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  • Thread starterspecialman
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Talking to her regularly will help you both get over your marriage breakdown - otherwise, things are still up in the air, and neither of you can can move onto new adventures.

Because you loved her very deeply for a long time, it will be hard to skate away out of her life. I think it will be very difficult for you to go out of Isabella's life, even though you should.

I think you will miss Isabella like crazy, and one part of you will want to pretend that the clock of life can be turned back as though the bad stuff never happened.

Another guy would be a thousand miles away already, and would be saying, "Candice? Isabella? No, man, I never heard those names before." But you are much softer than that sort of guy, so you haven't run off yet.
I've been half through this long time ago, and I must say I was an idiot back then, and only 25. The only difference - I wasn't legally married.

For those who don't have a clear idea what divorce means in North America, here's one in a nutshell: the woman ends up taking everything, regardless who's fault that was.

As someone pointed out, cuckoldry is a very - VERY! - dangerous game to play. It can leave scars, big traumas and, here - unwanted newborns.
As any other kid, offsprings from a cuckold relationship have never been asked if they wanted to be brought into this world in the first place. Lots of "normal" parents haven't got a f*cking clue about how to raise their kids, let alone those in already dysfunctional marriages who get off at the idea of their wives carrying someone else's baby.

Really... would you still get a boner while changing shitty diapers on someone else's baby, carried by your wife? All this while your "for good and for bad" missus crashes her lipstick into that guy's dick? Can you look me in the eye and honestly admit that this is your purpose in life?
(NOTE: this is a generic rant. I am not referring to anyone in particular.)

I expect 90 per cent of the answers to be "no". And these being said, I will go as far as to postulate the following: if getting pregnant, giving birth and upbringing is your ultimate sexual fantasy, go shoot yourself a few times and make sure to fall into a volcano on your way to dropping dead. Do us all a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. Because you clearly don't have a clue about what kind of responsibility a kid involves and you're definitely not fit to be a parent. As a matter of fact you'd be a danger to your own kids and it's highly doubtful that you'd be able to give them any education.

Moreover, take a minute and put yourself into that kid's shoes. Live their life for a minute and ask yourself - "Would this be a good life? One I would like to live?"

Mankind is divided into two big categories of mistakes. The first happens when a man's balls are full and he stops thinking, because he needs to empty them. No matter what. The second happens as a consequence - a woman's womb is now full and her brains stop functioning, because nature kicks in and blocks any possible "harm" that might happen to her offspring, and the thoughts thereof.

As long as these keep happening (and remember, the first fuels the second) we're likely to run again into such stories. Because this is not only a matter of divorce, it's also a matter of someone's life (the kid's, that is) that has to take one direction or another. And right now it's going nowhere.

The jerk that knocked your wife up, specialman - that guy has played both you and your wife big time. But still, he isn't to be blamed... after all you can't blame a seed for growing if you're giving it proper soil and lots of water. Which you did.

If I were you, I'd say - ok, I'm left with two options. Either I'd put a really good distance between me and my wife, accepting my part of the guilt and being ready to carry this with me for the rest of my life,
step in as a mature adult, understand that there's a kid we're talking about and seriously thinking about this kid's best interest. Because, remember, the kid hasn't done anything wrong. It's not his or her fault (her, as I take it from the story) that she got to see this world. Which world, by the way, seems to get sicker by the day.

I don't know what else to say. I will only add that like you, I've had my share of times that I wish could be turned back and lived in a totally different way. However, even now, raising an adopted kid (which by all means is NO fruit of a cuckold relationship but part of my wife's past), I swear to God I've never had a single thought connecting her child to my sexual fantasies.
Oh, one more thing.

I am really baffled. Almost nobody that commented on this tread really gave a dime about that kid. All everyone cared about was things - material things, that is, costs of divorce and/or upbringing and shit alike.

I think I'm beginning to loose my faith in humanity.

sympa2 said:
Oh, one more thing.
I think I'm beginning to loose my faith in humanity.


I cannot understand your views.

Before we got married my wife had a bad reputation as a slut, A black guy would only have to look at her and she would be on her back opening her legs.

I knew this and still wanted to marry her.
She went off to Kingston JA with some of her girl friends, whether it was the heat,Drink or something else her BC failed and she ended up Pregnant.

When she returned she told me she was pregnant, didn't know who the father was, she continued with her life style and we anticipated our forthcoming marriage.

As the Wedding day approached she was showing more and more and as we walked down the aisle she had only a few weeks left.

But for whatever the reason she gave birth early and had a coal black boy.

When the registrar asked the fathers name, she chose to have "UNKNOWN" entered.

Over the years she had another child a boy, I continued to play the Fathers role and attended most of the School functions for them, My Wife is a good mother and tries to do her bit when she is not going out.

I have supported her and have done all the usual cuck things for her.

She is demanding, dismissive of me and most times she treats me like crap, humiliating me when she feels like it.

Giving her time to her lovers, she has expected me to give her support when she has fallen in love and they have dumped her, I have never let her down and been there however nasty she was.

