma is that i have not gotten my wife pregnant in 9 months and she is desperate for a baby. When i suggested one night after a few drinks that would should get another guy to knock her up, i was blown away when she said alright let's do it!

It's always been a fantasy of mine to watch another guy sort her out but this is scary - in 3 days time we have booked in - both the hotel room and the guy she picked from a shortlist, and is ready to ride him bareback on the day before her ovulation.

I however am undecided, whether to put myself on a sex ban and leave it to him to do the deed and wait and see whether she gets preganant or do the deed before and after her shag with the other guy to give myself a fighting chance of being the baby's biological father. After researching 'soldier sperm' that kill the other mans sperm in the womb, she was reluctant to decide whether i should have a go at her as well as him. She said it would be my choice and that would be final.

The problem is that i cant stop thinking about her shagging him graphically and i'm releasing way too much semen to even compete through excitement. Either I stop now, drink gallons of water, take truckloads of Vitamin C and Zinc and let her have every drop I've got before she sleeps with him or I continue watching filth imagining that's her getting knocked up by another guy with a massive creampie..................

If I pull out of the race and she get's Pregnant - it will certainly be his kid. If I compete - I'll have to wait 9 agonising months with the thought that it may not be mine.

I'd love to have my own kid but I have yet to knock her up after 9 attempts. Even after a successful sperm motility result, the Gyno said next step in 2009 will be IVF which will cost me money i havent even earnt yet.

If it's his kid - we will be sweet with the situation, but I wonder if i'll ever regret not competing?????????

Any ideas or suggestions welcome here. I havent got a frikkin clue what to do!


Regards Tojo
Just let another guy knock her up... i mean as long as your gonna love the kid regardless. Both you and him fucking her doesn't sound like that good of an idea, i mean for me, not knowing for sure who the father is would probably be the worst of the whole situation. Just my opinion

well fuck her all day and fill her pussy up before she goes out and fucks i think you might feel beter about it.
Fuck her silly

Before, during and afterwards. That way, there'll always be the chance its yours. Then, Love it so much it hurts, and I guarantee it'll be yours. It's not who plants the seed, it's who tends the garden.
The day before, and the day after ( if you can resist going for "sloppy seconds" on the night. Then if she does fall pregnant the odds that it is your child will be greater. It may be like many couples that adopt and then end up making their own child when the pressure has been taken off of them.

Good luck with your adventure. I am not sure why you feel that you would HAVE to know who is the biological father if it will not make any difference.
Unfortunately - due to the excitement - i pulled outta the race.

AS we speak at this very moment - she is going at it with him - I am shaking like a leaf and have a massive heart rate. I left her at the room and i saw him in the lift when i left. I now have to wait about 2 hours until i get the text to come back when he leaves.

I recommened to any one that tries this first time to get blotto. IT's more nervous than a professional football debut in front of 40000 people - beleive me!

I've done both and this is worse - faaark - if i know how i will feel tomorrow but she looked incredible and i love her with all my heart.

Will have to post some pics here.

Thanks to everyone who took time to reply - God bless and merry XMAS - I'm going to the pub.

To think that all this time - i read this site - I never imagined I'd be officially a cuckold - well - it's now official. The big man is done!

Now for the Camcorder view tonight and a pending pregnancy test - IM SHIIIIITTTTINNG myself!

Cheers Tojo.
Yes, it's emotional, but know that she will come back to you. The sex is not the important thing, it's the emotional ties.

Keep the faith, and TRY to enjoy the ride.
Way To Go Make My Day 1

Well the deed is done and his seeds are on the run. I can share your excitement and there is NOTHING as hot as your wife getting fucked. Now i know in your case you are looking at the chance of her getting knocked up and that is totally your personal jitters. I hope you told her how much you love her for taking this step for you and how it shook you up. For the sake of knowing did your dick get hard knowing he was screwing your wife and that he was going to shoot at her egg? Please get her feelings on her excitement and please share that with us as well. Please hurry with the photos.Comgratulations and i hope you both got your day made as we already know that you got your WIFE made. Merry Christmas okdeacon :eek::p:D
Welcome to the club! It's larger than you think.
Your wife, having experienced mind-blowing sex will look forward to more similar experiences, and you will get used to the emotions!
She will always come back to you - YOU are her safe place!
Again, congratulations. Keep on posting. It only gets better!
It would be nice if he could become a frequent lover right throughout the pregnancy and beyond, so that he bonds (and becomes friends) with you both. You would be better to wear condoms, and her lover to ride bareback always, so as to provide a number of children (by same father) within a reasonable time. Some men in your situation, choose to have a vasectomy, so there will never be any guesswork to stress you out.
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My wife made a shirt to wear. And she wore it EVERYWHERE!!

