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Hardcore Fucking 12-even More Of The Horizontal "bop"............full

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Reactions: Boston Wife
  • #125
sorry for the late posting.... these weekends always kill me.....every sat momma wants to go to these small town things they have...a while back was the peach festival... liked it.... peach ice cream....fresh peach cobbler.... last weekend we went o a Cherokee Indian thing... damned if she didn't buy some handcarved wooden bowls... for what?... the grape/wine one is coming up?... last 2 years in a row she got laid there!... even dresses a little differently for that one.... not sure if it is the wine or the large number of blacks that live there!
anyway after spending about 15 hours a day on a computer for work/play look forward to being outside on the weekend....get home wore out and remember I didn't post yet.... sunday always work in the yard... I have 2 acres... couldn't mow today so many tree limbs everywhere... finally gave up after about 2 trailer loads to the creek and came in and now posting...

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