Looking back over the years I still love my Wife, I have watched as her body change with every pregnancy, she now has droopy boobs, a big ass and looks the worse for wear.

I knew what she was like before we married, years later she is still a slut opening her legs easily.

I would not change my life or her and expect to be together in our way until the end.

I knew what I was getting so cannot complain, life is what you make it.:eek:
I can only hope this won't transform into a flame.
I haven't had a bad childhood, not at all. However, as the parent I am now I totally disagree with children brought into this world "just because", without knowing their real parents and so on.
Chances are big that kids might end really messed up because they see or guess wrong things happening to their parents. And as they grow up, "where does mommy go at night" turns into "mom's a *****, and you're a wimp, don't tell me I cannot get banged and knocked up too cause I won't listen to you anyways."
And don't tell me that cuckolding-resulted kids live in marriages so perfect that they get the right education. Seas can be calm but deep down there's a big fish waiting to bite.
Perhaps you're the exception. I don't know. For now I still stick with what I've said: nobody on this tread gave a sh@# about the kid. Even you, yourself, are talking more about wife vs. you vs. wife vs. other men, than about your kids.
Sorry folks. A kid is a kid and they end up replicating whatever they see in their caregivers / guardians, the first models to look up to. Children are only half the lottery everyone brags about. The other half is what we care (or not) to pour in their little minds.
And again, as a parent, there are a lot of nights when I go to bed asking myself, "what have I done today for my kid?". Cause I don't believe in divine judgment. But I know for sure that the ones who will judge us later will be these kids themselves.

And yes, life is what you make it. But that's YOUR life. Don't play God and make what you want out of children's lives too.


sympa2 said:
Mankind is divided into two big categories of mistakes. The first happens when a man's balls are full and he stops thinking, because he needs to empty them. No matter what. The second happens as a consequence - a woman's womb is now full and her brains stop functioning, because nature kicks in and blocks any possible "harm" that might happen to her offspring, and the thoughts thereof.

Awright. I like it. Many would argue, of course, the number of mistakes made by "mankind" on a daily basis is actually larger than two. But taking your assertion at face value, it's hard to resist pointing out that if the mistakes of mankind were rectified (no more fucking, no more pregnancies), the human species would be extinct in one generation.

I suppose pragmatists (as they're called) might say: "Hey, do you want the mistakes of mankind corrected or not? You pays your money and you makes your choices...."

But on a more serious note: Kyle aka Specialman wrote to this forum hoping to get some advice. So, what's your point?

About the kid

I only skimmed some of the posts, so maybe this has been covered. But in my mind, the reason no one mentioned the kid(I can at least tell you this is why I didn't mention it) is because special has no reason to give a shit. He's not keeping this woman, and it isn't his kid, so let her deal with it. Or make the sack of shit father do something about it. Either way, since he's not responsible, I see no reason he should burden himself in any way with a reminder of his betrayal.
The Pope has just confessed this week in public that he is deeply sorry for all the paedophiles amongst his merrry band of clergy in Australia who have been sodomising choir boys and other vulnerable teenagers. We know this has been going on for thousands of years. A hundred years ago, the Roman Catholic Church used to decide which choir boys would be castrated before puberty to keep their lovely voice tones. At puberty, a male's voice deepens, but castration keeps it more like a girl's voice forever.

The fact that the pope has spoken about it, shows how bad paedaphilia is in the Roman Catholic Church. It is obvious that large numbers of nuns/priests who have taken vows to not look at nakedness or practice masturbation, have been unable to keep their vows - desires of the flesh have overwhelmed them.

But let anyone without sin cast the first stone.

Sympa2, you are acting like a shithead - you say you have been through the cuckold experience, but I don't believe you.

Specialman has been trying to do the best by his wife and step-daughter, but he has been "literally shit on". No decent person could fault him for asking himself whether he can go on with his marriage? If he walks away, I would not blame him.

Sympa2, specialman has been open and honest and shared his true story. Very few people can open up their private life as much as this. I challenge you to do the same, to tell us your experience with absolutely EVERY detail *******. Do you have the testicles to do this so we can critique what happened to you. Or are you scared that we could all discover a fraility about you that you don't want anyone to know about?

The advice by many has mentioned money and stuff, because most posters care about what happens to specialman. They don't want the lover to destroy the marriage and grab all the property and abandon Isabella as well.

Specialman does not have custody rights for Isabella, so he can't just pick her up and take her away from the tiff between Bull and Cow. If he holds a "firm line", his wife may see that he is "real man" and sort herself out before he gets attached to a more exciting woman.

In the past hubby has played the part of a cuck and no one showed him any respect. Now he has a chance to stand tall and DEMAND A BETTER FUTURE. He is now the Rulemaker, and his wife will have to dance by his rules if she wants to stay inside the marriage and keep her robust lover. At the moment she is a mess and not seeing things straight - if she can't lift her game, it will be "all over Rover for her marriage". She is on her hands and knees begging forgiveness, but she does not sound sincere enough.
@Custer - my point is, I think that the desire of ending up pregnant as part of cucking should remain just a fantasy. because when one hits the hard reality fantasies aren't that enjoyable anymore. and hey - a metaphor is just a metaphor ("two categories of mistakes"...) and should be treated as such.