It simply stated "Not My Husband's" and an arrow that pointed down to her bulge as it got bigger.

It was GREAT!!
Husband's really have no idea ....if they put a baby in their wives.
Sorry guys....but we do have a lot of spare time when you go to work. We do like to plan a pregnancy and when your sperm doesnt cooperate the its up to us to make it happen. I got tired of waiting for my husband to not work overtime during my fertile time. So between Jeff and my Husband...one of the guys would make me pregnant. Jeff lived just over the other street, we met at a neighborhood block party. We became friends and then after a year or so we are more than friends. we keep it simple....
I enjoyed sex with jeff after my husband went to work. lots of free time and relaxing moment between us. Jeff never knew that I was using his sperm. Before I wanted to get pregnant jeff and me would have our sex fun so I made sure no baby would be conceived from that. But then when I decided to have a baby I made sure I was with him during my fertiel time and made sure my husband and me had sex too. Very interesting time....it worked. I got pregnant and dont care who the father is.
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Marriage should be about unconditional love for each other, which means that even if wifey gets pregnant to a lover, hubby will instantly forgive her. If he won't forgive, then his love is "conditional Love" to a set of rules (which is not true love at all).

A wife knows when her body is ready for a baby to be made inside her - hubby has to make his sperm available to her when she needs it. I approve of what Terryforsex has done, because timing is important at the fertile time.

Divorce is a good example of conditional love, broken rules and no forgiveness. It is human to make mistakes, women are not robots controlled by others.
Hm.... you may have made the wrong choice. But, how's it going?


makemyday_1 said:
My dilemma is that I have not gotten my wife pregnant in 9 months and she is desperate for a baby. When I suggested one night after a few drinks that we should get another guy to knock her up, I was blown away when she said, "Alright, let's do it!"

Jeez.... I can see where you might have thought, "Hm.... couldn't she have at least *pretended* to think carefully about it...?"

makemyday_1 said:
It's always been a fantasy of mine to watch another guy sort her out but this is scary - in 3 days time we have booked both the hotel room and the guy she picked from a shortlist, and she's ready to ride him bareback on the day before her ovulation.

That was quick. Sounds like you had a "long-list" of possible candidates for this task that you and your wife were able to narrow down rapidly. Former teammates, maybe...?

makemyday_1 said:
I, however, am undecided whether to put myself on a sex ban and leave it to him to do the deed and wait and see whether she gets pregnant, or do the deed before and after her shag with the other guy to give myself a fighting chance of being the baby's biological father.

Pursuing the "fighting chance" option would have been best for you, your wife, and any resulting child. To see this, I suggest checking out from a library or purchasing a copy of:

Baker, Robin, Ph.D. 1996. Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex. BasicBooks, 319 pp.

and reading it cover-to-cover. It's a fascinating, well-written and easy-to-read "science for the layperson" book that sheds valuable light and a lot of it on man/woman (or, if you prefer, woman/man) relationships vis-a-vis insemination and conception. This is an invaluable book for couples grappling with the problem of pregnancy, as well as for men who feel "they will never understand women" as well as men who feel, rightly or wrongly, "they understand women reasonably well." It is also, of course, an equally valuable book for women. Good-used copies are available through (e.g.) Amazon.com.

makemyday_1 said:
.... If I compete, I'll have to wait 9 agonizing months with the thought that it may not be mine.