@Berenia - far from me to point fingers at Specialman and blame him for anything. I got it, he's the one that ended up hurt in this story and I feel for him.

want to open up my life? fine, here's one in a nutshell - got married and raised my wife's kid to find out that during our first years of marriage she kept on seeing the kid's father. all this, while I was at home babysitting. it took me papers filed for a divorce and eventually moving to another country to get myself, her and the kid past that. and to kick my wife in the butt, just to make her understand that she's a mother and she should act accordingly. the fact that being a cuckold (sometimes) still is a fantasy of mine, one that I cannot get her into very often, stays also. as weird as it looks, I don't mind her going with others as long as she doesn't get to see that jerk (the genetic father of my kid) again. and pregnancy is out of the question. but like they say, "a chacun sa chanson". you're free to believe what you want about me, also believe that I'm an ESL (English as a Second Language) and language finesses aren't my best skill. I use to say things as they come to my mind, and although I am aware that this may hurt people, in the long run I'd rather be who I am, instead of a "polite-hypocrite".

I may be old-school, although I'm only 35 - read: I still do believe in love. and I never said, "get Isabella outta there and leave the bitch to die alone". I wanted to suggest that if I were in his shoes I'd have a hard time choosing either to burn all the bridges behind me and get a new life, or step in, adopt the kid and love my wife. perhaps this is what everyone misunderstood for "acting like a shithead".

back where I come from, kids aren't such a big deal. some minorities even use them as ways to get income from the state, and/or send them out in the streets as little beggars just to get some more money. here, where I moved recently, kids are displayed on all posters and bragged about, praised and treated as "special people" (like a banner in my daughter's school says), but sadly this is just a facade. because at the end of the day nobody really cares, unless you're Mattel and are after the parents' wallets.
Dont Be Stupid!!!!

specialman said:
According to her, she has been stressed out since I left the apartment and they have begun having arguments. Mostly about that fact that she hasn't wanted to have sex in a little while. She says it made her realize that she was with him for all the wrong reasons. This really pissed me off, but I restrained myself because she was in such a fragile state at the time. I asked if "we" really meant anything since she so eagerly decided to leave me. She promised it was just a mistake. That is when I told her that I couldn't see myself back with her.

Special. Hang tough man she still does not give a shit about you. In another 3 to 5 months she will be but a bad memory for you. Find a lady that will be happy with your 4 to 5 incher and that will STAND BY YOU. There are many more out there than you think. You can not go back it just wont work with her EVER!!!!!! If the baby is not cared for properly turn her into DHS. The kids welfare is a very big concern, But its not your responsibilty. Get the FUCK OUT OF DODGE!!!!!!!! Best Wishes okdeacon:mad:

How are you doing? What's happening? We haven't heard from you since July 19....

Whoa... this is some seriously interesting stuff and also serves to show the dark side of what can happen when you're not extremely careful, or don't have the right foundation before you start.

Keep the faith brother, keep the faith. In the heat of the moment it's soooo easy to be angry, get dismissive to the thought of never taking her back, etc. But as time marches on, and those wounds begin to hurt just a little bit less, you may become more vulnerable to your wife's charms. You may begin to miss her just a little bit, may begin to agree to seeing her more often, etc... and at the end of that ride you may just find yourself back in the relationship you had no intention of getting back into. It's an old and familiar trap that has brought people back together for eternity. But the likelihood is this... If you do end up back, you'll also eventually end up back where this started, in a shitty position, being unfairly treated, etc. Leopards don't change their spots generally, no matter how badly they feel for having made a mistake. Besides, she wouldn't even be looking you up if Paul hadn't started acting like an asshole. Clearly you were the second choice and the fall back plan if her top choice didn't pan out. What you do deserve is to be someone's TOP choice, and then treated and respected as such. Your ex is just looking for an easy mark to make this all better now that her own personal top choice isn't treating her as she hoped. Don't fall for this crap Kyle. The mind is a tricky thing, and it can do all sorts of crazy things, like convince you to try again. DON'T EVER DO THIS!!! BE FREE! START OVER! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
See, this is where believability goes to die on this site. I actually kind of believe Engine9, because he's kept his story up way too long for it to be a simple stroke fantasy. People like this, however, get bored and stop posting. But if you notice, they don't stop coming to the site. Oh, they'll keep looking for stuff to jack it to, but they don't want to bother with coming up with an ending to the story.
Just read this facinating story for the first time, and have sent a pm, to specialman in case he checks his mailbox occasionally. I asked him if he and Candice and Isabella (the baby girl) are still together. I truly hope things are okay now. For a moment I felt an urge to adopt the little girl, but I suspose that is not possible.

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