Had you chosen to compete, after childbirth there's a good chance you still would not know whether the child was sired by you or the man you engaged to fuck your wife.... unless, of course, he's racially different from both you and your wife. If all 3 of you are racially the same, you would probably have to use a DNA-based paternity test to answer this question with confidence.

makemyday_1 said:
I'd love to have my own kid but I have yet to knock her up after 9 attempts. Even after a successful sperm motility result, the Gyno said next step in 2009 will be IVF which will cost me money I haven't even earned yet. If it's his kid we will be sweet with the situation, but I wonder if I'll ever regret not competing? Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome. I haven't a frikkin' clue what to do! Regards — Tojo

In Scene 19, "Fair Exchange," pp. 130 to 136 in Chapt. 7, "Shopping Around for Genes," Baker (in his book, above) shows that an apparently-infertile couple may conceive if *both* the husband with healthy sperm (as yours is, I gather) and another man with healthy sperm fuck the wife more-or-less at the same time — or alternately in succession during a time period when the wife is fertile — assuming, of course, she is fertile. To see how this works, I suggest both you and your wife read Baker's book.

Briefly, the result would be a "sperm war" within your wife which you would have had a good chance of winning if you are a "sperm war specialist." If, on the other hand, the man you engaged to fuck your wife is a "sperm war specialist" and you are not, most likely his sperm would win and the resulting child would be his.

Again abbreviating Baker greatly, this seemingly-confusing result can happen if the "sperm war specialist" husband's (i.e., your) sperm includes such a high preponderance of "killer sperm" that they kill off your own "egg getter" sperm when you fuck your wife under normal monogamous circumstances. The result is non-fertilization of your wife. Placed, however, in the position of having to compete with the sperm of another man (whom you engaged to fuck your wife), the "sperm war specialist" husband's (your) "killer sperm" may do their job effectively and kill off the "egg getter sperm" of the competing man. The result may then be fertilization of your wife by her "sperm war specialist" husband's sperm (yours).

If, however, the man you engaged to fuck your wife is a "sperm war specialist" himself, and you are as well, then which of you "won" the ensuing sperm war would have been a tossup, persumably. If, on the other hand, the man you engaged to fuck your wife was a "sperm war specialist" and you are not, then most likely he would have sired the resulting child, as noted above.

This is the reason I said, "Pursuing the 'fighting chance' option would have been best for you, your wife, and any resulting child." But I guess all that is now in the past.

If your and your wife's chosen strategy succeeded, she should now be about 6 months pregnant. I, and I imagine many others, would be interested in hearing how she's doing — and, if she gives birth successfully, who the father of her child is.

Good luck! And best wishes to both of you—

Hi Ms. Terryforsex,

terryforsex said:
Husband's really have no idea ....if they put a baby in their wives. Sorry guys....but we do have a lot of spare time when you go to work. ....etc.

Thanks for making this point. You have it right.

Interesting thread, whether real or fantasy.
With the anonymity of a message board... I feel comfortable sharing a secret that only two people in the entire world know, and it's very real.

About 5 years ago, a dear female friend of mine was trying to get pregnant (she has a kid from a previous boyfriend, but had since married someone else). They tried for months, and months with no results. Finally her husband had a sperm test, and the results were not great, odds not in favor of her getting preg., they made some suggestions of what might help. Still, no luck.

She confided in me the entire time, how frustrating it was, how much it hurt him that he couldn't get her pregnant, so much so that after a while he had trouble even having sex with her because the thoughts of "what is the point" ran through his head. It was ruining their marriage. They began to talk about artificial insemination, went through the process, doctor's evaluations, etc.... when one day she came to me and asked if I'd consider "helping" her get preg.
Her theory was that if she was going to basically use someone else's sperm, that it may as well be someone she knows, trusts, etc., and get preg 'naturally' vs having all the doctors involved.

We talked about it for about 3-4 months before coming to the decision that I would do it for her. She told her hubby that she wanted to think about artificial insemination for another few weeks, and in the mean time they should continue to try. Over about two months, she had sex with both of us. I would meet her during the day while her hubby was at work and we would make love every chance we got, each time cumming inside her.

A short time after that, she told me that she finally got preg. To this day, we still do not know (and never plan to) who is the actual father. It really does not matter, they are happy together and love eachother dearly & unconditionally... I simply helped her achieve the goal of pregnancy. Whether I actually fathered the child, or just let her take some pressure off him so he could actually do the deed.... we'll never know.
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